What podcasts are you listening to?

airportline@lemmy.ml to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 60 points –

The Scathing Atheist - three atheist comedians talk about religious over reach on society.

God Awful Movies - those same three comedians talk about terrible religious movies

Cognitive Dissonance - two skeptical best friends from Chicago talk about the news.

Citation Needed - the guys from The Scathing Atheist and the guys from Cognitive Dissonance take turns reading essays based on Wikipedia pages and joking about them.

Behind The Bastards - hilarious and well informed host talks about histories greatest Bastards.

The Greatest Generation/The Greatest Trek - two guys review Star Trek episodes. Generation focuses on older trek shows, currently going through Voyager, Trek reviews the new shows as episodes release.

GoNintendo - Rawmeat Cowboy from GoNintendo and his friends talk about Nintendo news and utterly fail to stay on topic.

Last podcast I listened to was a couple episodes of Behind the Bastards. Breaking Down: Collapse is the one I listened to in its entirety most recently

Friend of mine introduced me to Behind the Bastards. Very much enjoy Robert Evans and his guests. Finishing the Josh Duggar series.

My podcasts fall into two groups:


  • Destination Linux
  • Late Night Linux and its brethren
  • Linux GameCast and its sister show LWDW


  • The War on Cars
  • The Urbanist Agenda
  • Strong Towns Podcast
  • Upzoned

They release on almost a daily schedule, so I always have something to listen to.

Soooo many, but here are my top 5

  1. The Daily Beans - News. With Swearing
  2. Cognitive Dissonance - Two shouty atheists talk about stuff
  3. The Skepticrat - Funny hot takes on the news
  4. Behind the Bastards - All about the worst people
  5. NPR Politics - 90% American, 10% international, but still about America

I've been listening to CogDis since they had something like six episodes. It's great seeing how far they've come.

Love me some Darknet Diaries and Hacked.

I love me some darknet diaries. I haven't checked out hacked, how would you say it compares?

Deprogram, Safety Third, various HowStuffWorks series, Nosleep and Creepypastas, and also I have NewPipe so I mainly just listen to long YouTube videos as podcasts. Disaster Breakdown, Plainly Difficult, RMTransit, and Mentour Pilot are my current educational channels. Barely Sociable, Nexpo, Rob Gavagan for horror and true crime stuff. Some channels interleave the video and audio a lot more so they're not as suitable for listening to.


I really like all three of those guys but for some reason the podcast doesn't work for me. It feels forced or disingenuous or something I can't quite put my finger on.

It took me awhile to like them, I see what you're saying. I think it's the interviews that are what really keeps me. They have honest conversations with their guests because they know them. It's definitely a bro culture type pod.

If you like short and sweet (most eps. 20–30 min) and don't mind being sad that it's discontinued:

A World Without

Two buddies discuss what a world without a particular thing (one thing per episode) would be like. No color? No chairs? No numbers? They tackle these questions in often unapologetically unscientific, and always creative and hysterical ways.

  • Stuff You Should Know

  • Barbell Medicine

  • Ham Radio Crash Course

  • 2 White Lights

I just started listening to Stuff You Should know a few weeks ago, I really like it. Since I started at 'the beginning' it is a bit of a walk down memory lane, currently around 2009, it's really funny and a bit strange... Are you up to the current episodes, is it still Chuck and Josh doing all the talking?

Yep! They're still the hosts. It's as good as ever.

  • Bad Friends
  • Take Your Shoes Off
  • Tigerbelly
  • Conan O'Brien needs a friend
  • Darknet Diaries

+1 for Darknet Diaries. got anything else to recommend in that nerdy/edgy genre of story telling?

Someone already mentioned Hacked on here, but some others are:

  • Hacking Humans
  • Malicious Life
  • Modem Mischief
  • What the Shell?

Some additional security related ones include:

  • Caveat
  • CSO Perspectives
  • CyberWire Daily
  • Paul's Security Weekly
  • Research Saturday
  • Risky Business
  • Security Now
  • Spout Lore (actual play dungeon world podcast which is an absolute blast of hilarity and wholesomeness)
  • Dungeon and daddies (first season is a masterpiece, after that, your mileage may vary, they are going too often in the "too raunchy" for my taste but there are some good episodes still)
  • Adventure Zones I recently dropped. I basically enjoy only the one off they do in the old West with ghosts and such. The main campaign is subpar since quite some time
  • Not Another D&D podcast, I'm catching up with the first season still, sometimes they go for the "over the top" for no reason but there are some good moments. I absolutely loathe the sponsors they use (like fucking turbotaxes and other exploiting companies)

I had others but over time the quality dropped unfortunately.

I used podcast for infotainment and keeping updated with work related stuff as well once, but since the pandemic I don't commute anymore and the time for podcast is basically just for when I cook or clean.

Have you tried Tale of the Manticore? Solid solo play, season 1 was great and 2 is solid so far.

Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend, and Off Menu.

Conan! I loved his recent Paul Lannister interview. I didn’t think it was necessary to see his photos to hear him reminisce about his life. Though I am holding out for a recorded version on YouTube!

"Oh No Ross and Carrie" They go participate in all kinds of "fringe science" or spiritual stuff and report on it in a very funy but, in my opinion, largely respectful way.

At the moment, the Dollop and Behind the bastards are my mainstays. Both are as excellent and funny as they are depressing.

  • Stories of Scotland - Jenny and Annie talk about Scottish history, culture, nature, and heritage in lovely accents and sometimes they get very silly
  • Irish and Celtic Music Podcast - by Marc Gunn, the 'celtfather'... I love a good jig
  • Stuff You Should Know - stories of curious and strange things... a bit US-centric but they do 'translate' units (e.g. feet to meters) and I appreciate that
  • The compassion Initiative - Just two guys from Brisbane talking compassion, with Stan and James, also nice accents
  • Me the Mountain - Acoustic guitar music I listen on the bus in the morning half asleep; there are no new episodes since 2021 but I listen to the remaining ones on repeat
  • WTF with Marc Maron - the godfather of podcasts, nice chats, sometimes I laugh, sometimes I cry...

...and for my German fellow lemmys:

  • Haschimitenfürst - Der Bobcast - für alle ??? (Hörspiel-)Süchtigen
  • Coder Radio
  • Ask Noah Show
  • Late Night Linux
  • Linux Unplugged
  • 2.5 Admins
  • Self-Hosted
  • Linux Action News

I Said No Gifts - nice, low-key conversations with funny people, great format.

Midnight Burger - wonderful sci-fi story that draws from lots of material, pretty funny, great cast and production.

No Such Thing as a Fish - 4 hosts discuss interesting facts in what's often equally as hilarious as it is informative.

Bananas - 2 funny dudes discuss weird or funny news headlines.

These are all good, light-hearted podcasts for when you want something a bit softer to listen to :)

So many…

The Hidden Athlete (long form interviews with endurance athletes)

No such thing as a fish (fun conversational about random weird factoids)


The One You Feed

The Debaters (stupid Canadian comedy debates)

The Art of Manliness (dumb name, decent content)

Discovery by the BBC

Ologies with Alie Ward

The Emma Guns Show (idgaf about beauty stuff, but love her quality of life & mental health topics)

Trail Runner Nation

Maintenance Phase

You’re Dead to Me (bbc history in a light funny way)

Brad and Will Made A Techpod, 99% Invisible, Ask A Spaceman, Stuff The British Stole, Star Talk, Mindscape.

Financial Times Morning Briefing

Today Explained


David McWilliams Podcast

Linux Unplugged Linux Action News Self Hosted Coder Radio

Late Night Linux

Behind The Bastards

Irish History Podcast

Blindboy Podcast

Special shout out to Case File, Behind the Bastards, Criminal, Moth Radio Hour

  • 99% Invisible (Roman Mars)
  • Slate Star Codex (narrated form of Scott Alexander's Astral Codex Ten column)
  • Jack Rhysider - Darknet Diaries
  • Maggie Killjoy - Cool people who did Cool Stuff
  • Cory Doctorow's podcast
  • Jennifer Briney - Congressional Dish
  • Lex Fridman

the first three are all tightly scripted storytelling: generally non-fiction, but exciting or interesting. sorted by general audience -> niche audience.

the next three edge into political territory, sorted from politically-adjacent to 100% political (not punditry):

  • Maggie's focuses on telling history. but she's self-described anarchist and it bleeds.
  • Cory's is a narrated form of his blog. usually the overlap between tech & national policy.
  • Congressional Dish is literally Jen watching hours of C-SPAN and reading 1000's of pages of text from bills to give actual deep-dives into congressional happenings.

Lex Fridman is if Joe Rogan was hosted by someone who actually did his research upfront, planned out his questions, and chose guests that are less divisive, and more academic or entrepreneurial.

if you listen to any of these, please leave a recommendation for something similar you think i would like! ❤️

The Doughboys - a podcast where they review chain restaurants (fast food to fast casual to high end chains). The hosts (Nick Wiger and Mike Mitchell, comedians) have a love-hate relationship that makes it so fun and real. And their guests are the best.

  • Levar Burton Reads - good short stories (today "D.P." by Kurt Vonnegut)
  • Behind the Bastards this week: Stockton Rush, inventor of the Deathsub
  • The Infinite Monkey Cage
  • Evil Genius with Russell Kane (BBC) - last week, David Bowie... was he a genius, or simply evil?
  • Something Rhymes with Purple - Fascinating look at English language.
  • Drama of the Week (BBC) - occasionally brilliant plays.
  • Desert Island Disks - Good when doing chores.

Always sunny podcast Conan needs a friend Adventure zone

A Hotdog is a Sandwich from Mythical Kitchen. Lots of talks about interesting food debates. I don't think they have the titular discussion until like 300 episodes in, because they initially said they were never have that debate. Well, I guess they got more and more popular, so they did a 5 part series on whether a Hot Dog is a sandwich or not where they interviewed historians, philosophers, lawyers, and restaurant owners. It's a fun listen.

Other than that, I was listening to the House of The Dragon podcast, but that's over for now.

Drifting Off with Joe Pera: A Sleep Podcast




Drifting Off With Joe Pera is an evening comedy podcast from comedian Joe Pera and composer Ryan Dann. With low-key jokes, immersive soundscapes, and relaxing phone conversations, Joe’s narration and Ryan’s sound design will help you unwind and perhaps even fall asleep. Featuring guest composers and interviews with interesting folks, the podcast will be released on the first Sunday of every month. Sorry, it's not more often but this is the fastest we can do thoughtful, quality work.

After the cancellation of Joe Pera Talks With You, I was glad to learn that Joe and his calming voice would be making new content. Especially content I can drift off with.

Old Gods of Appalachia (the only one I actually pay for/support on patreon)

2 Bears, 1 Cave

The black tapes

The bright sessions

Crypto Critics corner

darknet diaries

538 Politics

Mik + One

Small town horror Video palace

the white vault

tech won't save us

Witch house media

I'm currently working my way thru prehistory season of Tides of History by Patrick Wyman (Fall of the Roman Empire guy). Came out in 2020, and I'm really enjoying the detail it goes into.

  • No Dumb Questions
  • World's Greatest Con
  • Saftey Third

These are my favorites

Currently I really like rest is politics-leading. Interviews with different kinds of people bringing interesting perspectives.

Wrong Station: Episodic horror podcast based out of Canada. Very well written and superbly well acted. The only podcast I actively subscribe to the patreon of.

Nextlander Podcast: Gaming podcast from 3 of the founding members of Giant Bomb (Vinny, Alex, and Brad).

The Jimmy Dore Show: Comedy/politics talk show. I don't actually agree with his political takes 100% of the time, but that is more interesting than listening to somebody who always agrees with me.

This American Life


Decoding the Unknown

The Running Channel

Every so often Planet Money

I used to listen to Reply All until their whole thing and they shut down.

No Agenda

True Crime Bullshit

The Art of Manliness

Moe Factz

Wine About It - Two streamers talking about their personal experiences and just having fun Wave Form - MKBHD’s podcast where he talks all things tech with the crew

Currently 2, but unfortunately for (almost) everyone here they are both Dutch .

One is a daily news podcast where journalists and/or experts talk about something that is relevant right now. Every episode is 20-30 minutes and features a single topic. Today it was about the NATO leadership. Who could be the next leader, how is it decided and stuff like that. Yesterday about a national political party, the day before about Wagner's shenanigans on Saturday.

The other is a weekly 40 minute podcast about the war in Ukraine. There is a host and 2 former generals, one of them used to be the commander of the Dutch army. Every week they talk about what happened, why it happened and how it happened. They also have a certain topic that they talk about from their own experience or what they are seeing Ukraine right now. Like how tanks are best used, what the west can realistically (also factor in politics) do and how western militaries would respond so something like what Wagner did. Because they don't have to prove to anyone which side they are on, they can be honest and realistic. It makes a lot of news and opinions shared online look even more stupid.

  • Tech Won't Save Us
  • Congressional Dish A few others that are sometimes good and sometimes not, but these are ones everyone should hear!

I got fascinated by the Supreme Court and that led me to a lot of political and law podcasts. I am notably not a lawyer so I don’t know why I’m doing so many.

5-4 ALAB (if they ever post) pod save America pod save the world sawbones

  • Black Box Down
  • Settling the Score
  • Decoder Ring
  • Futility Closet
  • The New Wave Music Podcast

Black box down was just canceled :(

So was Ship Hits the Fan. At least RedWeb is still kicking.

BBD cancelation is a huge bummer. I'm still slowly working my way through the back catalog. I have 88 episodes left.

All of the Rogan comedy circle ones, JRE, Your Mom's house, Two bears One Cave, This past weekend.

Lex Friedman Podcast is great when I'm in a deep think kind of mood.

I found a niche little historical podcast on the American frontier called Furs and Frontiers

Lore and Cabinate of curiosity are always great to fall back in to for a bit.

Man, I feel like JR and Tom Segura are like the Howard Stern of my generation. But somehow less thoughtful, and more edgy. It’s shock jock radio with lots of laughing at their own “jokes.”

…Now I feel bad. Keep enjoying what you enjoy.

Don't feel bad, to each their own. It's not everybody's thing and I get that.

I was too young to really know Howard Stern so never I don't really know him. It comes in waves for me, sometimes if I'm stressed at work I just want to listen to some stupid jackassery on my way home. Then other times I want to learn more or have a more thoughtful podcast.

A cherry picked selection from this weeks' playback history...

  • Cleanup on isle 45
  • Decoding the gurus
  • Science quickly
  • More or less. Behind the stats
  • Infinite monkey cage
  • Homebrewed Christianity
  • Three bean salad
  • History of philosophy without any gaps
  • Science Friday

The Launch Sequence. Star Citizen focused podcast, pretty interesting