wtf is happening? to – 123 points –

Why am I signed out every time I open this? Why can I hardly post anything anywhere? It's like a dice roll.


Every time they upgrade their servers you gotta re-login. is bugged right now. What I did is backed up my account subscriptions/settings and imported it over to You may need to try a few times (it'll tell you when it's successful). when I tried to post kept saying not logged in. Created an account on

e: This instance hardly has anything

You can access all your communities from, it doesn't really matter if it has much locally.

Only issue is it's hot feed seems bugged

Server-side authentication bug; maybe fallout from the recent attack? I'd expect instability for the next day or so as auth & related problems shake out.

Attack? I am outta the loop. What happened?

Summary: Attacker found a way to inject JavaScript into the sidebar, letting them steal auth tokens ("JWTs"), including from an admin account. They then used the stolen admin access to vandalize the site. At one point, the attacker used the stolen admin account to falsely announce that the attack had been remediated. Later that day, the attack actually was remediated by the site owner (Ruud) and the vulnerability was patched in the Lemmy code. has never been stable, nor has lemmy

Production services are actually fuckin' goddamn difficult, and I add another swear to this comment for every time I have to try reposting it.

Yep is live (stress) testing in production. It has its benefits, like when a set of patches were committed to vastly improve performance that was a big problem on a huge instance like but not on the smaller ones, and its downsides with all the random issues that pop up which happen when testing live in production.

Lemmy has been improved at light speed over the last couple of weeks. When I joined around 3 weeks ago everything felt prototype-like. But now back-end with Voyager front-end feels almost like Apollo quality. At this rate, it definitely will, in another couple of weeks.

Different instances have different levels of stability

Blahaj has been pretty stable for me except during the recent attack

Beehaw has been kinda meh on stability has been pretty stable when I've used it

Jerboa (the app I use to browse) has been hit or miss at times, but has been really stable since instances moved to 0.18.

Kbin has had no issues for me and hasn't been attacked yet (or if it has been, dev Ernest apparently fought them off, probably barehanded too).

Kbin gives me an error whenever I updoot a post, but that's about it. was overloaded half of the evenings before found the causes of performance issues (now solved in 0.18.1)

I'm just going to use accounts other than my one on for a bit while they sort out whatever's going on.

Getting the same thing. Found out I was unsubbed from the sub I was following.

Clean app data and cache, login again, fixed for me at least

That seemed like it worked for me but then it happened again eventually.

Getting logged out randomly and having to submit comments multiple times for them to post sure is fun. /s

Getting federation working as advertised is a pain in the ass. I ran a solo instance back when Mastodon was new, and there was no end to the nonsense it generated. That's why I'm now subscribed to the instance @ernest is running. :)

Just setup my own Masto server for myself. My initial thought was, "Crap, I can't follow anything by hashtag anymore," since I'm the only user and nothing would get pulled in by federation.

Then I learned about using to create a whole bunch of relays based on hashtags. And now it's pretty much perfect for how I use it.

My federation feed is just stuff I like, and my server doesn't get filled with random crap from federating with hundreds of full-ass servers like typical relays give you.

Reminds me of when I had to change my site's login cookies from "session" cookies to "persistent" cookies because mobile browsers aggressively clear the session. I don't know if that's what was going on in this case.

I logged out and back in again and that seems to have helped. Not sure if it mattered at all or if the timing was coincidental.

Logging out and back in only really fixes the "youre logged out" (not entirely though) issue. Posts still have to be posted multiple times for it to actually happen most of the time from my experience.

I access lemmy through liftoff. No such issue.

I also use liftoff and I've definitely been having that issue on my account.

There are thousands of instances. I don't understand why everyone is piling on to

Incompetent badmins running bugged website using buggy software

Dude, admins upgraded the server. It was down for that reason.

Armchair internet weekend warriors see everything in black and white with no in-between grays and no context. Tune in for more details at eleven.