Lemmy apps

Aftermath6187@vlemmy.net to Android@lemdro.id – 263 points –

Don't forget Connect

The developer has been incredibly responsive to community feedback and there have been almost daily updates.

Yep, I've been using it for about a week and it's the better app for Android. Kudos for Connect.

Am I the only one that's been having issues? I keep getting errors or comments not loading. I tried liftoff a bit ago and haven't had any issues on it so far

We just like rockets, okay?

No but honestly, if Boost is going to be anything like it was then it's just a no brainer. He had by far the most customizable 3rd party app.

He was also always very responsive, I have had a few conversations with him over the years and he's added features and fixed bugs on different devices I was using at so I'm glad he's going to be continuing. My main hope is that the kbin API comes out so he can add support for it. I love Firefox but I miss my AMOLED themes with boost.

Oh man, and if there's per instance themeing!

Currently using liftoff but I am also waiting for the boost release. It was the only app I have used for reddit in the last 5 years. Looked really nice and I never found any issues outside maybe 1 outage which I think was caused by reddit.

Liftoff is quite good - I don't think I'll move off of it. Jerboa is also great, but it currently has an issue while typing that makes commenting way too much effort.

I like Liftoff enough that I've stopped looking at every new thing that is coming out.

I just need account and subscription management handled better in Liftoff. I appreciate being able to toggle between subscriptions on different instances, but I'd like it to toggle the active user over to the account associated with the selected instance/subscriptions. Too easy to cross contaminate.

Makes me sad I moved to iOS late last year, but very happy to know Sync is coming to Lemmy!

Memmy is good. Very good and it gets updates almost every day it seems.

Coming from RIF, I feel pretty much at home in Liftoff.

Don't play with my feelings, I thought that they were already released.

I've been using sync for years but I have missed Apollo. It'll be tough.

What are you using now? I never used Apollo but I've been using wefwef and from what I understand it's practically a clone of Apollo.

Writing this from Memmy right now. Can't recommend it enough.

Looking forward to Sync. Any of these apps have a tablet interface yet? I tried few of them and they didn't have a tablet UI.

Yeah, that's the #1 reason I'm excited about Sync for Lemmy. I miss the two pane layout.

Have you tried wefwef?

I did, it does not have a tablet UI either. I found the iOS like UI jarring to use loll. It's a well made app but after using Sync for a decade+ any other app feels underwhelming.

Sync cannot come to Lemmy fast enough, sorry. Been using it for enough years that I will automatically trust it over everything else and I'm so used to it feature-wise that it's not even worth giving other apps a shot when I know it's in the pipeline.

Tried a bunch of apps and settled on Sync and ended up using it for years. Really solid app and agree about trusting it. I'm on kbin now but that may change once it's released.

Excited for Sync and Boost, but damn, Thunder looks even more interesting... It's actually the smoothest Flutter app I've used so far

now using Connect and it really is a great app! Some quirks here and there but not too shabby.

Will any of these allow me to block entire instances (ex. Block the nswf instance from the โ€œAllโ€ feed)?

Connect just added that (today, iirc).

(settings -> block settings)

I never used Sync before. One of the things i liked about Relay is it had all the ways of handling post. Opening videos in overlay windows and such. Does sync behave like that?

Might have to try Connect. I started with Liftoff and it's really nice. I even tried just saving the Lemm.ee site to my homepage since the mobile version is really good. Currently on Jerboa and loving it. All the 3rd party choices already available is actually really surprising. Still can't wait for Boost though!

I've never used sync or boost so I'm good sticking with Thunder because it's pretty much exactly what I need.

Sleeping on Memmy? Itโ€™s already near perfect.

i wouldnโ€™t exactly say perfect, but itโ€™s better than we feed so far in my opinion