How Mark greets the fediverse at the door to Lemmy – 406 points –

Omg this is terrifying! His face as well as the fact that he's heading for the fediverse.

Elon has no chance. Zuck is going to unhinge his lizard jaw and absorb his nutrients as easily as his monthly Impala feeding.

Elon should have fucked off to Mars when he had the chance.

If you see this expression, it's too late to run. Poor camera operator had no chance.

They say he's in the Meta verse now... 😓

At least he didn't suffer. He was insta grammed.

idk why but this face looks more natural than his natural face

It's because the uncanny valley of his real life appearance is just so offsetting. This one just looks like a normal digitally distorted face so you associate it with something more natural

Like the Terminator trying to smile! Like a smile from Ron DeSantis!

It's because he only feels something akin to human emotion as he's about to unhinge his jaw and devour his prey.

pretty sure that is his natural face. :-/

I missed something. The Zuck is headed to the Fediverse?

“Threads” is a new thing and allegedly he intends to have it link to the fediverse.

The thing to worry about is that it is an attempt to get rid of the Fediverse via Embrace, Extend, Extinguish.

Since Threads is directly tied to Instagram, it may be an attempt to have the majority of fediverse users use Threads, because only Threads is also tied to Instagram. Once having the majority, defederate and keep the majority of the users that couldn’t otherwise be bought.

This is hearsay mind you. I am repeating what I have read. Please feel free to seek more accurate info.

The Tl;dr: Zuck is scared of unbuyable competition and we should NOT welcome his product in.

Side note: I can’t see the word “Threads” like I can Facebook or Twitter. Threads already exist as a term for a certain format, not a social networking service.

Metas new Twitter competitor Threads claims it will connect to the fediverse eventually, it doesn't yet. If Threads does then I expect he'll use the old microsoft "embrace, extend, extinguish" tactic. Add extensions to ActivityPub that only the the threads client and server support in the hope that Threads client becomes the dominant way to access the fediverse then when all the clients give up, he can drop support for it.

Jesus christ, dude. I'm here scrolling through posts at 2 AM in a dark room because I'm having trouble sleeping, and this picture scared the shit out of me. RIP my chances of going to sleep any time soon.

Why do I think that this photoshop makes him look less ugly than his normal face...?

Is there an image in this post? I can’t see anything.

i thought i was the only one

Same, tried on the web and two apps with the same result each time

Did you try both while using the same instance?

Major stuff happened overnight and there are concerns about compromise. People were/are being warned to avoid until it's sorted out.

I can see it on

Yes I tried from the same instance - I was tired and forgot I could see the same community from an account on a different instance (ty for the reminder)

Why are his teeth showing like that?

Because he is possessed by Greed, servant of Baal.

It's a warning sign that the wild Markius Zuckerian species are known for when feeling threatened. It's common to see this phenomenon when its food, commonly referred to as "Advertising Potential", is at risk. The most recent occurrence of this was when its prey learned that its latest trick, the Metaus Threadsian, was seen for what is actually was: a cheap scam.