What arguments most convince you that the earth is flat?

ani@endlesstalk.org to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – -40 points –

The earth's surface is about 70% water. The vast majority of that water is not carbonated, therefore the earth is flat.

Cats would have already pushed everyone off the edge if the earth was really flat

I think the cats argument is flawed because cats clearly cannot breath in space. I find the turtles argument more convincing though since they have a shell so they are more adapted to survive the harsh conditions of space. See for example https://fsmedia.imgix.net/ed/5c/f9/87/0cc4/4603/a0c9/f0e080d53e8d/i-mean-it-may-as-well-just-be-this-right.jpeg

I think the cats argument is flawed because cats clearly cannot breath in space.

When has this been tested? Never!

You are just shilling for big turtle!

You are just shilling shelling for big turtle!


Everybody knows the earth is round... like a pancake (or pizza).

But the biggest question remains, whe the turtle reaches it's destination, what will it do there. (And is it male or female)

We have our best men ready to go over the edge to finally determine the sex of the turtle! We certainly live in interesting times.

The turtle is metaphor.
That is a symbolic representation.
Anyway, that is not what flat earthers say.

Are you assuming that the majority (or even a plurality) of folks here are flat earthers? (Are you a flat earther?)

you'll always know a flat-earther when you meet them. they won't shut up about it.

You talk about what you love.
You keep quiet when you don't know.

I looked at some other posts by OP and they're pretty clearly not a flat-earther

Sorry OP, lemmings are too serious for this amount of fun

There is a lot of mockery in this thread.

But I have to flip the question back to you.

The consensus is that the earth is round and rotates at 15° per hour.
This has been even been proven by experiments conducted by various flate earth societies (see Behind The Curve documentary on netflix).
In addition, all the ISS Space Walks and rocket launch live streams that show curvature beyond the typical "lens distortion" arguments.
And the video footage dating back 50 years of the earth, looking very globe-like (no government is efficient enough to hide such a broad conspiracy for such a long time, without ANY leaks).

So, why do YOU think the earth is flat?

What makes you think OP believes the earth is flat?

The earth is flat because it follows real science.
Globe earth follows pseudoscience.

I feel like this question didn't deserve it's downvotes. I was hoping to see a bunch of hilarious answers

We've probably hit critical mass where moveling these shenanigans to a shittyaskscience or shittyasklemmy community makes sense.

Yeah, me as well... some of the people here were actually serious 🤨... or at least it seemed like that.

N/A. All the "arguments" are stupid as fuck.

They are mockery. Is mockery a new thing in the world?

Thank you for very conveniently proving my point.

The one time I visited the Netherlands and there was not a hill in sight

My first BF once said to me "you are proof the Earth is flat."

"How so?"

"You are the world to me, and you are--"

"Nope, nope, forget I asked."

And what did your last BF say?

That's where the conversation ended. He knows I've heard it a bajillion times.

You do not really love him then (even though, even though you've heard it a bajillion times!)
Where there is love, it will please your hearth even when he slaps you.
'Love covereth a multitude of sins.'

Why not? Not sure where the confusion is.

When I say a bajillion times I mean from people in general.

Water runs downhill, erho there are hills, ergo the earth is not flat. Checkmate, atheists!

I don't know but now I'm wondering, do flat earthers hate Musk for using SpaceX and going to round planets?

Actual photographs of the edge, or a shot from space would be a start

There is no space.
The sky is blue (deep blue sea) because water is above.
When water is between, we have mist, but when the sun has made clear the day,
You'll see the water above.

This beautiful pic of the most recent lunar eclipse

That is not what flat earthers say.
Nevertheless, it can be symbolic (as you see there are not mountains).
Turtles signify ancient (slow elderly people).
Elephants are strong.
But that is not what flat earthers say.
I am a lion is a metaphor. That doesn't mean I am a lion.

Clearly not flat. I've walked cliffs with significant height difference down to the water. These changes in elevation = not flat.

Turtles don't handle the fall straight down even with their shell.

So you can see the curve then?
So it is no longer 'too big that you cannot see the curvature'?
And the speed of earth is too fast that you cannot fly off?

You claim "flat". Would not be differences in elevation if it were flat. End of debate.

When people use sphere or say the earth is a globe, do they include differences in elevation?
70% water maintains its level. 30% earth have a common (boundary) level with the sea (sea level).
But rain can cause overflow.

If you want to carry your argument further, you can say that no object is flat under a microscope.

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