Shit, they've caught on to my cunning plan! to – 520 points –

This is true, by the way.

Depending on which of the 4 colors bite you, you either become an L, a G, a B or a T.

L, a G, a B or a T.

LAGABORAT: Let's All Glare At Borat

Liquid Assisted Gastric Ant Bioweapon: Orientation Reconfigurating Assault Transmitter

BRB, pitching this as a horror movie to the studio that made The Sound of Freedom.

Yeah we thought we could go through with this unnoticed, but the christians are just a little too clever.

but the christians are just a little too clever.

There's a phrase I've never heard before.

Well this was foretold in the book of revelations.

"And ye will cower and fear, the insect small. Ants, with their gay, will swarm and convert the unwilling into a life of sin.

What do you think we are spraying when we spray for mosquitos? Of course it is to help the little flying pests turn Christians gay. Really. Have you ever seen the mosquito population actually go down? Do you really know what is in that spray? You just assumed, and now you too are gay.

TIL: Homosexuality was a religion?

Or is Christianity a sexual orientation?

"Loving Jesus" is a term TFI members use to describe their intimate, sexual relationship with Jesus. TFI describes its "Loving Jesus" teaching as a radical form of bridal theology. They believe the church of followers is Christ's bride, called to love and serve him with wifely fervor; however, this bridal theology is taken further, encouraging members to imagine Jesus is joining them during sexual intercourse and masturbation. Male members are cautioned to visualize themselves as women, in order to avoid a homosexual relationship with Jesus.

What if I'm already gay, can the ants pick up on this and leave me alone?

If that's true why aren't the sugar water pools in rainbow order. Folks, let's not get tricked by fake news. The real threat is rainbows and, of course, double rainbows.

Finally some good fucking news ;P

okay there's NO WAY the person who wrote this ISN'T a closet homosexual who's trying to cope