The Guardian Deletes Bin Laden Letter After It Goes Viral on TikTok to – 104 points –

The Guardian removed a 21-year-old letter from Osama Bin Laden after a TikToker urged followers to read the al Qaeda leader's missive.


Always like reading things people tell me not to read, I've never read this before, so it was interesting to read.

I love the contradictions of how the American people are to blame as well because we elect our leaders but then he goes on to say that our leaders are bought by the Jews and elite. Make up your fucking mind, not like it matters anyway though.

Also, Satanic American Invention sounds like a great band/song name lol.

Or the fact that the US military was invited to Saudi Arabia to protect the nation and liberate Kuwait. If asked to leave they would. Mind you this was prior to the second Iraq war in which the US was decidedly not invited and had no legitimate reason to invade.

I mean, its not inconceivable that both of the two options we usually get have been bought by the same people. Check out publicly available public donations. Most companies donate equally to both American parties.

Yea I'm not denying that our politics are laden with money exchanging hands I'm saying that he's contradicting himself within a few lines of him saying one thing and then saying the other. Saying that we are responsible for electing them and the basically saying that we don't have any power in elections by way of the jews and the unimaginably rich is totally contradictory, which one is it?

Both can be true. I mean, candidates are bought by jewish and we don't have a choice but to vote one of them. It's worse not to vote them at all, atlhough it would be the right thing to do.

  1. We also advise you to stop supporting Israel, and to end your support of the Indians in Kashmir, the Russians against the Chechens and to also cease supporting the Manila Government against the Muslims in Southern Philippines.

Philippines mentioned šŸ‡µšŸ‡­

(The Manila government and Bangsamoro Muslims have since negotiated a treaty that gives them more regional autonomy in an inspiring bid for peace)

That's good to hear. Mindanao has been a mess for decades, so hopefully this helps peace come to the region.

I'm an American and have friends there that I don't feel safe visiting. I'm sure I'm not alone. I have no issue with Muslims, and I'd love to visit their area if it was deemed safe.

Very fascinating really, mostly religious mumbojumbo but he did make some points that are relevant till this day like

"The creation and continuation of Israel is one of the greatest crimes.

Anyone who disputes with them on this alleged fact is accused of anti-semitism."

That's for a reason they say "even a stopped clock is right twice a day". The fact that it was that broken clock and that his words can be perceived as still relevant after more than 20 years hints that the world has not progressed. Despite technology we're still facing the same problems, plus some more (eg. climate).

Climate was already known to become the future's biggest problems for a long time back then. I read once that Al Gore campaigned in the 1980s with climate change as one of the action points. So no, it's not a new problem.

I read once that Al Gore campaigned in the 1980s with climate change as one of the action points.

I was taught climate change in earth science in high school in 1982. The was no controversy. It was taught as an accepted fact and settled science, which it was.

It has been heart breaking to see basically the worst case predictions come true.

And what we've seen so far is only the start, my heart does indeed ache when I think about what is to come.

One bright spot is that the climate change tragedy inspired this simply amazing onion news piece:

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oh yeah it was known if the momentum coming out of the 70's kept going straight through to now we would likely not be in such a bad spot. We would still be talking about climate change as a future thing. Unfortunately reagan removed jimmies solar panels from the white house and taught-ed how taxes and regulation was bad and greed is good and the market will take care of everything and well now we are here.

Fucking reganomics wrecked everything good we had going for us.

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from what I recall there was a fair amount of people saying that Bin Laden had some fair points, even at the time, but that the methodology was, of course , vile and reprehensible.

You can read it yourself and it's obvious.

Yeah industrial waste is bad, good point! Dude still subscribes to ideology that sees women executed for learning to read. Anyone who doesn't agree with his worldview is a "disbeliever" and an acceptable target for murder.

These are the insane ramblings of someone with zero ability to empathize with others or think critically about their beliefs. He believes in nonsense. Prophets on prophets until Mohammed came along and said "god is all powerful but I am the last prophet and there can be no prophets after me." Hmm, guess God isn't all powerful and the whole thing is a crock of shit then.

OBL was a typical Republican.

I was more trying to highlight the weirdness of feeling at the time that there was a wall of ultra-jingoistic nationalism in the wake of a huge tragedy (cf. the Dixie Chicks getting cancelled for not liking Dubya Bush), and then some people reading Bin Laden's work and trying to have a level headed conversation about the causes, impacts and diplomacy going forward in the face of "Saudi operatives attacked us, let's bomb Afghanistan(?!)"

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Saw this posted on Hexbear. Most of the clowns over there agree with him and the rest of them call him a Liberal.

That place is seriously fucked in the head.

"I feel like Iā€™m going through an existential crisis right now."

Really. Go listen to Alan Watts, then you can contemplate your existence in the vastness of the void.

"Please don't read the unedited letter without our talking points integrated. It's too dangerous if you read the raw letter and start to think for yourself. It's simply too dangerous, so we deleted the original letter." This is what this whole thing sounds like to me...

I mean, US support for Israel is the main reason they were attacked on 9/11.

We need to drop Israel like a bad habit. Divert all of their aid to Ukraine.