What are the best movies in the 1990-2010 time period that you can reccomend ?

THE MASTERMIND@feddit.ch to [Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual Conversation@lemmy.world – 30 points –
  • As the movies communities are either dead or seems to be enjoying down voting these kinda wuestions to hell and this question is well in the limits with this community .
  • Recommend movies that have a very good plot with no plotholes (this is very important for me as a movie watcher) , doesn't feel too dated ,has solid 3 dimensional character and arc , good direction and good acting ?
  • Some of mine are
  • Donnie darko
  • American psycho
  • Fight club
  • Seven
  • The prestige
  • Panic room
  • Zodiac
  • Taxi driver
  • So share your favourites and please no comedy,romance or jumpscare horrors. You can use my list to kinda get an idea of the specific type of movies i am asking for here . And also if you can give a short spoiler free TLDR and attach a trailer that would ve appreciated . Thanks in advance.

MOON was fantastic. One man with a robot is waiting for his replacement after a long stint monitoring a moon base alone. He's been building a scale model of his hometown to pass the time. But as his replacement starts to become overdue, a problem at an outlying station causes him to leave the station... and come back to a scene he do didn't expect.

Sci-fi psych thriller, only two actors. Very dark.

The Fifth Element was already mentioned, but it's my go-to 90's flick. Second up, Demolition Man.

Just don't ask where the meat comes from, do you see any cows around here?

Not Another Teen Movie

Seeing this recommendation caused me to think of: Easy A (2010) Mean Girls (2004) Legally Blonde (2001)

These aren't as good as many of the movies mentioned here, but they're decent (imo) and very much "of the time"

A couple of my favorites that haven't been mentioned yet:

  • A Few Good Men - legal drama that explores the idea of "just following orders" in the military

  • Shawshank Redemption - one of the best movies ever, just go watch it already

Edit: You might also enjoy Equilibrium - dystopian film about a future where extreme emotions are outlawed in an effort to prevent crime. Bonus fun action scenes involving gun katas.

Titan A.E. - The last great Don Bluth animated film that sank Fox Animation at the box office is still an incredible hidden gem from 2000.

There Will be Blood (rather straightforward) or Mulholland Drive (surreal/abstract story telling)

Boogie Nights, Jackie Brown, Donnie Brasco , the big Lebowski.

Will check these out thanks awnd will be keeping an eye on this to see if younwill add anymore in the future

Couple of my favorites from that timeframe -

Boondock Saints


I was just scrolling to add these two movies. Fantastic moves and both in my top movies of all time (as well as Shawshank).

Iā€™d also add In Bruges to a similar list.

Isn't taxi driver from the 70s?

Sorry i might have to remove it now

Honestly if it's the kind of thing you're looking for, I think it's fine even if it's not from that time period.

1990 to 2010 is 20 years. In film terms, that's a massive age! That gets you from Back to the Future Part 3, Batman Returns, Jurassic Park, Tremors and The Hunt for Red October through things like GoldenEye (in fact, the entire Brosnan Bond era!) the entire Star Wars prequel trilogy, Leon, The Fifth Element, The Matrix, Swordfish, The Bourne Identity reinventing the action genre, Blade, Fantastic Four, Batman Begins, Iron Man all the way up to Salt, RED and The Expendables. Jesus, a quick Google reminds me that Inception was 2010.

Christ, I feel old now.

Start with animation for fun. Watch Grave of the Fireflies.

Now you are ready for Spirited Away or, my favorite, Porco Rosso. It's not the best. It's just my favorite.

Now Schindler's List. Then The Usual Suspects.

Pair Treasure Planet with Muppets Treasure Island. You deserve the break.

Maybe do The Matrix next. Pair with IP Man I guess.

Seriously half of the IMDB top 100 movies are from this time range. They aren't all going to fit you. They don't fit me. But they are worth watching for what they bring.

I'll second Fight Club.

Terminator 2.

Aliens (yeah, it's 1986 but it's awesomeness transcends time)

I have watched terminator 2 and fight club .

If you haven't already seen Aliens, I'd give it a shot too. In terms of aesthetic and plot, I'd say it's pretty solid 1980s/1990s sci-fi action. It's outside the timber period you specify, but it's a good time.

Aliens is one of my favourite movies. I've never seen such a well executed genre pivot: Alien goes down in history as an incredible horror movie, but Aliens is a completely different tone, much more actiony. It's great.

Is it self containing ?

Yes. It's a sequel to Alien, but it stands alone.

Part of the movie is the heroine trying to convince others that the events in Alien are real, so it might be better if you haven't seen it, since you'll get to enjoy the mystery for more of the movie.

  1. Primer - One of the best ever sci-fi movies that miraculously was made with a shoestring budget.
  2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Just incredible in every single way.
  3. Oldboy - The original, obviously, it's just an incredible movie.
  4. Lost Skeleton of Cadavra - A parody of 1950s low budget sci-fi movies that generally aren't good. It's super funny and definitely worth a watch, especially if you enjoy B-Movies.
  5. Almost Famous - Overall great movie, overall stunning and great acting.

I have watched eternal sunshine of the spotless mind and will check out the others

You seem to like David Fincher a lot. It's a shame that 'Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' is 2011, I suppose.

This kind of thing is something that algorithms are better at than people - the resources are there, so you may as well use them.

Anyway, a well-regarded but often forgotten (by me at least) recommendation: Dead Man's Shoes (2004). (don't Google it beforehand though). Trailer: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hChf0hmh0fM

I have seen the girl with the dragon tattoo and i gotta say its one of the few movies to leave me sad and on the verge of tears. And i don't have an algorithm as i use a newpipe fork called pipepipe. Also i do love david fincher the most of the great films i have seen from that era seems to be his.

By algorithms, I just meant Google or AI: mostly rubbish of course, but shit-hot at answering 'Best 90s films' type questions.

I suspect you get downvotes a lot 'cos no-one wants to do the drudge work that tech can actually handle.

I have actually kinda searched for that but i have watched most of the results because they display based on popularity , box offuce succes etc.

How is Fargo not already on your list?

I have watched season 1 of the series which everyone seems to agree is a great adaptationbof the movie so i kinda skipped it

It's definitely worth the watch, if not just for the Canadian mannerisms lol

Can I fix ya some eggs hun?

Season 1 of Fargo and the actual movie Fargo are two different stories. You should totally watch the rest of the seasons and the movie itself.

basically any action movie from the 90s is quality.

Anything before 2002 Bourne Identity. Bourne Identity created shaky cam action and it worked well and was done carefully, then every fight scene for the next ten years did a bad imitation.

Those questions are definitely accepted and encouraged on !movies@lemm.ee

I know butbit seems too dead at the moment i posted some trailers for discussion and overall all other posts seem dead too

No worries, thank you for those. I usually notice that if you post a first comment with the trailer, like an open question, people are more likely to reply.