"Alarm bells" ringing after abortion and IVF bans, with fears that contraception could be next

jeffw@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 391 points –
"Alarm bells" ringing after abortion and IVF bans, with fears that contraception could be next

100%. If they think life starts at conception then the pill, IUDs, and plan B are out. Then we'll see the mental gymnastics over condoms.

They’ll never ban condoms. This is all about controlling women, not sex.

The religious right thinks premarital sex is a sin. And they are all about imposing their views on others.

The religious right thinks YOUR premarital sex is a sin. They are totally fine with THEIR premarital/adulterous/rape sex.

A common misconception is that conservative/religious men in the lower ecclons aren't similarly oppressed.

The truth is that sweeping populations of men are controlled by the higher ups in those groups.

It's the leaders controlling "the rabble", not all the men controlling all the women.

If a peasant feels superior to his wife, he'll kick her when the master kicks him. Having women at the bottom of the pile makes it easier for the elite to maintain power.

If a peasant feels superior to his wife, he'll kick her when the master kicks him.

When the woman is made to "be lesser" and the man is made to go to the church, the man is broken down all day, and he goes home to his wife who he proceeds to break down.

When "the master" kicks him, he kicks her.

I'm not saying to not stand up for the oppressed women. I'm saying encourage the women to see it and escape it.

I'm also saying 50 men tops in these circles are "higher up", and 5 of them are "top", and the other 50,000 abused and oppressed men also need to see it and escape.

Can you explain how the pill and IUD are out?

The combined oral contraceptive pill suppresses ovulation, there's nothing to conceive with.

Copper IUDs denature the head of the sperm, meaning they are no longer able to fertilise an egg.

In both instances, there's either a no egg, or no viable sperm. It's no different to having sex while infertile (is that a crime too? Because if it is I'd like to see them try and stop me)

I can see how the pill could end up on the chopping block, as it's secondary method of action is to prevent the uterine lining thickening enough to support implantation of a fertilised egg, but copper IUDs prevent contraception, so life never begins, and thus nothing is "murdered"

Oh the answer is quite simple they will be "out" because they enable godless whores to have sex outside of marriage without consequences. And by consequences we mean forced conception and birth and with any luck the mutilation and/or death of the woman if anything goes wrong.

As Jesus intended. Next question.

Ah thank you, I was using too much logic and failed to remember that misogynistic laws aren't made from a position of reason.

Right, this is the logical way to look at it.

Too bad these forced birth fanatics don't give a shit about logic.

It's simply about control and punishment.

There. Right there. That's your campaign rally call.

"Contraception is next."

It sucks but fear will get everyone to the polls better than anything else. Please stop nursery rhymes and name calling bs.

These headlines keep saying fears as if it wasn't said outright bye Alito and his friends. Threats. That's the word they're looking for. Threats that contraception could be next.

threats against the citizens. a handful of people that can be counted on one hand are willing and eager to cause the suffering of millions. the answer seems obvious to me.

From the party that brought us the hit "don't take our guns", comes their next single, "we're coming for your condoms."

Where in the constitution does it say:
…the right of the people to keep and wear Condoms, shall not be infringed.



If I (with consent) spray cum all over my wife, have I angered god the government with my seed? If so, who do I visit to obtain a permit for bukkake? Do each of us have to get a permit or can I put it under an llc? I don’t want to have to scoop it off and into her.

Ahh, so this is how they're going to fix the declining birth rate.

God forbid we just let immigrants in, they’ll steal our jobs. We need to make more Americans (white people) to take those jobs

To be fair, I am humbled because while I know IVF has been banned in a misguided attempt to ban abortions, I am team stop breeding, so I have enjoyed that self inflicted gunshot wound on the right.

Makes me see how I'm opposite aligned on the topic, not just disagreeing with their point.

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Do you know the reason behind separation of church and state? Freedom from religion.