Your body is completely dark except for the 1 molecule outside layer that light hits. to – 12 points –

You can shine a flashlight through your entire hand, OP. Light probably reaches most of your interior at least in small amounts.

If you count light outside of the human visible spectrum then it is definitely bright in there.

Everything is glowing all the time. At human body temperature, you're glowing mostly in the infrared.

If you count light outside of the human visible spectrum, it's bright pretty much everywhere. Like, getting away from light requires specially constructed facilities.

It's definitely more than 1 molecule thick. CG people call it sub-surface scattering.

Sub-Surface scattering is the whole reason flesh-toned plastic looks so fake.

Nah, sss is the phenomena they are trying to capture. When we comparing it to reality, i.e. the intended results, it looks fake because they haven't figured how to model it such that it both looks good and renders in a reasonable amount of time. CG milk looks like crap for the same reason.

Human beings are bioluminescent.

We glow so faintly that we can't see each other in the dark but we can be picked up in the dark by sensitive enough equipment.

You know what, since I get what you're trying to say (even though you're technically wrong) you can have my upvote.

And here, right in the middle of the wild internet jungle vastness, we can observe a very interesting, quite uncommon specimen. They are prepared well enough for interactions and don’t seek a vent point for illusory vengeances or endless technicalities on every possible occasion; their skillful bag of tricks contains open mindedness and respectful responses. They can commit their precious energy to this hard process of making the day of the entire herd easier and more positive. Look at them go!

It's amazing how many ways you're wrong when you spend even a second thinking about it. Why don't you go back in the shower and let this one simmer a bit more.

1 molecule thick skin would be pretty see through. You need more than that to block out the light.

“Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.”

Fortunately, vision is based on a "dark current" that requires energy to not see light. (This is supposedly why some people in a near-death experience report seeing a white tunnel effect.)

vision is based on a “dark current”

WTF, for some reason, reading about all this stuff is seriously freaking me out about my eyes.

It's been that way since long before the dawn of humanity itself, and will be that way long after we ourselves are gone (unless all we leave behind are cockroaches), so don't sweat it - our understanding is irrelevant to its continued functioning regardless:-).

Put your hand in front of a strong light source and you'll see red light through some of the skin at least.