Authoritarianism Expert Warns Why It's Critical To Listen To Trump's Words Right Now

YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to politics – 179 points –
Authoritarianism Expert Warns Why It's Critical To Listen To Trump's Words Right Now

They. Don't. Care.

Republicans have become a fascist cult.

They literally tried to overthrow our democracy.

It's insane that we're treating them as anything less than a modern Nazi party.

He has been signaling for years now and all of a sudden you think people will listen and take action??

No. Of course not.

We are going to let happen whatever happens and then pretend like there were no warning signs.

"How could we have known?" -- clueless people.

They are listening; that's the problem. I've disconnected from almost my entire family because Trump has reached Dear Leader status with them, and you can't have a normal conversation anymore without insane levels of hate and nonsense being injected into the conversation.

The people at this level aren't living in reality. They like what they hear.

Is it just me? I feel like I could hear him better if he were, you know, in jail.

Know your enemy. We need to know the crap that people are hearing and thinking "yeah, he speaks for me."

Is there a way to filter out posts that have the word Trump or Biden in it?

I just want to hear about other candidates for the primaries in hope people actually reconsider who to vote for in US primaries.

The Republican primary is currently Trumpism repackaged, for every viable candidate.

There will not be a Democrat primary.

Sad, I had a list of candidates I wanted to see on both sides. Which probably wouldn't have mattered as I would have been leaning towards Tulsi likely most of the time compared to others in my list

No fucking shit.

I think Trump is in no matter what for the repubs. But the democrats man, like come on. They’re treating this as if Biden already won the primaries. He isn’t popular at all in the Democrat base. Give me someone to root for.

He’s the corporate dem tho so we won’t see media following anyone else.

There literally will not be a serious challenger in the Dem primary, if one is even held (which I doubt).

Historically, that is the fastest way to lose an election as an incumbent. Will not happen

... if one is even held (which I doubt).

They're not going to cancel the primary.

I doubt any contender will remain into an actual vote. There's no point, unless they're just grifting for the money, in which case it ends after the first primary round (same difference) when they have no path to victory.

There will certainly be no debates or real campaigning. Both "challengers" are well-known grifters.

That statement posits an entirely different scenario, where the Democratic primary is held as normal, with a prediction about its process and outcome (a prediction I mostly agree with).

I stand by my earlier statement. There will be a Democratic primary vote in every state. There will be challengers on those primary ballots, even if they are minor players or only locally known. The optics of not having one, even if the results of the national Democratic primary are obvious, would be ridiculously bad, and the Republicans and their candidate would latch on to that and call it "fascism."

I genuinely don't think the Dem Primary will last past Super Tuesday, at the absolute most.

If you mean that the candidate will be decided by the math by that time, I think I would agree. If you're saying they'll just not have primary votes in the remaining states, I disagree.

He’s the corporate dem tho so we won’t see media following anyone else.

That's not true. There's a RFK Jr., who the press is paying attention to because he's to the right of Biden and also a crazy anti-Semitic antivaxxer.

And there's also breathless speculation about nature's perfect centrist democrat Joe Manchin running.

I wonder when the last time a progressive primaried a sitting president was.

I wonder if RFK Jr. knows how unsuited to the job he is because I have yet to see a reason that makes sense for him running.

I think both he and Manchin are running/considering running because they expect that Biden might die of old age before the primaries and they think they'll have an easier time in a primary against Harris. Or after some or all of the primaries and they think they might stand a chance in a chaotic environment.

If a younger version of Bernie started running I would volunteer for their campaign right now.

Don't worry, the GOP will bankroll a Green Party candidate you'll vote for.

I think it’s not great that a cynical comment is definitely a voice of reason in these times. Eggscellent point.

I mean, isn't RFK Jr. getting a ton of money from Republicans, as well as support from folks like Steve Bannon and Roger Stone, and favorable right wing news coverage? Guy was also once celebrated as a champion of the environment?

Can't say I'm terribly impressed, even before his ethnically targeted Covid conspiracy. Though I do laugh at the fact that he's out fundraised all but Desantis and Trump on the Republican side, with only 20% of his donors identifying as Democratic donors. It's such a hilariously bad attempt at a spoiler candidate, that the amount of faith I would lose in humanity if it worked would be on par with Trump winning.

Biden's approval rating with democrats is about the same as Obama's was in 2011. All holding a primary would do is weaken their position in the general election. I can't tell if this is a deliberate propaganda campaign or people are actually this clueless and think incumbent presidents regularly compete in primaries.

I can’t tell if this is a deliberate propaganda campaign or people are actually this clueless and think incumbent presidents regularly compete in primaries.

Honestly I think it’s both. This type of talking point is easy to sell to the people who whine about The Establishment without putting in a modicum of effort to understand why things are that way

The Dems just pick their candidate.

They are not tied to the primary results at all.