Why I Haven't Seen Any Trump Supporters In Fediverse (Lemmy and Mastodon)?

occultist8128@infosec.pub to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 109 points –

as a person that came from the 3rd world country and new in fediverse environment, i genuinely would like to know about this.

edit: thanks for the replies! sorry, i literally don't know the reason since i'm not a western lol. twitter/x is too biased especially when musk openly supports trump so i came here and seeing fediverse is mostly are harris or biden (when he's still up for the candidate) supporters. don't know about reddit tho, i only use reddit as a forum for linux and programming stuff.


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There are plenty of Trump supporters here. Every comment from someone who implies one shouldn't vote for Harris because of the Israel-Gaza war is likely someone trying to suppress Democrat turnout. Single issue voting is the only way the GOP ever win.

The Gaza posts always make me laugh because they completely ignore that Trump would just glass Gaza.

The only reason Trump hasn’t showed how terrible he’d be on Gaza is because he isn’t president right now.

Another brand new account posting the same tired bad faith party lines.

Everyone who doesn't stand behind me absolutely is my enemy.

Sorry pal. Harris gonna win.

I genuinely don't care.

Have you stopped to consider that labelling someone as the "enemy" is parlance mostly engaged in by conservatives? Progressives don't usually think in those terms. To a progressive, you might be ignorant, misinformed, misguided, deluded, xenophobic, racist, or engaging in bad faith, but you are rarely the "enemy." Even Trump himself although perhaps though of as an "enemy of democracy," is not a personal enemy. Your response using that metaphor serves to highlight the conservative mind set of making it personal, and harboring an anger so deep that political disagreement is grounds for personal animosity and even violence.

Some people cause so much harm that, fuck it, they're enemies. It doesn't matter that Adolf McHitlerface had a terrible childhood. Overwhelming violence was a legitimate mean to put an end to his action.

You won't be able to fix everyone, and not everybody with a terrible life becomes a fascist.

Trump doesn't care that you have an open mind and are willing to try to change him. Give him the chance, and he'll let you know what he thinks of your good nature.

I'm not dehumanizing him. He's not the antichrist. He's in fact terribly human. But not all humans deserve rehabilitation, especially when they're actively causing harm. When a terrorist shoots people at a concert, it's absolutely OK to kill them to prevent innocent deaths.

It's OK to take a stance, sometimes. And you don't always need to be very civil about it.

I like how you're so high up on your horse that not only does is your team too good to have enemies, you can doublethink away any use of the term as impersonal.

The US had a 2x mortality rate of Canada. 6x higher compared to South Korea, 10x of Japan the first two years of Covid. Even going with the lowest number, about 500,000 Americans could have survived with even marginally competent leadership. One that might not have...

  1. Disbanded the Pandemic response team Obama set up.

  2. Undercut the messaging from the CDC because Trump couldn't handle Fauci having a higher approval rating than him.

  3. Spewed constant misinformation about everything from bleach, sunlight to ivermectin while professionals were desperately trying to do their job.

  4. Intentionally dragging his feet on the relief effort because someone told him that it was hitting the cities first and the Democrats would be most affected.

  5. Goddamn masks. All he had to do was go on TV and tell his little cultists to wear the damn things, and we could have prevented so much of the deaths that came from the original strain/Delta. (Not Omicron)

... Hitler killed less Americans than Trump did. That's just facts.

The "disbanding" of the pandemic response team is largely misrepresented. I don't disagree with the rest, or see how it's at all relevant to the current conversation.

How is it misrepresented?

The Global Health Security and Biodefense unit — responsible for pandemic preparedness — was established in 2015 by Barack Obama.

In May 2018, the team was disbanded and its head Timothy Ziemer, top White House official for leading U.S. response against a pandemic, left the Trump administration.

Republicans have claimed it was 'streamlining' as opposed to elimination, since some members of the team were reassigned to other roles related to pandemic response, but the team was disbanded under the trump administration, that's just a fact.

You: “Hitler can’t take back office, but we do need to continue the concentration camps. People who don’t want concentration camps are directly supporting Hitler.”

My brother in christ you cannot compromise on fucking genocide. Liberals like you are so fucking scared of the orange man that you are willing to let hundreds of thousands die without even asking for better.

If all you're voting on is how they respond to Gaza, Harris isn't great but Trump is exponentially worse. He's openly said that Israel should continue what they're doing. In fact, in every metric of comparison Trump is exponentially worse. It's not that we're scared of Trump, it's that he is so much worse in every regard.

Yeah no shit but im not gonna settle for genocide. Slower genocide is still genocide and if I can do anything to prevent the murder of hundreds of thousands of people I will do so. I genuinely believe that witholding my vote and protesting has a chance of altering Harris' position here.

What good does altering Harris's position do if she doesn't win?

If she wins without ceasing material support for actual genocide then we have failed as a people. Politicans are beholden to us not the other way around. It is our demands they should listen to not the demands of raytheon, boeing, palantir, and others that uphold their wealth and power.

Thats not even mentioning the fact that not supporting genocide basically guarantees her win. This is an incredible popular position that many many people passionately care about. She supports genocide because she wants to

But what good is punishing Harris by withdrawing your vote? What does this even do except inch everything closer to Trump - who will make the issue you're prioritizing, worse?

It tells her that she might fucking lose if she doesn't change her stance. Do you really think a politician will do anything for the people if they can win without doing it? How do you think politics works? Asking nicely? I'm exerting political pressure not "punishing her"

^ This is either a bot or a 14 year old. Impossible to tell nowadays

Please get over yourself

Ok so 14 year old it is then!

Hanlon's razor, my friend. Lemmy is either filled with "bots" for no better reason than to try to persuade the 5k active users which will not be persuaded or it's just another bunch of random people, a good percentage of which will always be idiots.

I think the latter is a lot more likely, don't you?

The orange man is not the solution here, to be clear

Yes, of course. I would never encourage people to vote for a fascist

Yet you are encouraging others to NOT vote for the non-fascist?


Harris is materially supporting a genocide and uncritically parroting the rhetoric of israeli fascist. I am telling people not to vote for her because she too is a fascist. Should she stop supporting this slaughter then I would happily encourage everyone to vote for her

Found the trump supporter.

Ah yes everyone not happy about genocide is a trump supporter /s

Lmao, I'm not voting for a kid diddler either

Then you're voting for...?

Whichever candidate is willing to end the genocide not that I'd believe trump if he said he would. I'll vote third party if necessary

Harris is working to end the genocide right now. She's fighting for a permanent ceasefire and two state solution. That might not be your preferred way to resolve the conflict, but it would stop the carnage and give Palestine more leverage to negotiate on the world stage.

Yeah... no. If she was working towards that she would have ended all weapon supplies to Israel. What she is doing is putting on a face and pretending to care.

She can't end all weapon supplies to Israel, she's the vice president.

Even Biden couldn't do it, he paused shipments and Congress passed a bill forcing them to resume. The power of the president is limited, especially when a super majority of Congress are firmly committed to sending weapons to Israel.

She isn't even promising it. She won't do it nor ask Biden to do it. She is helping fund the genocide. Neither have spine.

You do realize that she's the Vice President and doesn't actually have any authority or power unless Biden kicks the bucket, right?

Because it really seems like you think that she has any ability to make unilateral decisions or enact her policy platform right this second, and that simply isn't the case.

She has the.potential to be President yet doesn't even want to offer this! It's unreasonable that even the current US President won't somehow find a legal way to stop weapons exports to a people literally committing war crimes on a daily basis by the admission of almost every expert worldwide on anything related to law, the UN, global health or humanitarian work.

It's not because they are incapable. It's because they have no spine. And worse they have somehow convinced people like you that it's our of their hands.

Biden absolutely has some control over this, but Netanyahu is the bigger problem at the moment. Biden has influence over Netanyahu (with a lot of caveats and red tape due to decades of foreign policy), and Harris has influence over Biden....but that's not the same thing as absolute control. There are also parts of this that have to get approved by congress and there's only so much the office of the president can do unilaterally.

They can be doing more, and they should be doing more, but Harris' role and capability is limited to that of an advisor (under strict scrutiny from everyone) right now, and that doesn't actually give her that much power.

Like I said, they convinced you they are not able to stop weapon exorts to a war criming nation. Did they have a problem like that when it came to Russia? Nope.

The Americans are lost. Their version of democracy has collapsed over their own heads. In a way, they deserve this shit. If they put all this crappy energy into unitedly voting for third candidate, it just might work. But nope, gotta wake up every day and go online to accuse people who refuse a second holocaust of being tRuMp SupPorTers.

Free thought is dead in America and the Americans killed it.

Go ahead downvote me to fucking hell, haters.

It's so hard to take people seriously who talk like turbo redditors. My BrOtHeR iN lOw KeY cHrIsT.

Thats fair but it's probably just a generational or regional divide. For instance, I personally can't take people who use that form of text capitalization seriously. No shame though I just associate it with 7th grade

I just associate it with 7th grade

You're not gonna believe this, but I'm pretty sure that was the intent, to mock you

Somehow people think that pointing out that anyone who isn't Trump are pro-genocide means that Trump somehow isn't pro-genocide.

Like you're not allowed to think about two problems at once. Or that there are no other options....

I get that but I'm not gonna criticize trump for being pro-genocide bc we can't do shit fuck about that. Atleast with Harris there is a slim chance of changing her position on the matter by witholding votes and being vocal about it. Stop doing genocide has gotta be the most reasonable political demand to exist right?

Yes. Exactly! The reason people keep bitching about Harris and genocide is because they hope something might actually happen about it.

Biden was an absolutely terrible candidate (that I was going to vote for) and probably the only person who could lose against Trump. Because people constantly bitched about how bad he was they changed the candidate.

Harris doesn't get to use Trump as a not-as-bad-as screen, and given that we don't have the option of not voting for her, everyone should be applying every other available form of pressure to discourage her from enabling genocide or otherwise maintaining the status quo.

Now is not the time. After she is elected, get out there and put the pressure on her. But it makes no sense to risk the fate of the entire country on this.

This will come as an absolute shock to you. You can vote for someone you criticize....

Which party was it that dogpiles on anyone that dares criticize their shitty candidates again?

The point of saying it before the election is that the expectations are set.

What kind of democracy is one where you can't even criticize the candidate because "it's not the right time" right before the elections when the candidates are forced to make changes to make the public happy? After they are in power, it's another 4 years of BS, and by the third year the same cycle begins and you are not allowed to criticize your candidate.

You're willing to let millions die for how many more generations in Gaza with Hamas in charge, and tens of millions if Iran shoots its shot at Israel? Grow up.