Somebody make people know this platform exists to – 49 points –

More than half redditors doesn't know this exist.

Edit: Ok damn that's a lot of stuff, I agree tm people always messes things up and yes we are very outnumbered . I'm not saying we should be hating reddit I want people to know there's an alternative when the corporate mess shits on reddit after a while. Thanks for the , um, Interesting stuff. Couldn't help noticing it was more actually useful stuff instead of useless slander which makes up reddit i love you guys.


Do we want them all to know? There were a lot of shit heads on Reddit when I was there.

I wouldn't mind having maybe twice the population and activity we have right now.

We don't need millions, but 100k would be a nice community, with enough people to discuss more niche topics, and more creators posting their work.

I just want enough humans to outnumber all the repost bots, honestly.

Just block

Also do block some users if you notice them "lowering" your feeds "quality"

Since I did these things Lemmy gets better day by day

Reddit is still a much more diverse group than the Fediverse, which is still sadly dominated by technical people, mostly men, of a generally very similar political position.

Also Lemmy and other forum-like instance types are the closest alternative to Reddit on the Fediverse, so it makes sense to let people on Reddit know that there is a more open alternative.

dominated by technical people, mostly men



Everyone on Lemmy used Reddit at some point. It's not like we're some rare breed of human.

I thought we were supposed to the best of the rest /s

And just like the history of Reddit, from being niche and obscure to being ubiquitous and heavily trafficked, everything gets horrible when it gets big. The enshittification eye of Sauron is always watching, waiting for anything to get good enough to ruin.

No thanks, I’m a Linux user that is okay with being in the 2-4%. If it had a large market share, someone would find a way to capitalize on it. I’m also perfectly happy with my one and only form of social media staying small and cozy.

Yes its called free speech they might be idiots or shit heads in your eyes but they have as much of a right to speak as u do.

Free speech rights don't apply to platforms. We have the right, arguably the responsibility, to filter certain speech.

Too late, looks like Reddit is already here, with an IQ hovering around room temp.

I bet my damned paycheck you’re one of those guys that thinks free speech means you can call the lady at Wendy’s the N word without repercussions.

I bet my damn paycheck u think free speech is the first amendment and not a philosophical idea.

Lemmy users should produce original content, that's how Lemmy will become popular, also instances need very good search engines indexation

Reddit has existed and thrived for nearly two decades without a usable search feature. Lol

Reddit's search feature is "" on Google.

Search engine indexing, rather than search inside Lemmy/threadiverse platforms

That way people come across the good content when searching for things

It is the most discussed topic on

Also, be aware than admins have shadowbanned some instance domain names, and that moderators can ban you for "promotion" if you talk too much about Lemmy instances (been there, done that)

Mods on /r/Denmark removed my post announcing the creation of within minutes for self-promotion.

In some ways, I don't blame them too much. Most instances, including, have rules against advertisements and self-promotion. It's kinda difficult to let people know that the Fediverse exists when we are so opposed to advertisements on a principal level (definitely not suggesting using ads, for the record).

We can basically only rely on mouth-to-mouth discovery and that's very slow.

Yeah, same here for other national subs.

It makes sense that we cannot really promote within Reddit itself, but that leaves us waiting for a specialized blog or website to talk about Lemmy.

... Or hoping that regular users will promote the Fediverse. At least I think mods on /r/Denmark have only considered it self-promotion when I have promoted it.

To be honest, I feel like mods are discouraged from talking about other platforms.

Small example, but we used to have a weekly self-promotion post to talk about projects, this has been stopped for a few months now (I was usually talking about our Lemmy instance there). And even if someone that is not directly related to the project talks about Lemmy, it's considered "promotion of another social media". I mean, to be honest, how can you prove you are not related to a project you talk about in any way?

Yea it gets difficult. I also don't like the idea of artificially trying to insert the Fediverse into discussions whenever possible, just to make people aware. It feels very artificial or forced or like propaganda or something. And then you get into astroturfing as you say.

But what's the alternative? People aren't going to discover the wider social internet when they only visit the 5 biggest websites.


Currently people discover Lemmy through a few ways

  • /r/RedditAlternatives, where Lemmy is mentioned a lot
  • if they read about enshittification (Cory Doctorow), and research a bit, they might hear about us
  • open source, leftist or tech (e.g. hackernews) communities, which is probably why there is a huge bias here on these topics

To improve the second point, if any major tech blog would write about Lemmy, that would give a huge boost of visibility, but usually when they mention the Fediverse, they mostly speak about Mastodon.

You do it by organising and provoking change via the fediverse. There comes the balance where (negatively spun) news media reports of its existence drive curiosity to main stream audience searching it out.

It would be better to target individual communities that are known to be good to move over than Redditors as a whole. The majority of people on that site have nothing to offer.

Even communities can be tough.

/r/unixporn was closed for a while, the mods encouraged people to move to Lemmy, it was a failure

Yea, there were a few I was on that talked about it but it didn't take. It's a hard problem but I still think its better to target quality over quantity. I'd rather have less posts in my feed overall than a fuckton of garbage I have to weed out like on Reddit.

I remember when people were trying to make posts telling others about Lemmy. A lot of them just straight up got removed. I wouldn't be surprised if that's still the case.

I'm fine with a bunch of them staying for the enshittification. Lemmy is growing and that's all that matters

OC infographics, shared as pics. Include the URL of your Lemmy account, for authorship. If the infographic is interesting/cool/useful people will share it, indirectly promoting Lemmy.

Someone write a Reddit bot (preferably in python) I'll happily make a pull with a langchain chain and someone find a whole bunch of Reddit accounts and openai api keys. Let's ai manufacture some propaganda on mass bois.

En masse*

I don't think the way to go is flooding them with garbage. What reasonable person would see that and think "Yeah, this is where I want to spend my time"? The only solution in my mind is to engage in meaningful, relevant, organic conversation, and talk about how Lemmy has been a great (or at least good enough) alternative to Reddit. Let the platform win on merit.

It's a minor thing but instead of sharing imgur links, post the image in Lemmy and share the URL to that.