You are going to be stuck in a room for 24 hours with no internet access and you can bring one item, what do you bring? to – 15 points –

Food, water and electricity will be provided so the answer isn't just a fuck ton of food+water

I'd bring my retroid, have a fuck ton of games on it, would prolly spend a while playing xmen vs street fighter


Thats basically me on a 14h flight. I'f take headphones if I wad allowed to also have my phone. Otherwise, just my phone and listen to music (I have my favorites playlist auto-downloaded at all times).

A guitar with fresh strings. Hopefully the acoustics of the room are good

If they’re good, awesome. If they’re meh, jam on some CCR. Or anything that was released on and most folks first hear on vinyl.

It’s not hard to tweak, it’s not hard to play, and nobody else will ever hear it so if it sounds good to you, in the room, that’s all that matters.

Can hear Lodi bouncing off the limestone now…

answer isn't just a fuck ton of food+water

3-3-3 rule of thumb: 3 minutes without air, 3 days without water, 3 weeks without food.

Some people can do 5-5-5, but if they weren't going to give you anything... the answer would be: scuba diving gear with 24h worth of air.

Other than that... what are the walls made of? Can I draw on them? Can I carve them out? Can I bring a nice machete, then either draw, carve, or have a stab at decapitating whoever forced me in there? 😈

PS: After a surgery, I've been stuck in a room for 2 months with no internet access. There was a TV on the wall...

Its just a stone room, you are not in any danger

If you can break limestone bricks go ahead. The point of the question is how would you spend 24 hours lol

Well, then I'm in the smartphone/laptop camp.

Preloaded with either the Wikipedia via Kiwix, or a few dozen GB of Project Gutenberg, and some software/apps for writing, drawing, math, coding, etc.

Give me a place to sleep, air, water, food, meds, a toilet, maybe a change of clothes from time to time, plus stuff to read, learn, and experiment with, and I could easily stay in a room "off the internet" for waaaay longer than 24 hours. Probably closer to a year... or ten.

Some time in the future, I'd probably say portable VR computer (bonus for no internet, so no ads, and no tracking).

A server with a full Internet Archive backup.

Just because they're trying to stop me.

Ebook reader, containing locally stored ebooks, audiobooks and music. So you have one small device that has three types of entertainment.

I hope the necesarry headphone isn't the second item when wired.

Ebook reader for me too. It would be hard not to bring my DAP, but that only has a 13 hours battery. My old Kobo, though, has hundreds of books plus some games like solitaire, sudoku and boggle.

A tiny ass laptop running MX Linux loaded with some old games.

I'd say your phone is a cheating answer, so probably the Switch, I have a ton of games on there and while Im sometimes not in the mood to read a book or only listen to music, I can usually find a game that id be interested in at any given time

Nah, phone is a legit answer.

I'd take my switch if I didn't have my retroid, switch handheld controls suck

I had to get around it by getting a grip for them, even then I dislike the small travel on the joycon thumb sticks, but third party joy cons are either missing features or are horribly cheap, I've gone through like four sets and they all failed one way or another

The weird shawl-like thing that am currently bundled up in.

Stretchy enough to cover self if cold, heavy enough to keep light out of eyes, gauzy enough to breathe cooly if draped across face whilst keeping warm & dark, many stitches to count (visually or *tactilely) if thoughts disrupting sleep, calming texture, familiar smell, can create sparkly visual effects to trick brain into checking out if necessary, means of escape if not released, can be worn as dress if released to a cocktail party.

*tactilely: had to go hunting to find this word, as brain was refusing to cooperate, but it seems unfamiliar to me and feels clumsy. Hoped that reading about Braille might turf it up (it did not), but from there found a Wikipedia entry about a device some might find desirable in this 24hr lockup situation: Seriously though, what is the normal adverb form of tactile?