McCarthy officially resigns from Congress to politics – 362 points –

He is no longer providing an adequate RoI for his corporate sponsors. Now he'll pass through the revolving door into the private sector where he can directly work for his corporate sponsors instead of being a proxy. A tail as old as time


What a waste of fuckin’ sentience. I hope he’s hit with a court order requiring him to apologize to every tree he passes by for wasting the oxygen they so graciously provide to us. Seriously, I am struggling to think of a more complete and abject failure in modern American politics.

I mean... The GQP is right there, and McKKKarthy is the Oxygen thief? He can at least string a complete sentence together. That puts him above half of his colleagues.

Oh, I realize. I mean that McCarthy didn’t even accomplish any of the goals he himself said he had. I absolutely am not implying that any of his goals were actually good goals.

Yea... At the end of the day, most of the GOP are Oxygen thieves. ... I would say all, but I'm holding out hope at least one of them is dumber than they are evil.

Is it really that difficult to think of equally or worse failures in American politics?

I’m talking about this in terms of whether he even achieved the goals that he said he had. And I feel like he accomplished absolutely fuck-all as Speaker.

The letter reads as follows: “The Honorable the Speaker, House of Representatives, sir I hereby submit my resignation effective Dec. 31, 3034 as United States Representative of the 20th District of California.

Hell of a typo. Only the 0 is correct. Added one to every other digit.

That is probably the article's typo. At least it is not what was read into record.

Don't let the door hit your ass on the w-- actually fuck that, I hope the door breaks your tailbone on the way out. Piece of shit.

Say what you want about McCarthy, he made history as speaker!

(He's the only one to get booted from the job by vote)

What a legacy he’s leaving behind too - he’s going to be a Jeopardy question (answer?) in 20 years

Jeopardy was already all over his story; there was a prompt the other night about a House speaker that required 19 rounds of votes (or whatever it took idr) to be elected speaker.

Took his ball and went home because the other toddlers didn't want to play by his dumb rules

A majority was already down to 217 votes post-Santos but now down to 220 Republicans to get there. They just had a historically unproductive session and now it's worse.