Donald Trump's chances of winning election slump after RNC speech to politics – 341 points –
Donald Trump's chances of winning election slump after RNC speech

I have no idea about William Hill. But the odds they describe sound about right to me, and the Nate Silver thing and the summary of Trump’s speech sound informative

inb4 BIDEN COPIUM HAHAHA etc and etc


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I can't keep up. Is Trump losing or is Biden losing? It changes every 5 minutes.

America is losing

Biden was and will be another good president. Stop allowing perfection to be the enemy of good.

Honestly id take the Enclave from Fallout at this point. At least then we get eyebots, power armor, and vertibirds. Plus I want to release FEV Curling 13 into the water supply of Utah to see what happens.

Super Mormons.

More like Mormon Cadavers. The Enclave was gonna use FEV Curling 13 to commit omnicide against everyone not vaccinated against it, which happened to be a list consisting exclusively of the Enclave.

Right, I forgot the distinction. I've gotta play Tale of Two Wastelands again.

If it makes it any better its better explained in Fallout 2 when you talk to president richardson. They barely explain it in Fallout 3.

Am Canadian. Does that mean we are winning? Cause it seems like we are losing, just more politely.

Sorry to bring the mode down eh.

We have our own mouth breather hillbilly voters to content with.

The answer is no one knows. If you care, vote and don't be complacent. Even if the news decides they think they know, they still don't know.

They're competing to be unelectable and both winning.

In a race to the bottom I never bet against trump. Literally if Biden stops talking today I bet he'd have a better chance of winning by the end of it.

The person losing more is the one that most recently opened their mouth and reminded voters who they are.

While it looks like half the country is split between this dipshits, in reality the majority of Americans agree on a shockingly high number of issues.

One of those issues is that both options are fucking awful, so who's "losing" harder is matter of witchcraft at the moment as things violently spiral into the ridiculous

in reality the majority of Americans agree on a shockingly high number of issues.

And it's exactly why I say this every single day in some comment or another: I FUCKING HATE PROPAGANDISTS!!!

What you said is absolutely true and without the likes of Fucker Carlson, Sean Hamface, and Laura Inbread, we'd actually have some fucking semblance of unity and solidarity... But no, we get divide and conquer... Hate hate hate hate. Fox primetime is literally the "two minutes hate" from 1984 with an ever changing Goldstein.

Biden is not really that awful as an option, as far as it goes. If he is in decline, he steps down after the win. It's not like Biden as a choice is comparable to donnie as a choice. They are night and day.

Now, trying to sell Biden as a product to "independents" (aka, the low info) because we sell politicians like the way we sell consumer goods like fizzy sugar water - that's not so great, since the bothsiderists keep acting like they are equally bad options.

Just vote, volunteer to help give rides to people that wouldn't be able to vote without it. If everyone votes, there will be no chance for the racist rapist with 34 felonies that has said on record that he will be a dictator.

No one has voted yet so no one is ahead or behind. It's all speculation and a waste of time

It really isn't a waste of time

It's at least as much of a waste or time as this conversation lol

If you say so. There's a reason these odds are monitored, to dismiss it entirely as a waste of time isn't wise.

Same, it's like bad actors are muddying the waters on purpose, ignore it all. Vote

Losing implies that something happened. Like in a race a contestant is visibly ahead, or in gambling you have more chips than someone else or your money is all gone.

This is why we don’t trust polls.

The polls are literally telling you that it's neck and neck right now. If this isn't clear to you, the problem isn't the polls.

I don’t cast my vote based on polls polls and no one should. They’re full of shit. Everyone needs to vote like they don’t exist.

They’re full of shit.

While I agree that people should vote like they don't exist, the reality is that they do a good job of giving you an idea of where voters stand. They were historically accurate in 2022.

If you think "they're full of shit" it's almost certainly a problem of understanding rather than with the polls themselves. Considering you haven't really made an argument as to why, I can't know for sure.

They're lying cause Trumps winning to the point high level democratic members are openly admitting Bidens gonna lose. All this is pitiful window dressing.

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