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Does the writer also think IVF means getting cucked by a doctor

I mean, there's been multiple fertility doctors caught using their own sperm instead of the donor, so it's literally possible.

If it's possible we must consider it an absolute certainty

Obviously there's quite a difference between fucking a cow and artificially inseminating one... But IVF is consensual, I think everyone would have a problem if a doctor was forcibly inseminating women.

Tbh there's also a big difference between a cow and a woman

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Oh no! I had no idea they were artificially inseminating the animals, now that is a deal breaker. /s


Excuse me, waiter? Was this steak of virgin birth?

I can excuse abattoirs but I draw the line at a vet shoving his arm inside a cow's baby hole

I know it sounds ridiculous, but I've heard a lot of people use that same logic. "I want the cow to have a happy life before it's killed for my dinner". Isn't that the while logic behind "free range", "cage-free", etc.?

Less cruelty is better than more cruelty seems to be the logic there. And the line is set there because the people still want to eat beef or drink milk.

Makes sense to me.

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the headline seems to be so clickbait-y that it has diverted most of the commenters from actually reading the article lol

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You don't artificially inseminate them with your penis?

true, but as the article explains, in some places, the legal definition of bestiality does not require a penis to be involved, nor does it provide exceptions for artificial insemination of farm animals.

the 'bestiality problem' is not (thankfully) that people are out there having sex with cows in droves, but that, in their relentless pursuit of profit, the meat/dairy industries are probably violating the law, and definitely violating the livestock, on a massive scale.

But it seems obvious that that's not what the law is trying to outlaw and since everyone gets that it doesn't seem like a huge deal.

You do, however, fist them up to your elbow

That's not how artificial insemination is done. That's how you deal with digestive or reproductive issues and is very similar to how it is done in human patients. In cows you can go in right up to your shoulder.

You said, "elbow". That is incorrect. The palpating hands is used to open the vulva and guide the catheter past the urethra. It is inserted to the wrist. You can clearly see that in the photos in the publication you linked.

well glad to know they are only fisting them to the wrist then. why are you defending that, again?

Do you know why no one takes you seriously? It's because you lie and exaggerate and over dramatize in order to try to bully everyone into doing what you want. Extremists, ALL extremists, are the same. You all think that you're somehow superior to the people you don't agree with and that that superiority justifies anything that you do or say to them in order to bully them into compliance with your extremist beliefs. This pathological self-absolution is the hallmark of all extremists: vegan extremists, religious extremists, racial extremists, anti-choise extremists, anti-LGBTQ're all the same and everyone can see that.

The thing that you don't understand is that I (and the vast majority of people) don't give the first fuck what a self-absolving extremist with a pathologically misguided sense of absolute moral supremacy thinks.

You're not here for a conversation. You're here for ragesturbation. You people get off on rage. Sorry...I'm laughing at you, not raging.

EDIT: An vegan extremist apologist takes a run at me down in this thread. They misquote, misrepresent, hurl childish insults, and use an ineffective series of strawman arguments. They're not trying to have a conversation. They had no intention of having a conversation. They're trying to bully me into being quiet. It didn't work. Take time to read the thread. It's good for a laugh.

Not OP. I think it's funny how you're accusing them of "bullying" when their comments aren't aggressive at all, just pointing out a practice they disagree with. But somehow your multi-paragraph, raging, sorry, uh... "laughing" comment filled with direct insults and patronizing dismissal, should NOT be considered "bullying."

Like, I don't buy into the idea that anyone can bully someone else in an anonymous Internet forum, outside of doxxing or repeated harassment. But looking at this, one of you is clearly much more aggressive and bothered than the other here.

Using exaggerated, inaccurate, and sexually violent language, "fisting up to the elbow", and accusing anyone who doesn't agree with them of supporting the exaggeration IS bullying.  It's attempting to bludgeon anyone who doesn't agree with their self-absolving moral superiority into submission.

It's laughable.

You compared religious extremists to vegans. YOU are laughable.

I compared one type of extremist to other types of extremists. They are the same in that they all have a pathological belief that they are superior and that the self-absolution that comes with that pathological belief justified anything they do to people they feel are inferior.

The pathology and wrong thought are the same.

One is imaginary, the other has scientific fact. No similarities there, and the rest is you imagining how people think.

Get help with your hateful delusions.

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Thanks for posting the article, it's very long but worth the read.

I wish i didn't currently live at a family members's house, so i could actually decide what i eat and get away from these disgusting practices.

For others, please refrain from arguing about this like this is some spccer match, i don't like what I'm seeing from the other comments, this should be taken seriously.

The meat industrial requires inhumanity to prosper, just like any other corporation, bit this one deals with animals for said animals' entire lives, this is systemized misery.

If any vegan is reading this, i might do a post requesting this later, but any resources for reading more or for moving to a more sustainable and less cruel way of living would be helpful.

It sorta sounds like a copout but being vegan on a day to day basis means checking what is in every little thing you eat or drink, I mean literally checking labels and searching ingredients. And then you have to apply this thought process to every other area animals are used:

-Bath supplies -cleaning supplies -clothing/shoes -transportation ...and so on.

Best advice is to just pick whichever area you feel most knowledgeable or capable in, and become "vegan" in that category.

I'm not even entirely vegan, although its mainly because I'm still learning a lot about all the different ways animals come into our lives without realizing it.

P.s. almost forgot the parts vegans split on in some occasions, like with sugars or honey.

but being vegan on a day to day basis means checking what is in every little thing you eat or drink, I mean literally checking labels and searching ingredients

That's true in the sense that you have to do it when you encounter something new, but once you become familiar with products, you just know what is safe and what isn't after a while. I wouldn't say going to the grocery store is much more difficult for me than an omnivorous person because I've been vegan/vegetarian for about a decade now and I've just got a mental list of many products I know are appropriate for me to eat. Yes I do still have to check labels when I'm getting something new (and have to stay aware of when recipes get updated) but it's not as arduous as people make it out to be, IMO.

And that's just buying processed food. If you're cooking from scratch it's pretty easy to know what's going into your food and select plant-based protein sources like tofu, beans, seitan etc.

In addition to your diet/lifestyle, I'd say you can be a force for good in the world in terms of animal welfare by just trying to consume less, have a smaller carbon footprint, and do what you can to support wildlife. Something I'm passionate about myself is converting my lawn to prairie in order to foster local wildlife. You could also volunteer your time/money towards supporting habitat restoration projects or something like that.

I knew on some level that being vegan would require micro-management of my life and routine. I guess what I'm really asking is, besides doing my best to consume less (meats and in general), what are the bigger steps an individual could take to avoid contributing to those industries?

Frankly anything that gets bloodmouths to wake up to how fucking cruel and unusual carnism is rocks.


That's sounds metal as fuck.

Instead of just regular eater I'm a fucking bloodmouth from now on hell yeah

Bloodmouth huh? Now I like the sound of that. As I inhumanly tear into the animal carcass modern business and society has made available for me I’ll try to remember that. I am of course the one to blame here. I think the same when I buy plastic products that are ubiquitous and utterly unavoidable. It’s what the plastic industry wanted me to believe when they created their keep America beautiful campaign. Not the capitalists owner class fault. It’s me, the disgusting rabble. I similarly cry each time I order a product on Amazon. It’s my actions that cause the poor suffering driver to pee into a bottle while hiding from his van cam. I take full responsibility as I struggle vainly to make ends meet in America with my paltry salary despite my education and abilities. Forced to live in a world where all my choices are morally bankrupt because I must choose that which is available, least expensive, and convenient. If only I had the money the time the ability to be free enough. Then perhaps I wouldn’t be such a lowly disposable bloodmouth.

How liberating it must be to have no choices, a mere puppet dragged along by your whims.

The first vegan I know lived a few thousand years ago in a blind body racked by smallpox but do go on about your life is sooooooo impossibly hard you can't behave with a modicum of decency.

I was thinking this must be something wild but it's just artificial insemination. Bummer

Thought this was about the bloke not far from where I live that was caught on a hidden camera placed by activists literally fucking pigs after hours at a pig farm.