Republicans want a database of pregnant people. In many ways, abortion surveillance is already here to politics – 409 points –
Republicans want a database of pregnant people. In many ways, abortion surveillance is already here

Ah yes, the party of 'keep the government out of my business!' is all for sticking their noses into other people's business. Fucking hypocrites.

Hey now that’s not really fair. They’re also traitors to democracy.

How the hell do republican women even exist not to mention all the republican women in government. Does none of these affect them or are they always pregnant?

Some are white and wealthy enough that the rules don't apply. Some are in abusive relationships and feel forced to vote a certain way. Some are in traditional marriages where the husband controls everything, especially what's on TV and see nothing but Fox news. Some are older and in social circles that completely avoids politics, so they just vote how husband says to vote. Some are incredibly religious and only vote the way the pastor says, because they truly think God wants that.

Republican women are no different than Republicans generally: they think the rules are for everyone else.

They aren't going to be affected because they are special. And Christian. After all, God is behind them!

See, if brown and/or poor people would just accept JEBUS into their hearts, they too would know the love that a child would provide! God only hurts sluts. He would never do that to a god fearing woman.

God is behind all of us. He's just non-consensually railing us day in and day out. I for one don't appreciate that dick.

They must simply lack all critical thinking skills, and be so brainwashed that they really believe God wants it this way...

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Republicans: We need a federal database to track pregnant women!

Republicans: Putting gun owners into a federal database is a violation of personal freedoms!

They want the health records of trans people as well. They want to make lists of people, so they know who to prosecute when they make being on the lists illegal.

I think they have worse things than prosecution in mind for trans people. We are talking about fascists here.

Yes but who will they come for first? I wonder if it will be a similar order to last time.

People are freaking out about the database thing but check out the zinger on the last 3 pages of the 23 page bill.

It looks like this law would allow a woman to accuse any man of being the father of her unborn child, force immediate child support payments while she's pregnant, and the accused man would not be able to question or confirm he is the father with a paternity test.

‘‘(35) provide that the State will establish and13 enforce child support obligations of the biological fa-14 ther of an unborn child (and subsequent to the birth15 of the child) to the mother of such child provided16 that—"

(skipping unrelated sections A-D then comes section E)

"‘(E) any measure to establish the pater-9 nity of a child (born or unborn) shall not be re-10 quired without the consent of the mother; and"

source (PDF of the text of the bill)

Haha so they never had any intention at all of passing it.

Seriously crazy.

This is horrible, thank you for the share.

Patriarchy negatively impacts men and women.

Your local politicians should start having a lot of children right now.

I guess a lot of billionaires will be on the hook for child support if this passes.

It’s a completely normal idea. /s

Small government, not interfering with people's freedoms, just as they always preach.

Remember how much gaslighting the fascist party was doing about this just about 2 years ago?

The Government of Putin can shove their agenda up their damn a-hole.

Government Databases are BAD! UNLESS it's a database putting a target on my Daughter's back! That's OK!

They want to keep track of those future soldiers!

All you have to do is glance at the crusader pendant around this zealots neck, to know she will kill for "the will of God" who she pretends has personally spoken to her. Any person claiming to know, or act on the "will of God" is a fraud.

As pointed out to me yesterday in a similar thread, all this person wants to do is create a website with resources trying to steer women away from abortion. Not track them.

they can consent to share their contact information "which the (Department of Health and Human Services) Secretary may use to conduct outreach via phone or email to follow up with users on additional resources."

The bill doesn’t explain how this collected data would be handled or who would have access to it. Critics said that vagueness poses concerns for pregnant women’s privacy.

That is right, but also wrong.

A. Just because giving data is consensual, does not mean it can't/won't be used against you. "Anything you say or said will be used against you in a court of law"

B. There are no protections for this data. Who gets access to it?

This is a trap being masqueraded as helpful for women that are pregnant, when this is the same trap as "Life clinics" faking being abortion clinics.

I agree with you.

B. There are no protections for this data. Who gets access to it?

The only protection the requires is that there is a "privacy policy". Here's the actual text of the bill:

on page 3

"‘(4) A mechanism for users to take an assess-8 ment through the website and provide consent to use9 the user’s contact information, which the Secretary10 may use to conduct outreach via phone or email to11 follow up with users on additional resources that12 would be helpful for the users to review."

and page 13

"have a privacy policy and procedures13 in place to ensure that—14 (i) the name, address, telephone num-15 ber, or any other information that might16 identify any woman seeking services sup-17 ported through the grant is not made pub-18 lic or shared with any other entity without19 the written consent of the woman; and20 (ii) the grantee adheres to require-21 ments comparable to those applicable22 under the HIPAA privacy regulation (as23 defined in section 1180(b)(3) of the Social24 Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1320d–9(b)(3)))"

source - PDF