'Panama Papers' trial starts. 27 people charged in the worldwide money laundering case

Riddick3001@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 540 points –
'Panama Papers' trial starts. 27 people charged in the worldwide money laundering case

Just the law firm is in trouble and none of the clients who had their money laundered.

Honestly I was expecting all 27 to be the journalists that covered it knowing how fucked this world is when it comes to justice...

This happened so long ago that in that time Nawaz Sharif was exposed, charged, dq'd from prime minister, arrested, granted health leave, absconded for several years, waited for new PM to get toppled, got his panama charges repealed, returned to Pakistan, and helped get his brother elected in fraudulent elections.

All while probably continuing to launder his money exactly the same.

The fact that this has taken so long doesn't bother me, it's the fact that it resulted in this pathetic trial where no one with any actual money or power is being charged.

I can understand taking years with a case this complicated, but this result is inexcusable.

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That’s it?

The Panama papers consisted of 11 millions documents, 214 000 offshore companies, 14.000 customers.. And now 27 are charged, and that's it.

Don't forget the guy who broke this story kinda sorta exploded

The "guy" in question is called Daphne Anne Caruana Galizia...

Daphne Anne Caruana Galizia…

I am a girl and I use "guy" in a gender neutral way.

Which is 100% how I was using it. Couldn't remember anything about the person other than they were clearly killed by somebody involved in this.

I am a girl and I use “guy” in a gender neutral way.

Vs. "person"?

The word "guy" (vs "gal", etc.) is literally signaling gender.

Not that I think it's worth much debate/argument, but still. When I read the OC I just substituted the word 'guy' for 'person' in my head, because I understood the meaning of the whole sentence being said.

Language is chabgeable. I always say "guys" for mixed groups. Seems like some more people agree or don't care.

Seems like some more people agree or don’t care.

I don't mostly, I just wanted to make conversation. As I mentioned earlier, I did the mental gymnastics and substituted "person" for "guy" in my head when reading.

Language is chabgeable.

It definately evolves, over time. I speak English but literally can't understand Old English (as an example).

My language doesn't segregate between an Uncle (for example) on my Father's side, vs. on my Mother's side, while some other languages do exactly that, they have two different words depending on which Uncle you're talking about.

Heck, we even use the same vowels but pronounce them differently in different cultures. English pronouces the vowel "I" as "eye", while (for example) with Persian/Farsi they pronounce the vowel "I" as if its an "E". Americans say "Eye-ran" for Iran, where Persians say "Eee-ron" for Iran.

Its important for Humanity to be able to speak to each other, to resolve issues and build a better social World habitat. Kind of hard when people manipulate the languages away from what they are, but then again that Humanity, never 100% perfect.

Thanks for writing this long post but I'm not really going to read it. Not interested in a side trackwd conversation about a non-issue.

Thanks for writing this long post but I’m not really going to read it. Not interested in a side trackwd conversation about a non-issue.

I mean, it's not that long, I'm just quoting what you said before responding to it is all.

And kind of funny, considering you're here on Lemmy to read other people's comments.

And I really truly feel that Humanity needs to be able to talk to each other, and if they can't agree on common wording conventions it makes it that much harder to do. So I think it actually is something of an issue, even if just a minor one.

Overall, too bad, thought we were having a good/friendly conversation.

Woop anorher long one! Noping out of here.

Woop anorher long one!

Four paragraphs, three out of four of them are one sentence long, and the fourth one is two sentences long. That's long to you? Really?

Noping out of here.

No need to run. It's just an Internet conversation.

Honestly, why are you even on Lemmy then, where there's a lot of comments that are longer than that last one I just did?

I'm getting the feeling at this point that you're the type of person who just scrolls down to the bottom of a EULA/TOS and just hits the 'accept' button, without reading.

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You probably think dude implies gender too

Dude and Dudette. 😀

"Actress" also still exists, but many women in that business prefer "actor" and it is becoming a default.

The existence of a word doesn't change the fact that language is fluid.

“Actress” also still exists, but many women in that business prefer “actor” and it is becoming a default.

Yep, I'm aware. They've gone back and forth on that though in Hollywood, not sure where they landed currently on that. The last Academy Awards was still using actress.

The existence of a word doesn’t change the fact that language is fluid.

The fluidity has nothing to do with the existence of a single word or not, but about human nature, and it's error rate/drift, and how all humans can't "stay on the same page" over a long period of time about the rules of a language, so the language morphs over time. Lol, basically 'cancer' for languages.

But we should try, so that we can maximize the ability to communicate with each other.

Yep I also say dude to men and women. Big deal.

Yep I also say dude to men and women. Big deal.

I guess next time I see your mom I'll call her dude.

(I kid, I kid.)

I call my mom dude all the time. IMO there is no reason to be offended by being misgendered. Unless it’s obviously an attack.

IMO there is no reason to be offended by being misgendered. Unless it’s obviously an attack.

Well as someone from an older generation I'd generally agree with you, a simple mistake to apolgize for, and not to be taken so negatively.

But it does seem that these days that type of logic does not hold sway, as people care very deeply about proper gender identification now, and see it as being disrespected if incorrectly gendered. So I try to always use the right gender, so no accidental disrespect is done.

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Right. And how many specific names? A hell of a lot more than 27.

These were the 27 who weren't rich or powerful enough to buy/influence their way out of it.

Possibly paid patsies ready to take the fall. Or some intern the bank is willing to throw under the bus.

Just like 08, where one fucking person got charged and it was some low level VP

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Can't wait for the amount of people testifying against them to suddenly commit suicide from all the press of being in such a large trial to skyrocket to become a 100% suicide rate. You know like they legitimately planned with absolutely no fishy business anywhere whatsoever.


These are just the guys who didn't secure their server and all the rich people got caught out.

As always "costing the rich a little money" is the crime that gets you time.

This is wholesome news indeed! It'll be especially nice if other criminals get arrested as well.

More, please!

I thought this was dropped after all the carbombings. Glad the Panama Papers are still doing something