Major Republican Donor Who Called Barack Obama the N-Word Dies After Attempting to Kill His Wife In Murder-Suicide Gone Awry to – 796 points –

A former GOP donor, who once made headlines after calling former president Barack Obama the N-word, fatally shot himself after attempting to kill his wife, according to reports.


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What's the "g**im" slur?

I think it's goyim. It fits given the context of referring to his own ethnic group as the k slur. Guy sounds like a giant asshole.

And what’s the k slur? As a foreigner can you please use the fucking expletives so people even understand what you are trying not to say

I will never understand why people dont just say the word when talking about language or the actual words. You don't use it to describe someone or attack someone, you are discussing the meaning of the actual word so just say it.

I don't because I don't want to make it normal to do because it creates a loop hole I've seen exploited by racists. If you have a context where it's acceptable to use racist words they will use it thinking they're clever.

They'll pretend to be having a discussion about these words and slide them in as often as possible.

So avoiding it is not normalizing it so its harder to hard

Some people are just uncomfortable using the word.

Also there are people/tools who will scan your comment history and autoban you from communities for having used a word. If you care about those groups, you don't want a dumb bot scan to mess it up.

I don't know if this is the case for other people, but I have to be careful about using slurs in any context because the more I see or use a word the more likely it is to slip out in other situations. I'd never purposefully use a slur on somebody, but my word-choices are largely running on automatic when I'm angry. I just push intent at my mouth and then my subconscious picks out words matching that intent and feeds them into my tongue. If I push the intent "strong targeted insult" into that system, a slur could match those parameters and make it out my mouth before my conscious mind can catch and filter it. Entirely avoiding using slurs, and ideally avoiding even thinking slurs helps to avoid this happening (both by avoiding them entering my vocabulary-supply in the first place, and by building the mental reflex to immediately drop them like they're hot if they do pop into my brain).

A more society-level reason to discourage people from publicly using slurs even in discussions about them is to make it harder for bigots to stage "discussions" as excuses to loudly use slurs while in earshot of the people they'd like to use those slurs at.

People also get paranoid about automated (or braindead) moderation, or trolls who shame people based purely on the fact that a quick and context-free search of their post history turns up N uses of a slur. It's often easier to just dodge these kinds of problems than to fight them.

So, goyim is yiddish for "not jewish"[1]. The k slur is almost certainly "kike"[2] which means "totally jewish" but in the worst way.


"Goy" is usually meant as a slur in English despite it just being Yiddish for non-Jew. Very few Jews use it anymore for that specific reason.

Seems the "k slur" is being filtered automatically, unless you both chose to replace it with removed in your replies, and in that case, kudos to you for sticking with the bit. I still have no idea what the word might be, but i am also hesitant to look up slurs for jews.

Thr K slur rhymes with bike, and is spelled the same, but with a k.

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" kike" pretty antiquated antisemitic slur but still finds its use amongst the acient and the young neo nazi crowd.

mike n Ike's hate this one simple k word.

Kike probably. And FWIW, I'm Jewish, and frankly "Jew" said as a slur is the most cutting slur I've heard. If someone called me a kike, I'd probably laugh in their face... It's a funny sounding word that has no emotional weight to me, it's such an obscure slur that I only know it from looking at a profanity filter

I think everyone knows what the n-word is, but you quickly get to the point where censoring slurs just gives them more weight and less accuracy... The n-word is still used as intended way too commonly to do anything with, but other slurs are far easier to reclaim

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Yes. Jew here- antisemites will refer to themselves as goyim sarcastically when speaking in the context of Jews. Which is weird, because I have almost never actually heard a Jew use the word. And the few times I have, it's come from some elderly person who's probably bigoted in other ways too.

I mostly know it from Weird Al Yankovic.

“And all the goyim say I’m pretty fly for a rabbi!”

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I didn't think goyim was any more of a slur than gringo or gaijin

I know, right? That quote led me to the brain-bleach-required section of Wikipedia. If you want to ruin a nice Friday too:

Although above that one, "goombah" can be (not always) used as a slur against Italians? Growing up with Super Mario, that is kinda funny but then also concerning. Like it's been hiding in plain sight.

Oy. Jewish slang for non Jewish I think. (Not spelling the whole thing as I don't want to risk mod ire)

The only thing I can think of is Goyim, if say a Jewish group is using it against Christians or non Jewish people.

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