Major Republican Donor Who Called Barack Obama the N-Word Dies After Attempting to Kill His Wife In Murder-Suicide Gone Awry to – 796 points –

A former GOP donor, who once made headlines after calling former president Barack Obama the N-word, fatally shot himself after attempting to kill his wife, according to reports.


In case you were wondering how an obviously insane person comes to be that rich, it's from stealing your data.

Apparently he was the founder and chief data scientist at SMA Communications. From their website:

SMA Communications owns data on over 247 million consumers and over 49 million business contacts. We also have over 179 million registered Voters, 165 million automobile owners, Social media connections and more.

I never wonder why morally corrupt people are rich.

It is the about the only way you can become wealthy.

That or inheritance. Then the corruption is a side effect.

Jesus, imagine being next-of-kin and this was your inheritance. If it were a physical factory I'd order it shut down and burn it, then leave the smoking ruins as a warning to others.

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I love that the picture they chose was of him standing between DeSantis and the very stupidest Trump offspring (which is a hell of an achievement!) just to rub it in how the GOP has absolutely no standards beyond dollar amounts!

In a freaking obnoxious USA blazer to boot

Absolutely! I also love that, as of the day after the article went live, the dumbass son is identified as the OTHER dumbass son 😂

Wait is that not Eric? I've thus far refused to learn the difference.

Same here tbh. I just know that one of them likes to binge on coke before going live to spice up the nonsense to his followers

Eric Trump is offended. He thought he was the best at being the very stupidest Trump offspring.

He can take comfort in his winning stupidest-LOOKING Trump offspring by a mile even though junior has no chin..

Man, if you pitched these news stories to a studio as ideas a decade ago, they’d call you absurd and outlandish as they laughed you out of the room

Republican moment

Just legal gun owner things

I am a lefty and I own guns. This comment is dumb

edit, i get the point you were trying to make now, by reading other posts of yours.

Was he not a legal gun owner?

Reading your other comments, i get the point you were trying to make now. I like it, just the first post being so vague, it was easy to miss, but it makes sense now.

Okay this comment is actually stupid.

Saying this is a legal gun owner moment is as stupid as saying it's an Antifa moment when someone tries to loot a store during a protest or counter protest.

He was a legal gun owner who used his legal gun to try and execute his wife -- something that seldom happens in countries that don't hand guns out like candy.

The vast majority of gun owners have never used a gun in an illegal activity and enthusiast communities exemplify safe gun use so highly that pointing the barrel of even an unloaded firearm close to the general direction of another person for any reason other than self-defense is such a highly offensive act it will often get a person forcibly disarmed or assaulted to even negligently put another person down the line of the barrel.

The issue at hand isn't that gun ownership is legal, the issue is that a (possibly undiagnosed) sociopath or potential psychopath was able to get a firearm, or more likely a wealthy individual was able to use that wealth to circumvent safeguards and laws that would have prevented a person of his questionable mental health from owning one to begin with.

The vast majority of gun owners have never used a gun in an illegal activity

Completely irrelevant. The vast majority of drivers don't drive when they're drunk, but we still have DUI laws that apply to everybody.

The reason we have them is because there was a clear pattern where impaired drivers were involved in more accidents that were more fatal, just like legal gun owners and unjustifiable murders.

And of course because the alcohol lobby didn't think to start a death cult to fight DUI laws to maintain their profits.

enthusiast communities exemplify safe gun use

Entirely optional. The pro-gun community might go online to tut about poor trigger discipline or unsafe storage but they (or the people representing them) staunchly oppose any laws that actually make these things a requirement.

often get a person forcibly disarmed or assaulted to even negligently put another person down the line of the barrel.

At a range or in your imagination. They don't rush out from behind a couch to scold a domestic abuser for sweeping his wife.

The issue at hand isn't that gun ownership is legal, the issue is that a (possibly undiagnosed) sociopath or potential psychopath was able to get a firearm

Congratulations, welcome to gun control. Preventing that is 100% the goal of gun control, has always been the goal of gun control and has been hugely effective outside of America.

Generally, this is through gun licensing* with applicants needing to demonstrate they know how to safely store* and operate*, undergo a background check* and often be a member in good standing at a range for at least 6 months*.

These laws also take into consideration the risk of different guns* with semi-automatic weapons involving increased scrutiny* given that they're the weapon of choice for impulse killings, mass murder and armed robbery.

And of course, this comes with actual punishments* for anyone caught endangering others with their firearms, rather than just getting the frowning of the lifetime from the people who enabled them.

Unfortunately, everything marked with a * is opposed by the pro-gun community who would rather just keep selling guns to criminals, abusers, extremists and 80% of mass shooters instead of making the "responsible" part of "responsible gun owner" mandatory.

But we all know the talking point you're working towards -- the "it's a mental health problem" bullshit excuse.

Of course the goal of that excuse is to demand something impossible is done before you will even consider gun control -- in this case, accessible mental healthcare for every man, woman and child in America that can instantly cure them of complex problems far beyond even the most cutting edge medical science, so completely that they will never relapse for even a minute, delivered within a budget of $0.

But do you know what you're actually doing? Admitting that the American public are simply not healthy enough for such permissive gun laws to be safe.

So how about we just fix the gun laws without the gun lobby's stamp of approval and when the pro-gun crowd has finished building their impossible mental health system, they can have them back.

After all, they've insisted that they (and they alone) have had the solutions for 25 years now and the only thing they've done is dug the country a deeper hole in the name of profit.

I'm all in on banning guns, but nobody would say "Just driver's license things" when someone drives off the cliff in a murder suicide.

They would if America's requirements for holding a driver's license were just turning up and a DMV and saying "I pinkie promise I know how to drive and will not drive off a cliff in a murder suicide".

If you don't want people who commit murder with legal guns called "legal gun owners", stop selling them legal guns.

So what part of the license does cover this?

The part where they make sure you can actually drive and revoke your license if you're a danger to others on the road.

But why try and torture your analogy further? People aren't driving off cliffs and if they were, we could stop it with stronger barriers and no lobby groups or death cults would fight to stop it.

This almost reads like a constructive comment instead of the braindead circlejerk that started this chain.

I can't personally explain gun control to every person in every thread each time a legal gun owner kills someone.

But that doesn't mean they should get a pass. These are failures of the system resulting in someone's death.

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On the other hand looting goes hand-in-hand with protests and riots. You always have opportunists finding unsupervised shops. Besides, during those situations they are probably right that nobody cares about the supermarket chain's losses when human lives lose a significant part of their value.

So yes, anybody would equate gun ownership with increased risk of homicide/suicide and protests with looting. The false equivalency here is looting is exclusive to Antifa.

You're missing the point. The vast majority of Antifa members and demonstrators do not go out of their way to damage public or private property and generally do not act in a manner that will harm bystanders and locals.

The far right talking points, however, would try to make people believe that Antifa is just an anarchist organization seeking to undermine and overthrow all law enforcement agencies and entities to allow them to loot and pillage to their hearts content without any concern for bystanders. The truth couldn't be further as there has been numerous examples of Antifa members identify people there to instigate violence and quite often doing what they can to aid law enforcement present to apprehend and arrest them before the situation becomes violent.

The same can largely be said about gun owners. The vast majority have never used a firearm to commit a crime, nor intend to. And spend any amount of time at a firing range or other organizations for gun owners, and you find a group so conscious about safe use of firearms that to even accidentally point an unloaded and known safe firearm at any other living person for any reason other than self defense can often result in that person being immediately disarmed and lectured.

Where as posts in this comment thread seem to assume owning a gun means you want to shoot and kill someone for no other reason than you owned a gun, which couldn't be any further from the truth.

And spend any amount of time at a firing range or other organizations for gun owners, and you find a group so conscious about safe use of firearms that to even accidentally point an unloaded and known safe firearm at any other living person for any reason other than self defense can often result in that person being immediately disarmed and lectured.

So in other words, gun safety is entirely optional and the worse you'll face is some embarrassment if someone calls you on it.

Even in this person's fantasy, they'll still hand the gun straight back to the person.

Not even kind of close. Legal gun owners can be responsible and law abiding citizens, but you know the ones everyone hears about are not that kind of person. Why don't the good and wholesome law abiding gun owners root these people out? Is it because a significant segment of that population shouldn't own guns, even if they say THEY aren't the problem?

To put it simply.. If you had a Gatling gun on your vehicle, would you have used it by now? Most of us would admittedly say yes. Most of us, given unfettered access and anonymity, would have at least thought about doing something really stupid and illegal if everyone had Gatling guns mounted on their vehicles.

Most of us would have killed someone if the likelihood of being caught was minimal.. Which is why unfettered and semi anonymous access to firearms is an awful idea

While I agree with the sentiment, I wouldn't have killed anybody.

Good people find the idea of ending someone's life innately abhorrent and will hesitate to do it even if their lives are in danger.

It's why militaries (arguably) make sure to train it out of people and why abused women and targeted minorities aren't actually levelling the playing field by carrying a gun with them everywhere.

That said, what you're describing is one of the major issues with permissive gun laws -- it only takes a split second to kill someone (or yourself) with a loaded handgun in arms reach.

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Many GOP heavyweights took to social media to give tributes, including Trump and DeSantis.

So DeSantis donated the guy's campaign contributions after he kept using the N word but he still decided to give tribute after the guy attempted murder?

Imagine taking the family out for a burger, and this cunt-sack ruins it by eating a bullet in front of you and your family.

If I found out who it was, Id loudly proclaim that he was a scumbag and that I'm buying a round of shots for us to party right through it.

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First, a moment to acknowledge that his wife, who evidently didn't do anything wrong, got shot behind this.

Now, we dance!

She was a psychologist and didn't notice this dude was fucking crazy? I don't want to blame her for being shot, but for her to be willing to put up with him she couldn't have been innocent of the other stuff he's done.

Maybe she thought she could "fix" him. Still stupid

Maybe we shouldn't speculate about things we have essentially zero information on.

Right, wonderful amazing people don't marry pieces of shit like this guy, wife is probably just a much of a racist piece of shit.

Wow that's too bad. Anyway now his rich widow can recover and go waste her Inheritance on whatever trivial bullshit she likes. It won't help the world, but it's better than actively undermining it.

After what she's gone through, shall she recover well and have a good time.

It would be nice, if everyone that suffers a life-changing traumatic event like hers, would have the means to take their time to recover, digest the trauma, get over it and finally be able to re-enter life's daily struggle, timing everything at their own pace, without having to fear financial ruin.

Even more, if the trauma was caused by someone else, ripping you out of your life.

As the trump-cultists come to the realization their god-emperor is a fraud, many will take this turn.

"alright time for my murder suicide. what was I supposed to do first? uhhh probably suicide then murder? we'll see how that goes"

Wow He defended his use of the nword by using slurs I don't even recognize

Kike - Jew

Goyim - non-Jew notable usage is the Goyim Defense League; a U.S. based Nazi group

Spic - Spanish speakers

I think your experience with the terms will be geographical rather than age

Ya know Spic being a slur explains why Spit is a slur for Spitalians in Steelshod. Guess I never put it together.

For those who don't know Steelshod is a tabletop game that was turned into a story the main GM for it think all Guardsmen party.

Seriously I have no idea what those last 2-3 slurs are…

Do you have to be proper racist to know those?

I think it's great that you didnt recognize them, tbh, because they were pretty recognizable. Some of the classics of hatespeech.

I can't figure out the last one that starts with S.

It's a slur for hispanic people (and is also derived from that word).

Yup, okay. I got it now, I suppose it never clicked because the racists in my area tend to go for "w******s" more than anything.

So unfortunately I was aware of those terms but I guess they just aren’t part of my everyday vernacular and don’t come to mind straight away unlike this now dead racist person.

k**es - a slur for Jews
n****** - I think we all know what this one is
g**im - not a slur, but it's unsurprising that a bigot would try to frame it that way. It means a person who is not Jewish
s***s - a slur for Latino people, derived from "hispanic"

As a commenter below you said, some all time classics

for those of you keeping score at home, 'goy' is singular and 'goyim' is plural

Goyim? Is that a slur?

Kinda like calling someone cracker, but when you're Jewish.

It can depend on how you mean it.

Not exactly though. Goyim isn't usually considered a slur because most Jews don't hate non-Jewish people. A word becomes a slur when it is primarily used to convey hatred, and this word isn't. Much like how "cis" is not a slur. People who hate Jews and people who hate trans folks call these words slurs because they want to feel like victims, but it's the usage of the word that matters.

So whats your stance on Retard? Which for 30 years now has NOT been used in reference to people with developmental or learning disabilities, but gets treated like a slur because it used to be a medical term for it. Most Millennial or younger people are using the word to describe someone acting stupidly within their cognitive ability to avoid such stupidity, not a relation to a person with a disability. This isnt a gotcha or sarcastic question, its genuine since I feel this falls someowhere in the middle of what you are talking about

r***** is a slur. Have you ever said it in a positive or neutral way? You say it primarily in a negative way. People with disabilities will also understand it that way, no matter what your context.

Slurs can become slurs through lots of routes, but if people primarily use it in a certain way; and if most people understand the meaning and the hatred behind it; so do the people it's referring to. When you use a slur you lose control of the meaning. The group of people your word refers to will feel a certain way about it, and you can't control that. Which is why you should stop using it, and why a word is considered a slur.

Have you ever said it in a positive or neutral way?

It's an insult, that's the whole point of the word... Have you ever used "motherfucker" or "bootlicker" in a positive or neutral way?

Fair enough! Thank you for your response!

This is a fantastic description of what makes something a slur that I think most people will get. It helps to emphasize the loss of control. It makes why something said without malice can still be malicious.

r***** is a slur. Have you ever said it in a positive or neutral way? You say it primarily in a negative way.

Actually, when that word was first invented and used, it was used more in a medical way, and not in a way that was derogatory.

Society mutated its meaning into a derogatory term later on, and when that happened the medical industry changed to use other phrasing like "mentally ill", etc.

This is how ALL words work, though. That word isn't special at all in that regard. Most slurs are initially used innocently and then acquire a negative meaning based on who uses them and how they are generally perceived to be used over time.

And now people use "mentally ill" (derogatory) instead of retard. When will that become a slur?

I'm not who you asked, but the US government was still removing the use of "mental retardation" from its documents as late as 2013. Maybe even longer.

And the UN General Assembly's Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons is still active international law, without updating the language.

There was a big campaign to not use it in medical / education professional settings 30 years ago because it was also being used as a slur, but that doesn't mean the continued use of it as a slur is disconnected from its history or original meaning.

Kind of proved my point.

Trans isn't a slur, except for the people who use it as one, and think that means cis must be a slur as well.

What's the "g**im" slur?

I think it's goyim. It fits given the context of referring to his own ethnic group as the k slur. Guy sounds like a giant asshole.

And what’s the k slur? As a foreigner can you please use the fucking expletives so people even understand what you are trying not to say

I will never understand why people dont just say the word when talking about language or the actual words. You don't use it to describe someone or attack someone, you are discussing the meaning of the actual word so just say it.

I don't because I don't want to make it normal to do because it creates a loop hole I've seen exploited by racists. If you have a context where it's acceptable to use racist words they will use it thinking they're clever.

They'll pretend to be having a discussion about these words and slide them in as often as possible.

So avoiding it is not normalizing it so its harder to hard

Some people are just uncomfortable using the word.

Also there are people/tools who will scan your comment history and autoban you from communities for having used a word. If you care about those groups, you don't want a dumb bot scan to mess it up.

I don't know if this is the case for other people, but I have to be careful about using slurs in any context because the more I see or use a word the more likely it is to slip out in other situations. I'd never purposefully use a slur on somebody, but my word-choices are largely running on automatic when I'm angry. I just push intent at my mouth and then my subconscious picks out words matching that intent and feeds them into my tongue. If I push the intent "strong targeted insult" into that system, a slur could match those parameters and make it out my mouth before my conscious mind can catch and filter it. Entirely avoiding using slurs, and ideally avoiding even thinking slurs helps to avoid this happening (both by avoiding them entering my vocabulary-supply in the first place, and by building the mental reflex to immediately drop them like they're hot if they do pop into my brain).

A more society-level reason to discourage people from publicly using slurs even in discussions about them is to make it harder for bigots to stage "discussions" as excuses to loudly use slurs while in earshot of the people they'd like to use those slurs at.

People also get paranoid about automated (or braindead) moderation, or trolls who shame people based purely on the fact that a quick and context-free search of their post history turns up N uses of a slur. It's often easier to just dodge these kinds of problems than to fight them.

So, goyim is yiddish for "not jewish"[1]. The k slur is almost certainly "kike"[2] which means "totally jewish" but in the worst way.


"Goy" is usually meant as a slur in English despite it just being Yiddish for non-Jew. Very few Jews use it anymore for that specific reason.

Seems the "k slur" is being filtered automatically, unless you both chose to replace it with removed in your replies, and in that case, kudos to you for sticking with the bit. I still have no idea what the word might be, but i am also hesitant to look up slurs for jews.

Thr K slur rhymes with bike, and is spelled the same, but with a k.

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" kike" pretty antiquated antisemitic slur but still finds its use amongst the acient and the young neo nazi crowd.

mike n Ike's hate this one simple k word.

Kike probably. And FWIW, I'm Jewish, and frankly "Jew" said as a slur is the most cutting slur I've heard. If someone called me a kike, I'd probably laugh in their face... It's a funny sounding word that has no emotional weight to me, it's such an obscure slur that I only know it from looking at a profanity filter

I think everyone knows what the n-word is, but you quickly get to the point where censoring slurs just gives them more weight and less accuracy... The n-word is still used as intended way too commonly to do anything with, but other slurs are far easier to reclaim

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Yes. Jew here- antisemites will refer to themselves as goyim sarcastically when speaking in the context of Jews. Which is weird, because I have almost never actually heard a Jew use the word. And the few times I have, it's come from some elderly person who's probably bigoted in other ways too.

I mostly know it from Weird Al Yankovic.

“And all the goyim say I’m pretty fly for a rabbi!”

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Oy. Jewish slang for non Jewish I think. (Not spelling the whole thing as I don't want to risk mod ire)

I know, right? That quote led me to the brain-bleach-required section of Wikipedia. If you want to ruin a nice Friday too:

Although above that one, "goombah" can be (not always) used as a slur against Italians? Growing up with Super Mario, that is kinda funny but then also concerning. Like it's been hiding in plain sight.

The only thing I can think of is Goyim, if say a Jewish group is using it against Christians or non Jewish people.

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How did Steven Alembik make his fortune? One article I read mentioned email, but I couldn't figure out anything else did he own an email provider?

Are they really trying to suggest bipolar did this? Well, maybe this stupid fucking donor should have got mental help instead of giving the money away. Mental illness is not your fault, but getting treatment for it is your responsibility.

As I said earlier, they're hurting the right people: Themselves.

Another Darwin Award nominee.

Can the award be given out if you just commit suicide? I think it's reserved for very special, unintentional deaths lol