Biden Skillfully Handled Xi Jinping’s U.S. Visit in Ways Trump Simply Never Could to politics – 363 points –
Biden Skillfully Handled Xi Jinping’s U.S. Visit in Ways Trump Simply Never Could

Had Donald Trump been the U.S. president hosting this week’s APEC meetings, I have no doubt that the headline from the event would have been unchanged. It would have been: “He’s a dictator.”

The only difference is it would be Xi Jinping who was saying it to describe Trump.

Other than that, though, a Trump-hosted APEC meeting would likely have been unrecognizably different from the successful and productive forum hosted by President Joe Biden.


To be fair, a ham sandwich would've handled Xi's visit better than Trump too.


This is not going to be a popular opinion on here, but when it comes to Asia, Biden's foreign policy is almost indistinguishable from Trump's.

Basically: aggressive ratcheting of trade and tech restrictions on China; gum up the international trading framework (e.g. WTO dispute resolution process); try to woo China's neighbors but steadfastly ignore their requests for better trade access with the US; discourage Chinese scientists and students from coming to the US. All of these initiatives originated under Trump, and are being continued under Biden, with minor tweaks.

After the Obama administration both parties have taken hardline stances on China. Their theft of intellectual property, ignoring international law, massive subsidies of industries that target foreign economies, human rights abuses, wolf warrior diplomacy etc. etc. had proven that democracy wasn’t going to take root even when they were uplifted economically.

China has no friends in either party now and the reaction of the a potential Hillary Clinton administration in 2016 likely would have been the same.

The US has to brutalize and strangle China’s economy to bring them to the table and force change. There is no need to provide incentives to other Asian powers as China’s actions against their neighbors are enough to put them in the USA’s sphere of influence.

Yeah, exactly. Next year, you'll have a choice between an actual president or a human train wreck.

The ice may be clear and thin, but it sure is wide.

Biden did not "skillfully handle" this at all. He foolishly damaged relations with China even further by calling Xi a dictator after going to the trouble of planning this summit.

If you cowards would vote for the Green party or any other party this wouldn't be a problem. Instead, you support the Democrats who don't even try to repair the damage the Republicans do. They both get rich from it together.

Third party votes in a First Past the Post voting system are a protest at best and counter-productive at worst.

Your plan is to keep voting for people who don't support ranked choice voting.

My plan is to vote for people who support ranked choice voting.

You don’t know my plan or my motivations.

Who are you voting for?

Sure as shit not a third party candidate.

So someone who does not support ranked choice voting. Great strategy lol.

You think throwing away your vote on a candidate who claims to support electoral reform but has no chance of winning will have any meaningful impact?

They won't have a chance to win if you don't vote for them.

They might if they joined a real party instead of a troupe cosplaying as politicians.

You want change, you join one of the real parties and fight to become a candidate in that party and gain enough influence to shift party policy.

If everyone that did the third party nonsense did that, there might be enough support in a real party to start changing things and maybe eventually make third parties viable instead of just a performative game.

That didn't work, Bernie is an independent that tried running as a Dem, but undemocratic super delegates and a biased media stopped him.

AOC and the justice democrats also failed and do whatever Nancy Pelosi says

And people have been playing with third party nonsense since the beginning of the country pretty much. It doesn't work because of our voting system, it's never worked. In the history of the country, no third party candidate for president has ever come close to getting enough electoral votes to win. The highest ever was Theodore Roosevelt, and he got 88 out of a necessary 256 to win, barely a third of the needed number.

More notably, the most successful third parties overall, with Roosevelt's Progressive (Bull Moose) party excluded, have largely been regressive, such as the American Independents with George Wallace, the Dixiecrats with Strom Thurmond, th Constitutional Union AND Lecompton Democratic in the 1860 election... Progressive third parties do not have a good track record, probably because it's a lot easier to get people to vote for a lost cause if they're doing it out of hate than it is if they actually want to improve things.

Bernie and AOC and others are being a fuckton more successful than third party candidates have been for the entire history of the nation.

They definitely need more support to overcome the entrenched forces against them, though. That's why they need people like us to support progressive candidates in primaries, and we need more people like them willing to do the hard work of getting into the democratic party and changing it from within.

Now, in a small election in a district where another party has a realistic chance, great! Vote that way. But most places aren't like that.

And don't forget voting third party when they have no chance can cause great harm. I would have thought the election of 2000 would've been enough to sear that into all our minds forever.

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Greens support Putin, who is genociding queer Russians. No thanks.

In what way does the Green party US support Putin?

So you have literally nothing of substance.

If this is your attempt at being convincing it doesn't seem to be going over too well

The accusation is wild in the first place. Where is Jill Stein's Russian oil money? Are US citizens not allowed to express democracy by running for president because they want to improve the country? No, apparently that means they're working for another country, no logic there.

That explains things quite nicely, thanks!

It does not. They presented no data to back up their claims.

In late 2017, ahead of a series of hearings, Facebook, Twitter, and Google (YouTube) gave Congress data sets of tweets, images, and other content determined to be linked to the Internet Research Agency. This analysis is an investigation of what was provided in the data set to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

So literally nothing explaining how it's connected.

The report that it's referencing has no evidence, just accusations. If they have evidence they would show it.

In late 2017, ahead of a series of hearings, Facebook, Twitter, and Google (YouTube) gave Congress data sets of tweets, images, and other content determined to be linked to the Internet Research Agency. This analysis is an investigation of what was provided in the data set to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

Based on what? Nothing.

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If Jill Stein was working for Putin why would she publicly show herself sitting at the same table?

If Republicans were working for Putin would they fly to Moscow on the 4th of July?

What's hilarious is that all that nonsense caused Trump's policy to be far tougher on Russia in terms of economic sanctions as well as escalation over Ukraine.

Notice how not one liberal replied to this because you all don't actually study US policy.

Or we just think your claim about Trump was stupid.

Trump did in fact escalate sanctions on Russia, as well as provide addition funding to Ukraine's military.

as well as provide addition funding to Ukraine’s military.

Someone doesn't remember why he was impeached the first time...

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Oh man, what a defense!

"Your honor, if I was the murderer, why would I have been at the scene of the crime, holding the murder weapon in my hand? I mean, that would be too obvious!"

You have literally no evidence, just wild accusations

What wild accusation did I make? Show me please.

You insinuated my argument defending Jill Stein against being a russian asset was not a credible defense. The accusations against her are wild and unsubstantiated.

I made no accusation. I just mocked your absolutely bonkers comment saying that Jill Stein publicly sitting down and spending time with Putin proves that she is not affiliated with Putin. The term "wild and unsubstantiated" is something you might want to reflect deeply upon.

The claims are literally wild and unsubstantiated. A woman trying to run for president has the right to. If democrats are going to make the accusation then they need evidence.

What was the meeting about? What did they say to each other? You don't know and don't care.

Dude, I made no claims. I was mocking you. And you're somehow reading into that some anti-women's rights message? Where are you coming up with this nonsense? You can't be serious.... are you a troll?

And I'm mocking you for supporting such a ridiculous narrative attacking me.

Ah yes, the "i know you are but what am i" response. Got it.

If mocking is your goal you're doing a shit job of it. You've been on the defensive and getting upset about things nobody said this entire time. If that's what mocking looks like to you, yours must be a confusing mind to live in.

Are you actually saying someone who works for Putin wouldn't publicly show herself with Putin?

Yes she would know better than to do that.

Based on what evidence?

Her successful career as a physician shows she is capable of intelligent thought, something you struggle with.

Insulting me is not evidence. Neither is saying she's a successful physician. That has nothing to do with why she appears with Putin.

I'm not surprised you're resorting to insults though.

Baseless accusations are not evidence.

I didn't make any accusations. But that didn't stop you from insulting me.

Are you actually saying someone who works for Putin wouldn’t publicly show herself with Putin?

This you? You're accusing her of working for Putin with no evidence.

That is not an accusation, nor was it specifically about her. Which I think you know. But you'd rather hurl insults at everyone than actually have a legitimate discussion.

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Why would i shoot myself in the dick when I could just watch you shoot yourself in the dick?

You do that every time you vote Democrat or Republican

Because I'm sure whoever you vote for has a good chance of getting into office. For sure the president in 2024 will be neither Biden nor Trump. It'll be whoever you vote for. It's not like we only have two viable options or anything...

Ironically the polling is showing RFK has a reasonable chace of winning. That opens up the lane for Jill Stein to compete as well.

No it doesn't. No poll shows he has a reasonable chance of winning. That's a lie.

20% absolutely is. He can easily gain 10% more to get to 30% and win it.

How can he 'easily gain 10%?' Why would it be easy? You say a lot of things without any evidence to support them.

Also, that was a telephone poll, so it was extremely inaccurate.

You say a lot of things without any evidence to support them.

Pure projection from you. His mainstream opposition is incredibly weak in Biden and Trump, so yes it is possible and historic to see how much the duopoly is failing.

Projection? Where's your evidence he will easily gain 10%? You sure didn't show it to me. But you did insult me.

He can easily gain 10% more

Stop putting words in other peoples mouths. I said he can, not will.

Okay, I'm tired of talking to an obvious troll. Toodles.

By the way, you forgot to downvote some of my posts. You better go back and downvote them because karma matters a lot on Lemmy.

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Lol I haven't laughed so hard all day! Thank you, I needed that.

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