Metal is made from refined rocks, therefore Metal music is refined Rock music to – 359 points –

I always figured it was because metal is harder than rock.

But rocks are harder. Metal can bend where rocks would break.

You're talking about brittleness and tensile strength, not hardness. Hardness is measured with the Mohs Hardness Scale, and there is significant cross-over between "rocks" and hardened metal.

Do you think any of the stoned motherfuckers in 1971 gave half a shit about this pedantry? Lol

“We don’t make cars from stone like the Flintstones, we make em from metal because it’s tougher” is as far as it goes my man

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Ah! Might good sir be a fellow Mechanical Engineer?

(no one else considers stuff that break instead of bend to be "harder")

I‘d argue many people outside of the field are able to grasp it too

But most people don't differentiate between hardness and toughness in day to day language

That's just because it's really hard

Rock is usually harder though, but steel is more tough. Compared to a lot of other materials steel is still really hard, to be fair. At least that's my understanding, as someone who just googled "hardness vs toughness" lol

depends on the "rock" and the "metal" (usually an alloy)

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Garage is adjacent to House. Typically smaller, usually hotter, and often used when you want to go faster.

Jungle is way the fuck out there but it is always an adventure. Full of endangered species and ancient treasures, more organic and mysterious.

Breaks is when you’re broke and at a strip club in Florida.