White House to send new $300m weapons package to Ukraine

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White House to send new $300m weapons package to Ukraine

The US will send $300m (£234m) in military weapons to Ukraine, including ammunition, rockets and anti-aircraft missiles, the White House has said.

The surprise announcement comes as a bill in Congress to send further aid to Ukraine stalls amid partisan debate.

The US shipment, the first in nearly three months, is intended to prevent Ukraine from losing ground to Russia.

National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said this aid "is nowhere near enough to meet Ukraine's battlefield needs".

"This ammunition will keep Ukraine's guns firing for a period, but only a short period," Mr Sullivan told reporters on Tuesday, adding that "it will not prevent Ukraine from running out of ammunition."


Can someone explain if the white house can do this, why didn't they do it before and we had to wade through partisan nonsense?

The White House had a budget previously approved by Congress for Pentagon operations, and that budget was not fully expended due to internal cost savings, giving the WH room to reallocate some of it. But this is just a drop in the bucket, Congress needs to act on the larger support package and provide dedicated funds for the effort.

Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. Politically it may cause issues. Diplomacy is usually the best route.

Wow, it's like you said nothing about anything.

You would make a great politician.

Stick an extra zero on that number and it might actually be enough.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

The US will send $300m (£234m) in military weapons to Ukraine, including ammunition, rockets and anti-aircraft missiles, the White House has said.

The surprise announcement comes as a bill in Congress to send further aid to Ukraine stalls amid partisan debate.

National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said this aid "is nowhere near enough to meet Ukraine's battlefield needs".

The White House has been appealing to Congress for months to pass a budget that sends aid to Ukraine, as well as Israel and Taiwan.

Mr Johnson, an ally of Donald Trump, has said the House will vote on its own aid bill, but only after Congress passes a budget that overhauls the US immigration system.

Following the meeting, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk told reporters that he hopes Mr Johnson "is already aware that, on his individual decision, depends the fate of millions of people".

The original article contains 393 words, the summary contains 144 words. Saved 63%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Imagine using these money to make something useful and not to fuel wars and dictatorships

I mean, defending the borders of a sovereign, democratic state from invasion, rape, murder and genocide seems like "something useful" to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Ukraine is not a democracy anymore it's a military state under martial law where no man between 18 and 60 can surpass an invisible line on the map or they would get arrested. There are a thousand ways to help ukrainian people that don't involve forcing them into a proxy war against russia. For example sanctioning Arab Emirates where russian are chilling or stopping business partnerships with china who is providing russia weapons. Politicians simply are not interested in this, they seek profits and building weapons and giving them to other governments is an investment for them and a tool to increase their power. The west and russia too are supporting and making possible a genocide in gaza right now, rulers don't care about people.

it’s a military state under martial law

Every state for the last 2500 years (and probably before) has had the possibility martial law and every democracy in the world has it now. Sometimes martial law is necessary, like when people come to rape your sister and murder your grandmother and wipe out your culture.

It does not make a country "not a democracy anymore" to use it appropriately and there is no question that it's being used appropriately here.

Ukraine can't win without foreign troops on the ground, though.

This is just using them as cannon fodder to weaken Russia.

I feel bad for the Ukrainians duped by the West into thinking they actually have a chance because of some weapons.

Jaaayyyysus.....All you ever do is come into these threads repeating "Ukraine can’t win without foreign troops on the ground" over and over and over.

4 times in the last 2 days by my quick check. (edit: sorry, 5 and more if we go back to 3 days)

Alright, alright. We heard you. You can stop saying it now.

Winning isn’t invading Russia. Winning is pushing Russia out. It’s looking grim for the Ukraine but it’s not impossible for them to win.

If all the lefties would go of there they’d be able to win but that has not happened yet.

So you dont think saving the lives of Ukrainian children is useful?

Lol the least thing the US government cares about is saving anyone's life.

Fueling the war with more weapons like cluster munitions is the opposite of helping ukrainian children. The white house is ok with killing thousand of children in gaza, what make you think they care more about the ones in ukraine?

Hey, thanks for outing yourself as a Russian troll farm account so I can add you to my blacklist very kind of you. :)

What makes you think i work for the russian government when i'm calling out them all for being corrupted scum?

Only 300m to fight an invader but 14b to butcher children and civilians in general? Wow Biden, much nice, you’re definitely the better option. Edit: I’m definitely not pro-Trump, I’m just one of many, many fed up people who hoped for something other than a Biden-Trump rematch. But I guess fanatics gonna be fanatics.

It's 60 billion for Ukraine in the unpassed aid package which includes the 14 billion for Israel.

add another Russian troll farm account to the block pile.

Yep remember all that showmanship about how the Republicans in Congress are evil and preventing aid. Well, then white house just decided to send it anyway, as if that wasn't always an option...

If passed, the aid bill will send $60 billion to Ukraine.

Biden just scrounged up $0.3 billion for Ukraine.

They are not the same.

You guys are trying so hard to make Biden look bad at the benefit of making Trump look good and it doesn't even compare. Trump is a piece of shit and anyone who supports him needs to realize they are being conned. He is a con artist first. You are a rube. Gullible. Foolish. If you believe he is telling you the truth then you have been tricked. Trump wants to dismantle all aid to any country threatened by Russia, Iran, North Korea and anyone else that might have actually donated some significant amount of "Foreign Aid" to his campaign funds and legal funds. The man is nearly half a billion in the hole because of the recent court cases against him. You really expect him to not take money from literally anyone at this point to pay those legal fees? Seriously? The man is a walking security risk with such a large fine on his hands. He is too hot to elect. He is one step short of being a fucking felon and you want to conflate him as being somehow better than Biden? Fuck all the way off dude.

He's also fat and supposedly smells bad. Dude can barely walk down a ramp without help.

Trump = Taft. Fat AF

Always helps to read the articles. It was money already allocated

Tuesday's emergency package of weapons and equipment comes from cost savings made in earlier Ukraine weapon contracts

I'm always impressed at how technology has evolved enough to allow people as retarded as you to manage navigating the internet to type braindead shit like this

Lung is dumb as fuck, but can you not use 'retarded' as a slur in the year of our lord 2024??

As a developer from Budapest, why do you give a fuck about US politics? I don't have any opinions on the politics of Budapest because I don't give a fuck. I don't live there. It's not my problem.

either troll farm account or your mom did meth when she was pregnant.

They need to wait until it's politically convenient.

The democrats have drip-feeding what the people want down to a science.

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