It seems so simple

The Picard to – 469 points –

I'd imagine you would get some pretty horrible distortion in the picture. That has to be why we haven't done it yet.

that and we can't yet get below EU's accepted limit of hawking radiation

Lol .... gets up to move the black hole around to find the perfect angle

Surely you'll get terrible chromatic aberration. That's got to be the only reason it's never been made commercially available.

The optical machanics of this make zero sense. A spherical lense's focal points lie in a straight line so the only undistorted image you can get from this is with the black hole between you and the tv

If you're really attached to that bed and TV placement you could also just use mirrors? Idk seems easier

Or a chair?

I have personally never owned a chair and at this point I'm afraid to.

I just sit on large boulders.

What is this chair technology?

Black hole that only bends light... interesting concept. I'd gravitate to calling this unholy.

The only remedy is attending mass more often.

I always see those events on the horizon, but I dare not go to the Holy Ghost or how that one is called.

You could also use a mirror. And then a set of binoculars, so it doesn't look so small.

Plus you would get way more sleep. The downside is you will age faster than the population.

It's time dilation. Meaning it makes stuff take longer.

Just lay down the other way with your feet to the head board silly. 🪿

Sleep on the couch. That bed is for guests only.