India moves to implement controversial citizenship bill that excludes Muslims to World – 302 points –
India moves to implement controversial citizenship bill that excludes Muslims | CNN

Gotta love Hindu nationalism...

Religious nationalism is so hot right now.

Y'know I was just sitting out on the veranda, sipping a cool beverage and musing, to myself, y'see, I was thinking there "Hey - what this planet needs is another ethnostate. I mean, really, another ethnostate with nuclear weapons would be ideal."

And here we are. Boy sometimes everything's comin' up Milhouse.

India, Israel, and Pakistan pretending to be functioning democracies with nukes

Hmm good point. When I form my racist racist ethnostate I will have it concentrate on prions and drones, nukes are sooo last century.

religious fervor.
Modi takes his orders from Stephen Harper a wannabe autocrat who runs a shadowy organizations pushing the far right across the democratic world.

It's why Pierre Poilievre doesn't say anything bad about Modi and India, because they are both in Harper's org.

This is laughable.

Yah, the former PM of a country 1/50th of the size of India is giving Modi orders.

What a load of lunacy.

And Russia is 1/10th the size of India and Putin is accused of manipulating people from dozens of different countries, including India. So I don't see why that's relevant. I have no clue if that person's statement is right or wrong, mind you, just saying that population isn't as important as other factors. Nigeria, Bangladesh, Congo, Ethiopia, etc. They're all countries with 100+ mil people but they don't hold much influence over other countries afaik.

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As yes, a news article saying "successful conservative abroad is seen as a model by Canadian conservatives" absolutely backs up the totally sane theory of an ex-Canadian PM running a network of authoritarians across some of the worlds most influential countries.

"Fascist" is a more apt term for Modi than "successful conservative".

Maybe so. Still doesn't change the fact that the parent is claiming a bizarre "Stephen Harper runs a global network of right wing world leaders" conspiracy theory and backing it up with an article that says nothing of the sort.

You're assuming Modi and BJP have India's best interests at heart and aren't just happy to have power in their hands by any means necessary.

Also BJP has suspiciously left IDU just before election year but their youth wing is still part of International Young Democrat Union.

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Before anyone who freaks out without reading the article, no, theyā€™re not removing citizen status for Muslims already in India. They are however making it a lot easier for every religion except Islam to come to India and get nationality

It's been a while since I've read about this but my understanding is that many people in rural areas will lack the documentation showing that they've always lived in India and have citizenship. Basically, this would let the government then start questioning people's citizenship and effectively pretend that many rural Muslims are illegal immigrants while allowing Hindus without documentation to be unaffected.

Exactly this. Already there is a strategy and accusations of "Bangladeshi immigrants" all over the country. Guess what? How do you prove you are not from there when you are poor as shit, are now allowed to communicate (Police will beat you damn near to death), have no paperwork cause you are poor as shit or had poor illiterate parents?

Sonny, you eat meat, you are Muslim, believe it or not, straight to jail.

Still makes them disgustingly horrible. Just...a teeny bit less so.

The Citizenship Amendment Act provides a fast track to naturalisation for Hindus, Parsis, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and Christians who fled to Hindu-majority India from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan before December 31, 2014.

Another thing to note here is this a smokescreen to hide the supreme court's ruling against the State Bank of India in the Electoral Bonds case.

India came so close to greatness, then they stumbled at the finish line.

Oh well.

Oh well? I mean there's more Muslims in India than men in the US. There's more Muslims in India than people in Bangladesh. There's more Muslims in India than the UK, France and Italy combined populations.


"Oh well" supposes we are in "not that bad" territory whereas the sheer size of India means 180 million people are on track for continuing marginalization. It's not a non sequitir, perhaps irrelevant comparison, but if anyone like me wondered "well how many Muslims live in India?" the answer is a lot of them.

That point could have been made more coherently and with 95 percent less words.

For as broken Pakistan is, this is direct evidence of why its a good thing it exists lol.

How exactly?

They claim that they are doing this to help non-muslim refugees fleeing places like Pakistan. Their claim is that they can't accommodate all refugees so the first preference is for non-muslims being persecuted.

If Pakistan didn't exist, this persecution wouldn't be there?

There are no refugees fleeing either country, the borders are locked down and heavily militarized.

The people who do cross the border with visas are very few and only get access via special approval such as if they have family or business due to closeness to the border.

Pakistan doesn't even accept refugees as citizens anymore because they don't ever expect anyone to come from India.

The joke is that Pakistan's founders claimed a united India would never last because it would fall to the Hindu majority who would nationilze around their identity and oppress everyone else which is exactly what happend. And not just with Muslims, the Sikh as well who get frequently blamed for public outrage and protests.

This all happening just gives credit for Pakistan's purpose because it is a separate country that was created with the intent of avoiding explained problem by being a separate entity and moving all the Muslims there. For its purpose of avoiding being an oppressed minority, it succeded.

Although I do think they should reopen the border and let the remaining Muslim population in India easily move seeing as they are at the hands of Modi who was already involved in a Massacre not even 2 decades ago.

no refugees

Not true -

fall to the Hindu majority who would nationilze around their identity and oppress everyone else which is exactly what happend

It's not even close to that. For sure there needs to be big improvements in minority rights but it's not even close to what Pakistan (and Bangladesh) are. India is heavily flawed but still has a functional democracy and secular state while not a single PM in Pakistan has completed a full term. Lol like they are not even comparable. If anything, India is an achievement of secularism and a good example of why you should separate the church and state.

just gives credit for Pakistan's purpose

Now that is a circular argument because the nationalists say "look at Pakistan and Bangladesh, Muslims got that, why aren't we getting one?". So creation of Pakistan is what gives credit to their argument.

For its purpose of avoiding being an oppressed minority, it succeded.

Did they? Do Pakistani Muslims lead better life than Indian Muslims?

It's a lot close to that. India is fastly moving towards an authoritarian fascist rule. Pakistan has better media index than India & that says something . So no wonder you don't know what you are talking about. Is persecution of journalists democratic?. India is far worse in minority treatment than Bangladesh and if you feel better comparing yourself to Pakistan, keep doing it. Your points were true before 2014. Almost every Indian knows how much influence bjp has over courts. Just go to reddit and see how many indians want the word secular removed from our constitution. You are straight up living in delusion. Take off your nostalgia glasses and step foot in 2024.

Do you only count victims if they are Hindu?

Cow vigilantism

This incident alone has more minority deaths than in the last 20 years in Bangladesh

Incident from a few minths ago equals Bangladeshi hindu deaths in 3 years. 2 months ago

Supreme court


Rapists getting garlanded after release from jail

Very secular indeed

Beating a kid for drinking water in a temple. This guy "Narasinghanand Saraswatiis" already released from jail and has been making hate videos constantly without any repercussions. He also has a camp where they teach youth to shoot and fight. Their opponents are 12 year old kids.

Let's not forget why your PM is so loved in the first place. 800 is crazy

All of this is just the tip of the iceberg. Dalits have way worse treatment in India. Where will dalits go when India keeps hate criming them? It's ironic how India oppresses dalits whether they are hindu/muslim or Christian and some of you act so delusional. India is moving towards an authoritarian fascist rule. The electoral commissioner assignment will make sure of that. I would agree with you if your arguments used "was" when referencing India instead of "is" because it's no longer the reality.

I don't know what you are even arguing. My point is India is democratic and secular despite being flawed. Do you not agree with that? If you don't agree with that, why are you worried about the word "secular" being removed? How does it matter anyway?

Your incident counting means nothing - India has 1.4B people. Obviously you can find more cases LMAO.

My point is India is democratic and secular - and that's an achievement in South Asia (that's why compared to Pakistan). And that has made it more developed. So democracy and secularism are good ideals to fight for.

If India is not better off than Pakistan and Bangladesh, might as well let BJP make it non secular like them? Why bother fighting it?

why are you worried about the word "secular" being removed? How does it matter anyway?

Yeah you are the type of people I was describing.

If India is not better off than Pakistan and Bangladesh, might as well let BJP make it non secular like them? Why bother fighting it?

Never said anything about pakistan, but you are the type of guy to celebrate for getting a participation lol. Also what is this doomer logic. It doesn't make any sense.

Your incident counting means nothing - India has 1.4B people. Obviously you can find more cases LMAO.

Weren't you describing how much better India is compared to these countries? These numbers are abnormally large and if you think pakistan and bangladesh are not densely populated, I have news for you.

I'm ending the conversation here. There's no point arguing with a nationalist that thinks his country has/can do no wrong.

So democracy and secularism are good ideals to fight for.

You are doing the opposite rn btw.

13 lakh hindu immigrants from Bangladesh that aren't facing any persecution are allowed. Not my words, your supreme leader said it himself.

aren't facing any persecution

Except the genocide, lynching etc. am I right? LMAO

Are we in 1971? The recent incidents were addressed by police and perpetrators were punished which may sound alien to a lot of Indians. It's ironic cause India has no right to talk about saving minorities. Lmao.

Right, so went from "no persecution" to "police addressed it". Cool cool. Can you point me to perpetrators of the genocide being punished?

This is the best summary I could come up with:

The Indian Ministry of Home Affairs announced the rules Monday, ahead of Indiaā€™s general election in the spring, when Prime Minister Narendra Modi will seek a rare third term in power.

Despite being well-received by Modi, a Hindu nationalist, the bill was heavily protested by opposition parties, which claimed it was unconstitutional and marginalized Indiaā€™s 200-million Muslim population.

Indian Home Minister Amit Shah praised Modi on Monday evening, saying he ā€œdelivered on another commitment and realized the promise of the makers of our constitution to the Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains,Ā Parsis and Christians living in those countriesā€ in aĀ postĀ on X.

Since Modiā€™s rise to power nearly a decade ago, critics say the once secular and democratic founding ethos of the worldā€™s largest democracy is crumbling at an alarming speed, with minorities feeling persecuted under the BJPā€™s majoritarian policies and any criticism of the government facing censorship and punishment.

It comes a month after two mosques were demolished in Uttarakhand state and Delhi, within days of each other, leading to clashes and local curfews.

While many Hindus celebrated the opening of the Ram Janmabhoomi Mandir in Ayodhya, the inauguration was a painful reminder to the countryā€™s minority Muslim population of theĀ religious divisionsĀ that have grown more pronounced under Modiā€™s rule.

The original article contains 369 words, the summary contains 207 words. Saved 44%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

this instance is an islamist , apostate hating sub

and this thread is the proof of it


We need a fuckin' break, man. So many terrible leaders are activating their master plans, and we've just got ol' Genocide Joe just kinda sleepwalking through this whole polycrisis.