Amazon Joins Elon Musk's SpaceX In Mission to Destroy Federal Agency Protecting Workers, Claims The Labor Board Is Unconstitutionallocked to – 679 points –
Amazon Joins Elon Musk's SpaceX In Mission to Destroy Federal Agency Protecting Workers

I've said it before. Are they trying to bring back mob violence???

They feel they're prepared this time.

The owners have gotten so much better at propagandizing the peasants from birth with the media they own and the curriculum they inform having long captured state and federal governments that there are literally millions of poor victims of this system that will fight to defend it against their own interests.

True believers who kill themselves working for shareholders who would never even bother to learn their name, let alone let them into their country clubs, deluded into literally believing anything but this rigged market capitalist hellscape must be an evil marxist, Leninist, socialist, communist word salad of terms they don't understand at all but were indoctrinated to hate and fear anyway blindly.

The owner's numbers are tiny. Their doting, self-hating class traitors begging for senpai oligarch's love that will never come are what prevents what you propose.

Nononono. It’s not the super wealthy people that are the problem. It’s the poor people from a different ethnicity or gender that are the problem! And don’t even get me started about the middle class people from earlier generations.

All that matters is SCOTUS in the end, and they are up for sale. My guess is that they already have their votes lined up.

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Your target for non-violent revolutionary activity is the person three levels up from you in your org chart.

If you don't have someone three levels above you, your objective is to quit, and blow the whistle on anyone above you.

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The federal government needs to stop being so dickless with corporations

But but but muh campaign donations!

PACs, the best thing that ever happened to wealthy control over politics (from the douchey ownership class perspective.)

Nobody campaigns on eliminating PAC donations and criminalizing bribery.

Except me. Elect me and I will fix this shit with an iron fist. You are being taxed with no representation.

Might be time for some anti-trust lawsuits to make them pipe down.

Psh, it's time we strip Musk of Starlink for his acts against the U.S. and then ensure a law that you have to pay taxes on stocks in the state where a companies headquarters is while restricting all companies who's largest percentage of sales comes in the United States has to have a corporate headquarters in the U.S.

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If the NLRB is defanged then we're back to just striking. Which uhhhh wasn't good for the workers or the company. But fuck it. The Workers won last time and they'll win again.

Right? Push people far enough and they’ll eventually snap back. How big of a snap back do they want? I feel like we’ll see a major labor movement in the next generation anyway.

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If they’re going to argue they have protected rights like a US citizen then when they break the law they can go to jail like a human. Financial crimes, 6 month time out for Amazon. Worker dies because Amazon refuses a break, 25 year timeout.

The nerve of these fuckers.

Time to cancel prime

That'll show em

It's the only power I hold against them

You are absolutely correct and I wish people would ally against corporations more. At the moment there is a good sized movement against McDonald's and Starbucks, but there are still enough people buying from them that they're "ok."

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Burn both of those companies down and we won't lose anything of value (yes, many sites will go down because of aws, but just fucking migrate it)

Lol, just migrate it... Like it's that simple. Many companies have gotten vendor locked in to specific cloud providers and the services they offer. You can't just flip a switch and move to Azure or somewhere else. Assuming other clouds even have the capacity to take on all of AWS clients all at once... And it's not just websites, many government and even military servers are in AWS these days.

I guess if nothing else it would create new jobs, that's important, right?

It would keep me gainfully employed. There would probably be a huge demand for OpenShift and its cloud agnostic design after that.

Truth. Whenever I’ve asked an enterprise architect whether the company should really be vendor-locked to the point of using proprietary cloud-native services they say it will never matter. Tech workers think in terms of the two or three years they stay in each role.

(Amazon and MS are nothing on the extent to which Oracle owns you if you invite the Devil in.)

I work for Red Hat, we're doing our best to fight that kind of vendor lock in. Hybrid cloud and expand out to whichever cloud you want. The vendor lock in is serious out there.

Oh well, sucks to be them!

Them is all of us. Things like Centers for Medicare and Medicaid run in AWS. Just about every service the government provides probably has some piece on AWS. Turning off AWS would not end well.

The physical servers would change ownership and the AWS standard between them would slowly diverge. Same kind of thing as the baby bells.

Do you mean the Bells that have reassembled?

Well yeah but when they were broken up one of the fearmongering things was the physical infrastructure. There's no reason to believe this would be any different. Just hopefully with less monopoly a couple decades down the line.

This is a little different than a phone company. But you're right that breaking them up would be the much more sane thing to do rather than shutting them down. It's not easy to migrate servers, it is easy to change who you're paying.

All the important military servers are secured. We could do with losing all the PowerPoints with a bad animated mascot telling you that you do in fact have to stop at a stop light.

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honestly i want taft hartley gone. the nlrb is part of that.

let workers strike!!

Yeah right, they will strike the law down in a way that keeps taft-hartley but not the aspects the cooperations want gone.

i wouldn't settle for defending the nlrb. it's like saying "the comissary stocks some good stuff. we shouldn't try to break out."