Why I Haven't Seen Any Trump Supporters In Fediverse (Lemmy and Mastodon)?

occultist8128@infosec.pub to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 109 points –

as a person that came from the 3rd world country and new in fediverse environment, i genuinely would like to know about this.

edit: thanks for the replies! sorry, i literally don't know the reason since i'm not a western lol. twitter/x is too biased especially when musk openly supports trump so i came here and seeing fediverse is mostly are harris or biden (when he's still up for the candidate) supporters. don't know about reddit tho, i only use reddit as a forum for linux and programming stuff.


I think a lot of the people on Lemmy came from Reddit when the whole API thing happened. It was pretty much a boycott. I assume most of the people who cared enough about that to leave were mostly left-leaning.

That's why I'm here, at least.

Edit: not sure about Mastodon, though

Reddit chased away the Trump supporters before the API thing happened. When it did, some people like me who are classic-liberals and libertarians also came over. After all, Lemmy is an inherently libertarian platform even when its users aren't. When I express a political opinion objectionable to leftists, I get several times more down-votes than up-votes but I do get up-votes.

Lemmy is an inherently libertarian platform

This is an interesting perception, because if you mean American libertarianism then this doesn't really make sense. Lemmy's creators are communist and intended it to be anti-corporate. It is designed in a decentralized manner specifically to avoid situations where companies can own and profit from it.

The kinds of platforms I would see as being libertarian (in the American sense) are the diaspora of privately owned social media companies.

American libertarian just means embarrassed Republican nowadays.

The idea of federation isn't communist

The idea of preventing private ownership and rent-seeking of communication platforms is.

Not all libertarian-leaning people are on board with corporatism; IMO freedom is for people, not businesses.

I respect it but if you're American and trying to take the word back, I'm afraid you're a little too late. It's a political party now and they're all-in on corporatism.

Almost no one pays attention to the big-L Libertarian party. Ron and Rand Paul got some attention on the national level but they weren't even members of the party (while in office) and the party itself has never been politically relevant.

I think these days the word is associated more with Silicon Valley techno-libertarians (a group I identify with). These guys favor the free market over government regulation (which isn't really relevant to Reddit) but they're also very sympathetic to free-as-in-speech open-source software.

Silicon Valley techno-libertarians (a group I identify with)

I hate to break it to you but these are definitely the worst ones. It's what the Gadsden flag waving canned food and gun hording preppers turn into if they end up with tons of money. These are the morons that build bunkers in New Zealand and try to brainstorm ways to keep their post-apocalyptic security guards loyal to them with remote-detonated bomb collars or holding their families hostage.

The preppers are different because they want to be left completely alone. They don't see any acceptable role for government in their lives. I don't think they're being realistic. Freedom isn't free, as the saying goes.

The techno-libertarians are much more engaged with society and do see a role for government, even if that role is small and (at least according to some of them) bizarre by conventional standards. I'm not going to deny that the bunker-building types are involved in the movement. I often don't agree with the weirder people involved, but I like that techno-libertarians are willing to hear people out and judge their ideas rationally rather than shunning them for being weird.

(I think I might have a bunker built if I was rich enough. The expected utility of it is higher than that of, say, a second yacht. Human guards are a dead end. Probably the best thing that can be done if civilization totally collapses and you manage to get inside is blowing up the entrance so that anyone who wants to get to you has to move a thousand tons of rock first. You probably won't ever get to leave, but it's better than what would happen if you did.)

The bunker-building impulse demonstrates what's wrong with libertarianism very well, an irrational attachment to individualism in all things. Libertarians refuse to acknowledge the positive role of nature and community in their lives, instead focusing on the negatives and spending all their energy fighting the very thing that keeps them alive. How long do you think you can last alone in a bunker without any support?

I acknowledge that almost all people (including me) couldn't survive on their own. Even those that could survive (let's say that their bunkers have robust long-term life-support systems) still couldn't live completely alone for many years without going crazy.

I don't reject relationships with other people, but I think they should be between independent individuals who associate with each other only because they both want to. (Violating this principle is sometimes necessary but always undesirable.) You appear to think otherwise, and I suppose that's a fundamental value difference that can't be resolved through debate. I do want to point out that if I were in charge, my rules wouldn't prevent you from voluntarily living life your way. I suspect that your rules wouldn't leave me the analogous option.

Edit: I suppose that I do feel like I have some obligations to my family members despite being related to them through no choice of my own. Is that how collectivists feel (to a lesser extent) about everyone else?

I don't reject relationships with other people, but I think they should be between independent individuals who associate with each other only because they both want to. (Violating this principle is sometimes necessary but always undesirable.) You appear to think otherwise, and I suppose that's a fundamental value difference that can't be resolved through debate

I also believe in autonomy, but everyone has relationships with people they did not choose to associate with due entirely to unavoidable circumstance. This doesn't just apply to family, but to everyone on earth to varying degrees. You are just as dependent on community as you are dependent on nature, a complex web of relationships of which you are a small part. Refusing to acknowledge that these relationships exist because you did not choose to enter them is childish, and it enables you to behave selfishly because you do not take responsibility for your externalities. This is the same pitfall that capitalists dive into to justify pollution and all manner of horrible things.

Maybe you should look into why we have those regulations. - an actual libertarian

If it's libertarian it's libertarian socialist. There's no property or capital on here, posts get boosted by collective voting, not based off your following or account. There's not even an idea of karma, your account means basically nothing here. A capitalist libertarian social media would be something like nostr or what bluesky is claiming it'll eventually do where you completely own your account and your following and you can use that social capital as you wish.

I think this is an example of where the left-right axis isn't the most adequate way of viewing things. The Fediverse in general is anti-authoritarian. You can be all the way from a far-left anarchist to a far-right anarcho-capitalist and still be anti-authoritarian, just like both tankies and nazis are authoritarian.

As a libertarian liberal, what communities would you recommend? I'm sad there's not a more active free speech community on this platform. The reddit one is such a gross conservative circle jerk rn.

I used to call myself a "left libertarian" but to be frank, after learning more I've found that "anarchist" fits far better. And there's a lot of interesting content out there that I enjoy. I'm not sure who all .world has defederated, but the solar punk instance is always great, our mods are great (Midwest social), some people may find them abrasive, but those are people who maybe don't understand that when you play in someone else's home, you play by their rules.

Also: blahaj, beehaw, and even hexbear is usually entertaining, even if I have some disagreements with them.

The point is, there's a lot out there, depending on who you're federating with.

I don't have anything to suggest on Lemmy. There's so little activity that I participate in every community where I see an interesting post, except for those communities which are specifically for people with some particular set of beliefs which I don't share.

If you're looking beyond Lemmy, there are are the comment sections of the SlateStarCodex/AstralCodexTen blog and the blogs it links to as well as some associated forums and subreddits. You'll find plenty of liberal libertarians and the comments tend to be polite and high-effort, but keep in mind that a dedication to free speech means that people with opinions that can't be discussed elsewhere participate too. It's a bit much for me sometimes.

Lemmy is an inherently libertarian platform even when its users aren't

The devs are Communists and created Lemmy along Communist lines and principles. Libertarians can also agree with Lemmy's structure though.

β€œWithout echo chambers, the weak trump supporter gets bullied and humiliated, leaving defeated and confused back to his herd. Nature is beautiful. β€œ

David Attenborough, maybe

Closer to reality than you think. He did a parody narration of "the MAGAs".

Haha are you implying that Lemmy isn't an echo chamber?

It definitely definitely is.

But it's not a Trump echo chamber, hence their absence.

It's insane. I left reddit because I thought it was an over-moderated echo chamber with too much corporate influence. Lemmy is somehow an even worse echo chamber and it didn't need corporate influence to see it happen.

Picking Lemmy over Reddit is a political choice, hence Lemmy having far more Communists.

Most likely your instance is defederated from all the nazi-adjacent instances 🀷

Yeah. It's the advantage but also disadvantage of the Fediverse. If you're on the wrong instance you won't even notice that certain ideologies are right out blocked by the instance owner. This can go into all political directions. You wouldn't even notice this happening unless you do research on which instances are blocked by yours.

Personally I'm cool with that. I don't think daily exposure to actual fascists is good for one's head. And I wouldn't mind .ml getting the axe too (though I'm not gonna be the one pestering my instance admin about that) because Tankies are equally as draining.

That's the thing. On one hand I like not being bombarded by the shit opinions but on the other I like being informed at what the talking points are (to a degree) because I find that keeps me sharp against the opposition. When I read or hear about conservative viewpoints, I only think about how obtuse the logic is so it's not something I worry at all about affecting my mindspace so this might not be a solution to everyone.

I'm still torn on the topic since it's nice to not give a platform to obviously shit ideals since that's how the misinformation spreads but I still wonder if there's an even better protocol out there we haven't been able to even comprehend yet.

There are plenty of Trump supporters here. Every comment from someone who implies one shouldn't vote for Harris because of the Israel-Gaza war is likely someone trying to suppress Democrat turnout. Single issue voting is the only way the GOP ever win.

The Gaza posts always make me laugh because they completely ignore that Trump would just glass Gaza.

The only reason Trump hasn’t showed how terrible he’d be on Gaza is because he isn’t president right now.

Another brand new account posting the same tired bad faith party lines.

Everyone who doesn't stand behind me absolutely is my enemy.

Sorry pal. Harris gonna win.

I genuinely don't care.

Have you stopped to consider that labelling someone as the "enemy" is parlance mostly engaged in by conservatives? Progressives don't usually think in those terms. To a progressive, you might be ignorant, misinformed, misguided, deluded, xenophobic, racist, or engaging in bad faith, but you are rarely the "enemy." Even Trump himself although perhaps though of as an "enemy of democracy," is not a personal enemy. Your response using that metaphor serves to highlight the conservative mind set of making it personal, and harboring an anger so deep that political disagreement is grounds for personal animosity and even violence.

Some people cause so much harm that, fuck it, they're enemies. It doesn't matter that Adolf McHitlerface had a terrible childhood. Overwhelming violence was a legitimate mean to put an end to his action.

You won't be able to fix everyone, and not everybody with a terrible life becomes a fascist.

Trump doesn't care that you have an open mind and are willing to try to change him. Give him the chance, and he'll let you know what he thinks of your good nature.

I'm not dehumanizing him. He's not the antichrist. He's in fact terribly human. But not all humans deserve rehabilitation, especially when they're actively causing harm. When a terrorist shoots people at a concert, it's absolutely OK to kill them to prevent innocent deaths.

It's OK to take a stance, sometimes. And you don't always need to be very civil about it.

I like how you're so high up on your horse that not only does is your team too good to have enemies, you can doublethink away any use of the term as impersonal.

The US had a 2x mortality rate of Canada. 6x higher compared to South Korea, 10x of Japan the first two years of Covid. Even going with the lowest number, about 500,000 Americans could have survived with even marginally competent leadership. One that might not have...

  1. Disbanded the Pandemic response team Obama set up.

  2. Undercut the messaging from the CDC because Trump couldn't handle Fauci having a higher approval rating than him.

  3. Spewed constant misinformation about everything from bleach, sunlight to ivermectin while professionals were desperately trying to do their job.

  4. Intentionally dragging his feet on the relief effort because someone told him that it was hitting the cities first and the Democrats would be most affected.

  5. Goddamn masks. All he had to do was go on TV and tell his little cultists to wear the damn things, and we could have prevented so much of the deaths that came from the original strain/Delta. (Not Omicron)

... Hitler killed less Americans than Trump did. That's just facts.

The "disbanding" of the pandemic response team is largely misrepresented. I don't disagree with the rest, or see how it's at all relevant to the current conversation.

How is it misrepresented?

The Global Health Security and Biodefense unit β€” responsible for pandemic preparedness β€” was established in 2015 by Barack Obama.

In May 2018, the team was disbanded and its head Timothy Ziemer, top White House official for leading U.S. response against a pandemic, left the Trump administration.

Republicans have claimed it was 'streamlining' as opposed to elimination, since some members of the team were reassigned to other roles related to pandemic response, but the team was disbanded under the trump administration, that's just a fact.

You: β€œHitler can’t take back office, but we do need to continue the concentration camps. People who don’t want concentration camps are directly supporting Hitler.”

My brother in christ you cannot compromise on fucking genocide. Liberals like you are so fucking scared of the orange man that you are willing to let hundreds of thousands die without even asking for better.

If all you're voting on is how they respond to Gaza, Harris isn't great but Trump is exponentially worse. He's openly said that Israel should continue what they're doing. In fact, in every metric of comparison Trump is exponentially worse. It's not that we're scared of Trump, it's that he is so much worse in every regard.

Yeah no shit but im not gonna settle for genocide. Slower genocide is still genocide and if I can do anything to prevent the murder of hundreds of thousands of people I will do so. I genuinely believe that witholding my vote and protesting has a chance of altering Harris' position here.

What good does altering Harris's position do if she doesn't win?

If she wins without ceasing material support for actual genocide then we have failed as a people. Politicans are beholden to us not the other way around. It is our demands they should listen to not the demands of raytheon, boeing, palantir, and others that uphold their wealth and power.

Thats not even mentioning the fact that not supporting genocide basically guarantees her win. This is an incredible popular position that many many people passionately care about. She supports genocide because she wants to

But what good is punishing Harris by withdrawing your vote? What does this even do except inch everything closer to Trump - who will make the issue you're prioritizing, worse?

It tells her that she might fucking lose if she doesn't change her stance. Do you really think a politician will do anything for the people if they can win without doing it? How do you think politics works? Asking nicely? I'm exerting political pressure not "punishing her"

^ This is either a bot or a 14 year old. Impossible to tell nowadays

Please get over yourself

Ok so 14 year old it is then!

Hanlon's razor, my friend. Lemmy is either filled with "bots" for no better reason than to try to persuade the 5k active users which will not be persuaded or it's just another bunch of random people, a good percentage of which will always be idiots.

I think the latter is a lot more likely, don't you?

The orange man is not the solution here, to be clear

Yes, of course. I would never encourage people to vote for a fascist

Yet you are encouraging others to NOT vote for the non-fascist?


Harris is materially supporting a genocide and uncritically parroting the rhetoric of israeli fascist. I am telling people not to vote for her because she too is a fascist. Should she stop supporting this slaughter then I would happily encourage everyone to vote for her

Found the trump supporter.

Ah yes everyone not happy about genocide is a trump supporter /s

Lmao, I'm not voting for a kid diddler either

Then you're voting for...?

Whichever candidate is willing to end the genocide not that I'd believe trump if he said he would. I'll vote third party if necessary

Harris is working to end the genocide right now. She's fighting for a permanent ceasefire and two state solution. That might not be your preferred way to resolve the conflict, but it would stop the carnage and give Palestine more leverage to negotiate on the world stage.

Yeah... no. If she was working towards that she would have ended all weapon supplies to Israel. What she is doing is putting on a face and pretending to care.

She can't end all weapon supplies to Israel, she's the vice president.

Even Biden couldn't do it, he paused shipments and Congress passed a bill forcing them to resume. The power of the president is limited, especially when a super majority of Congress are firmly committed to sending weapons to Israel.

She isn't even promising it. She won't do it nor ask Biden to do it. She is helping fund the genocide. Neither have spine.

You do realize that she's the Vice President and doesn't actually have any authority or power unless Biden kicks the bucket, right?

Because it really seems like you think that she has any ability to make unilateral decisions or enact her policy platform right this second, and that simply isn't the case.

She has the.potential to be President yet doesn't even want to offer this! It's unreasonable that even the current US President won't somehow find a legal way to stop weapons exports to a people literally committing war crimes on a daily basis by the admission of almost every expert worldwide on anything related to law, the UN, global health or humanitarian work.

It's not because they are incapable. It's because they have no spine. And worse they have somehow convinced people like you that it's our of their hands.

Biden absolutely has some control over this, but Netanyahu is the bigger problem at the moment. Biden has influence over Netanyahu (with a lot of caveats and red tape due to decades of foreign policy), and Harris has influence over Biden....but that's not the same thing as absolute control. There are also parts of this that have to get approved by congress and there's only so much the office of the president can do unilaterally.

They can be doing more, and they should be doing more, but Harris' role and capability is limited to that of an advisor (under strict scrutiny from everyone) right now, and that doesn't actually give her that much power.

Like I said, they convinced you they are not able to stop weapon exorts to a war criming nation. Did they have a problem like that when it came to Russia? Nope.

The Americans are lost. Their version of democracy has collapsed over their own heads. In a way, they deserve this shit. If they put all this crappy energy into unitedly voting for third candidate, it just might work. But nope, gotta wake up every day and go online to accuse people who refuse a second holocaust of being tRuMp SupPorTers.

Free thought is dead in America and the Americans killed it.

Go ahead downvote me to fucking hell, haters.

It's so hard to take people seriously who talk like turbo redditors. My BrOtHeR iN lOw KeY cHrIsT.

Thats fair but it's probably just a generational or regional divide. For instance, I personally can't take people who use that form of text capitalization seriously. No shame though I just associate it with 7th grade

I just associate it with 7th grade

You're not gonna believe this, but I'm pretty sure that was the intent, to mock you

Somehow people think that pointing out that anyone who isn't Trump are pro-genocide means that Trump somehow isn't pro-genocide.

Like you're not allowed to think about two problems at once. Or that there are no other options....

I get that but I'm not gonna criticize trump for being pro-genocide bc we can't do shit fuck about that. Atleast with Harris there is a slim chance of changing her position on the matter by witholding votes and being vocal about it. Stop doing genocide has gotta be the most reasonable political demand to exist right?

Yes. Exactly! The reason people keep bitching about Harris and genocide is because they hope something might actually happen about it.

Biden was an absolutely terrible candidate (that I was going to vote for) and probably the only person who could lose against Trump. Because people constantly bitched about how bad he was they changed the candidate.

Harris doesn't get to use Trump as a not-as-bad-as screen, and given that we don't have the option of not voting for her, everyone should be applying every other available form of pressure to discourage her from enabling genocide or otherwise maintaining the status quo.

Now is not the time. After she is elected, get out there and put the pressure on her. But it makes no sense to risk the fate of the entire country on this.

This will come as an absolute shock to you. You can vote for someone you criticize....

Which party was it that dogpiles on anyone that dares criticize their shitty candidates again?

The point of saying it before the election is that the expectations are set.

What kind of democracy is one where you can't even criticize the candidate because "it's not the right time" right before the elections when the candidates are forced to make changes to make the public happy? After they are in power, it's another 4 years of BS, and by the third year the same cycle begins and you are not allowed to criticize your candidate.

Reddit's early days were also far more left leaning then they eventually became.

When you have a small niche of nerds who enjoy discussing topics and ideas, then far right wing points will get downvoted to hell because they are, quite frankly, dumb, divorced from logic and the real world, and don't stand up to actual critical scrutiny.

Reddit got more right leaning as it grew and expanded into the general population and more dummies started upvoting dumb posts, then got more right leaning when right wing political orgs took notice and started trying to influence it, and now seems even more right leaning because they've changed their algorithms to prioritize controversial comments and posts that get people angry because it boosts engagement.

While very true, dont discount apathy and lurking. I may have made 15-20 comments on reddit for tge 10+ yrs I was on the platform. There were so many ppl 1. That typically someone else would respond. Two reddit descended into ppl who just want to argue semantics. Here without the karma farming people have more genuine responses

Over on mastodon on the other hand... I get the feeling people brought some of the negative aspects of twitter over there. Still overwhelmingly positive but I tend to get more info on lemmy now than mastodon Imo

I don't think there's any less karma farming on here. People still look at their up and downvotes, and I don't think there was a legitimate industry for selling high karma accounts on Reddit. Not one that would make a difference at scale anyways.

The problem with Mastodon and Twitter is structural, it's based around following people, not topics. It is inherently problematic because a) personalities and status get elevated over the logic of the argument, b) following people instead of topics inherently feeds people's egos in a problematic way, and c) a given person can use their followers problematically (brigading, etc). On Reddit / Lemmy by following decentralized topics it eliminates or reduces most of these effects, though the mods controlling each subreddit can exercise some of the same influence.

The problem with Mastodon and Twitter is structural, it’s based around following people, not topics.

I've long thought this but infrequently find other people who think the same!

On here (and reddit, rip) and most forums, I don't really look at the user name. I just read the content I think that's a better setup.

People still look at their up and downvotes

You can turn that off in the UI. I did that and it mostly makes the place more tolerable, though I do find myself peeking sometimes.

Early Reddit was very libertarian, you would not believe how big Ron Paul was. It went more to the left once it got a mainstream audience

There's only one way you can support Trump today.

You either refuse to acknowledge all the terrible things he's done, or you approve of the things he's done.

People who refuse to acknowledge, are going to look at all the "fake news" on this site about His Oranginess, and quickly decide that it's nothing but propaganda and go somewhere "more reliable".

Those who agree, stick around a little longer. They will argue and defend the horrible things, because they think there are more like them that will come out and back them up as a fellow defender of racism misogyny homophobia "Good old family values". But they will be downvoted to oblivion and have trouble finding a friendly voice. Eventually, they too will go where they can have a more comfortable discussion with people who are as terrible as they are.

And ironically enough, if you went to Truth Social, and asked why there weren't more Biden/Harris supporters there, they'd give you the exact same answer in reverse.

We had an opportunity years ago to fix this problem. Long before Trump ever showed up on the scenes as a political individual. We needed in schools to be teaching how to pick out real news from fake news. How to pick out fact from propaganda. Hell out to read a newspaper properly.

How to logically pick a part in argument. We chose not to. We as a society, decided not to put our money towards that. Now people read a headline, and based purely on the headline, make a statement such as β€œthrow the guy in jail for the rest of his life for that one β€œ.

I sat on a jury trial. It was a murder trial, if you went purely by what was in the local newspaper, you would’ve seriously questioned why the guy didn’t just take a plea deal. If you sat in that courtroom day after day, listening to it you’d realize this is a lot tougher than what you realize. we had a hard time figuring out if the guy was even in town at the time of the murder.

But for those that weren’t involved in the trial, they’re convinced the guy belonged in jail for the rest of his life. Because people didn’t sit down and really read the newspaper and ask important questions. Because we don’t hold our journalists to a higher standard and force them to give all the information And tell both sides of the story.

I have no idea how you solve the problem anymore. Because at this point, even if you tell the complete truth about any given politician, no oneβ€˜s going to believe what they’re reading anymore because there’s another so-called journalist out there saying the exact opposite and people say well I don’t know what to believe then. And can’t figure out how to critically think about this and ask questions.

Here in Lemmy we are guilty of the same sort of thing, same as over at truth social same as over at Twitter same as over Facebook.

As a society, I’m sorry for the language here, we are well and truly fucked.

I truly don’t know what the answer is.

Also sidenote 10 bucks says somebody comes back with a stupid comment of well since you don’t know what the answer is obviously you’re just saying that we shouldn’t do anything and just give up.

If you've never watched the movie 12 Angry Men, do yourself a favor and watch it. You are going to love it and it has everything to do with your comment.

Neglecting public education is really going to keep biting us in the ass.

Something like half of US adults can't read at a sixth grade level.

If we took some of the idiotic venture capitalist "it's cat gifs on the block chain" nonsense and put it into education and infrastructure, we'd be so much better off.

I don't really know how to get from here to there, either. Give me magic powers to Thanos snap away some people, maybe?

I have no idea how you solve the problem anymore. Because at this point, even if you tell the complete truth about any given politician, no oneβ€˜s going to believe what they’re reading anymore because there’s another so-called journalist out there saying the exact opposite and people say well I don’t know what to believe then. And can’t figure out how to critically think about this and ask questions.

Reverse cargo cult.

We needed in schools to be teaching how to pick out real news from fake news.

Obviously there are issues with education in this country but it's always an easy scapegoat for these kinds of issues. Plenty of states have skills like this in their common core, I would venture to say you're incorrect on that point.

Fair enough I graduated in the early 90s at that time we didn’t have it. At least not at the level that I felt that we should’ve. If I’m wrong on that, then I apologize.

No worries, you just hear a lot of misguided criticisms of the education system a lot of which are based on anecdotal experiences. I wish everyone would keep tabs on what kids are learning and have a more hands on approach to curricula.

So what you are saying is I should be volunteering for the geography classes to help reinforce the flat earth ideals? 😁

Oh fucking christ, a flat-earther. You people are even worse than the fucking round-earther scum on this platform.

I swear you people will never accept a velociraptor-shaped earth, prolly cuz your brains just aren’t big enough to process the geometry.

Edit: I really hoped the /s would not be necessary…

Did you miss the incredibly obvious joke?

Dude, I suggested the earth was shaped like a velociraptor.

No, I didn’t miss the joke

Edit: Did YOU miss MY incredibly obvious joke? xD

You either refuse to acknowledge all the terrible things he’s done, or you approve of the things he’s done.

This is two ways. You literally said either / or.

The brackets were implied by OP.

I.e. "one way: (be ignorant || approve)".

I like it this way. It's not an "echo chamber" because we do have some interesting liberal vs leftist discussions. I think I've already heard quite enough conservative nonsense though; they aren't entitled to my consideration forever.

There is a conservative comm on lemm.ee

It's a shit hole though as expected

Is there? Damn I just kinda picked an instance randomly before I really understood what that meant. Now I'm sad.

Trump supporters tend to hang out in the /modlog community. Try there first.

They are, but defederation helps keep the echo chambers separate.

They all on truth. And by truth i mean not the truth, i mean the a-social network truth.

They're also back past the critical edgiboi quotient nowadays over at the other site that starts with r

  1. There probably are some right-wing instances, but I'm guessing they all got defederated for... reasons...

  2. Conservatives already have their own platforms e.g. truth social, twitter, 4chan, others

  3. The very format of Lemmy is more egalitarian. For example, it gives an enormous amount of power to individual users to filter out unwanted content, and decentralizes content moderation over a variety of instances. This doesn't appeal to some right-wing ideologues who seem to value more hierarchical, centralized systems. Basically, Lemmy is more democratic (or has the potential to be more democratic) than other platforms.

Decentralized network designed to stand up to big tech by gay trans furries. Not much appeal for those folks round these parts.

You haven't seen any of the "genocide Joe" trolls?

They’ve all but vanished after Biden dropped out of the race.

you've stopped seeing comments about Biden once he became irrelevant?

No, I stopped seeing”genocide Joe” comments. People still discuss Biden, he’s sill President.

until he fucks off soon. the whole point of genocide Joe comments is that people don't want four more years of him.

but of course thankfully Harris says she'll help the genocide too so we'll see how that goes.

Shh stop pointing out basic reality to liberals, they’ll get scared and start sending you death threats

They're popping back up again recently, attacking Harris of course

Too difficult to come up with something for Harris that rolls off the tongue as easily as β€œGenocide Joe.”

yes I think the bigger problem here is right wing propagandists masquerading as lefties.

My honest interpretation is that there are actually very few right wing propagandists masquerading as lefties, but they are very effective at bringing hapless idiot lefties to their narrative.

Are you referring to Lemmy.world?

Look, one of the more active ones. Tell us again how Cuba is a great example of communism working as intended.

Why do you believe that it isn't? Under what pretext does my being a Marxist make me right-wing?

Oh, I'm not restarting this conversation with you. You've showed your colors when you told me that an article that explains my stance wasn't an explanation of my stance. Only reason you and others like you sre not blocked is because I get a chuckle out of seeing your nonsense, plus I like to help pointing it out for others that might not know it's nonsense.

I asked you what your definition of poverty was, and you shared an article with no reference to definition, only to rate of poverty. I wanted to know how you were defining poverty, as we can track metrics over time and analyze external factors. You were uninterested.

You threw a fit and logged off.

Ok, I'll spell it out for you, maybe you're just that dense. This is a quote from the link, right below the title. The literal subtitle of the article: "seven out of 10 Cubans have stopped eating breakfast, lunch, or dinner due to lack of money or shortages".

If that's not an explanation, then I'm sorry, maybe we have different definitions for the word. So there you go. My definition of poverty in this case is people not having food to eat.

Again, this was at the top of the article, which you'd have seen if you were interested, which you're obviously not. As we've already established, only pretending to be a "lefty"

Cuba is currently running into issues due to liberalization measures, and betting harder on tourism. This is compounded by the ongoing trade embargo, which hit especially hard during COVID.

Seems like Cuba is now doing worse as it has introduced liberalization measures.

It has since applied to join BRICS, which should see increased trade.

Well? What happened? Thought it was a good example? And not another failure in which the people are suffering while the "president" is a rich fuck?

And for those that aren't aware, this "liberalization" had nothing to do with personal freedoms, it's talking about the economy. And it started 30 years ago. And it's getting worse, not better, despite all that time. Any day now, however...

Well? What happened? Thought it was a good example? And not another failure in which the people are suffering while the "president" is a rich fuck?

The system overall is good. The structure is more democratic, LGBTQ rights are better protected than the US by law, and social safety nets are generous. Facing temporary economic struggles in the context of a global pandemic compounded by an ongoing fascist trade embargo does not mean the Cuban system overall is bad. As an example, what would you do?

And for those that aren't aware, this "liberalization" had nothing to do with personal freedoms, it's talking about the economy. And it started 30 years ago. And it's getting worse, not better. Any day now, however...

Why would liberalization mean personal freedoms? Cuba already has high levels of personal freedoms, moreso than America, of course I am referring to introducing more Capitalist market reforms.

Either way, Cuba was steadily improving over time, even beating the US in life expectancy, with lower starvation rates. Their latest slump is again due to being hit particularly hard by COVID.

Again, it was terrible quality of life before the liberalization which started 30 years ago, because that's why it started, and it's gotten worse, not better since. Stop trying to blame it on the pandemic, it was bad before it as I've already said and you've ignored.

As for the other stuff you've mentioned: Good for them on the LGBTQ and healthcare stuff, that's a great thing, however...

"Human rights in Cuba are under the scrutiny of human rights organizations, which accuse the Cuban government of committing systematic human rights abuses against the Cuban people, including arbitrary imprisonment and unfair trials.International human rights organizations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have drawn attention to the actions of the human rights movement and designated members of it as prisoners of conscience, such as Γ“scar ElΓ­as Biscet. In addition, the International Committee for Democracy in Cuba led by former statesmen VΓ‘clav Havel of the Czech Republic, JosΓ© MarΓ­a Aznar of Spain and Patricio Aylwin of Chile was created to support the Cuban dissident movement."

"Press freedom is an ongoing issue in Cuba. The country has ranked low on the Press Freedom Index, a list published by Reporters Without Borders which reflects the degree of freedom that journalists, news organisations, and netizens have in a country. Cuba has been ranked among the index's β€œleast free" countries for a decade."

As someone whose family lived under a similar regime I can tell you one thing: quality of life is more than stats. Stats can be good while real quality of life is shit. Which is what appears to be happening there. Which is what usually(probably always?) happens under authoritarian regimes.

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Careful with that troll word, there are mods that will ban you for saying it. They tell you to report trolls to them, so I did (a very obvious troll) and I got banned. Pretty neat you can't appeal, and you can't find out which mod did it either.


Doesn't show what mod did it.

Use the photon UI on desktop.

You can only see which mod did it if you're an admin

What are you taking about? Lemmy.world loves to ban those pointing out genocide supporters. Cause totally every one who wishes Israel to stop the genocide is a dirty republican. At least that's how the mods treat them

Because it's a bad faith argument.

There's no candidate that opposes Israel's actions.

It's certainly okay, even preferable, to be critical of our administration, but it serves no point to bring it up in a discussion of the election, because it serves only to de-rail the conversation when any candidate who matters supports the genocide.

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Because the fascist fuckwads would be run out of town on a rail.

Yeah, this is not a nazi bar.

There is a whole separate lemmyverse full of conservatives and pedophilia. They are defederated from every sane instance.

Exploding Heads, that's the name of the most prolific Nazi instance.

Lemmy in general is developed and maintained by Communists, for starters. FOSS in general, especially FOSS social media, is a Leftist answer to already existing Capitalist Social Media.

There are right-wing instances like Exploding Heads, which is a Nazi instance, but they are defederated from every major instance.

There are a couple masquerading as Green Party supporters, and you do see blatently pro-Trump posters occasionally, but most of them are lurkers who, if they comment, hide behind criticizing Democrats rather than voicing pro-Trump sentiments.

Look for the people who were smashing Biden for the debate behavior while ignoring Trump's Alzheimer's symptoms. The people being nitpicking Harris or Walz, while being silent about the Couch-Fucker and Orange Stalin. Those are the pro-Trump lurkers. There aren't many, though, because they don't thrive outside of an echo chamber.

Lemmy's an echo chamber as well, but you'll find plenty of people who criticize both parties, and while a lot of people like Kamala, very few claim she's perfect, or worship her. And there's plenty of legitimate criticism of the Democratic party, and strong sentiment about a need for change in US politics. This is the sort of discussion and debate which would not be sanctioned in most conservative forums, and could easily get you banned. So I think it's fair to say Lemmy is far less echo-y than most.

I think that your metrics for picking covert Trumpers based upon that appaling debate is incorrect and simplistic. I watched every second of that shit show and believed that we were doomed for another 4 years of the orange turd.

Trump lied during the debate. Some estimates were that he lied upwards of 250 times in his 45 minutes at the mic. Those numbers seems off, but who knows? I don't know the true figure, but it was insane. However, it is also not the fucking point. Trump is a serial liar. He lies to his family, he lies to the people, he lies to the courts, he lies non-stop. He would have lied if Biden performed outstandingly in the debate. He would have lied if Biden put in a middling performance. And, he lied when Biden performed badly. Are we supposed to be clutching our pearls in shock that Trump lied?

So, we can't judge Biden's terrible performance by the 'other guy'. We need to judge whether Biden could win in November. And if you had of watched all 90 minutes, like I did, there was zero confidence that he could. The GOP campaign would have portrayed Biden's lost moments a million times, over and over and over again. And they'd be stupid not to. And yes, Trump lied in the debate. Let's try and turn the broken bus around on the seemingly new information that a serial liar lied on stage.

The proof of this was the instant jump in the polls once Harris became the candidate and the growing support since. Is the argument that all these covert GOP critics suddenly turned Dems? Or, perhaps, changing to Haris was the sensible thing to do, and perhaps, just might keep the orange turd out of the white house.

I think that your metrics for picking covert Trumpers based upon that appaling debate is incorrect and simplistic.

Well, yeah, it's simplistic. I'm generalizing.

I watched every second of that shit show and believed that we were doomed for another 4 years of the orange turd.

I agree. Biden had a bad night (and, it appears in retrospect, had been declining for a while). Trump has been a deranged narcissistic sociopath since day 1; Biden was held to a higher standard than Trump. Biden performs poorly, and the heart sunk out of the Democratic faithful. Trump performs poorly, and that's just par for the course, because all Trumpers care about is hurting liberals.

However, I admit I don't know what you're arguing; I think we agree on most of this. The Harris bump was because (as I said) it gave liberals hope that they could win. The bump came from undecideds who suddenly saw an energized, engaged, and competent viable candidate as an option; or people who before saw only two decrepit old white men (The Patriarchy) feebly flailing for control, and suddenly one of the candidates was strong, under 60, female, and a minority!

We're answering OP's question why there aren't more Trumpers on Lemmy. There are; they're just hidden, and how they respond to the debate outs them. The debate was just an example:

  1. Non-Trumper: If Joe had a cold, it looks like a staffer gave him Nyquil instead of amphetamines. He'd have paid for the uppers the next day, but it if ever there was a time to push yourself and pay the price later, this debate was it. He was horrible. Trump was his usual lying self, rambling nonsense, and looked like his usual re-animated corpse.
  2. Trumper: Biden was awful; he's obviously going senile, unable to answer questions, losing his train of thought, weak.

Democrats are far more critical of their own candidate than Republicans are of their's, and that's how you identify the conservative lurkers. They're there, and they're not hard to recognize.

This subsequent post of yours is more substantial in explaining your position and I generally agree with all of your points.

My post was with the absurdist position that critiquing the Biden performance around the time of the last debate made you an enemy of progressive politics. Joe had fired his last good shot in 2016. He's a good man, a heroic fighter for his age but Trump was always going to steamroll him this time. It doesn't matter that Joe had a cold, or that he sometimes made excellent policy points, the optics were that he was meandering and frail. It wasn't that the debate done him in by itself - Obama sometimes had a bad debate (particularly his first one) it was that his performance on the night confirmed what was evident for months. By the time Joe started arguing with Trump about who could beat who in golf the jig was up.

Despite Trump's own senior moments, despite his atrocious behaviour, despite his obvious lies, the feeling was Joe is doomed. And so was the most important election since last time, and that says a lot. The fact that it is not impossible that he still won't get in again is beyond worrying. But with Harris there is a decent chance.

I hope that clears up my position? It was more a vent against all those who insisted that we ride the Joe bus over the cliff and disbelieve our own eyes while we did it.

Yeah, I think we're on the same page. The Biden administration did good, but we'd come to a depressingly low point in politics.

I'm encouraged that more conservatives are feeling it's safe to pop their heads out and criticize Trump, and the radical right who've been able to hijack the party thanks largely to party policies started during Ronald Fucking Regan's administration. But if they do it on Lemmy, they're assumed to be liberals which may increase the perception of there being few conservatives on Lemmy.

Lemmy is still more generally politically Left than American Left, which is, after all, pretty centrist compared to western Europe. This feeds even more into OP's question about why there aren't more conservatives on Lemmy: if you look at Lemmy as a European, the pro- Trumpers are neo-Nazis, not conservatives; the center is so far right, anything more right is essentially legally banned in Germany.

Thats a pretty sophisticated bit of analysis, particularly for Lemmy.

I still find it amazing that the vote will be as close as it undoubtedly will become. I mean, Trump is not only for himself, but he is also plainly destructive. He's now touting the low-information 'Joe Rogan vote'. Young white guys who haven't been following anything.

Oh ffs, it's non-binary. I can support certain policies while standing 10 down against others. I can look for alternative candidates without being Nazi, shill or troll. I'm fact, that mentality is from the GW Bush playbook, "if you're not for us, you're against us!" Which to be fair, I'm against politicians who rake in corporate, PAC and billionaire dollars, mainly because they're proud corporate and against we regular people.

But isn't that exactly what they were saying? If you go on X, for example, you can literally be banned for using the word "cisgender". Musk considers it a slur. Here, you can voice any opinion.

However there's a different between agreeing with some right-wing policies and being a full-on MAGA fascist. Full-on MAGA fascists shrivel up and die when exposed to any discourse that hasn't been heavily censored and editorialized in their favor. So naturally they'll avoid places where different opinions are shared. This alone is enough reason to call this place an echo chamber, because a (sadly) very prevalent set of opinions isn't represented here.

And I can, for example, get away with referring to MAGA fascists as MAGA fascists knowing full well that not a single one of those Trump-fellating pussies will say anything against me for it, and even if one does, the community will not have their back.

No these people are definitely leftist. Why would we criticize trump when we know there is no chance of altering his policy. Atleast with the democrats we might (and thats a big maybe) push them left by witholding our vote and being vocal about our opposition to genocide

I don't like the deranged trumpists but unfortunately there's not much Christian discussion on here and !christianity@lemmy.world gets downvote brigaded

People are pissed about all the harm christianity is causing in the world. In a community that is more likely to consider religion to be the "opium of the people", you won't find much support for christianity, I'm afraid. Even if you're not part of the people using your beliefs as a weapon to oppress.

But downvoting posts just because they're Christian in nature is just purely religious bigotry. Anti-theism isn't much better, if not worse, depending on how someone follows their religion.

Those dang anti-theists, with all their crusades, and inquisitions, and molestation scandals. At least when theists isolate you from your friends and family for being gay, or leaving an abusive relationship, it's done in the name of God. What's the anti-theists excuse?

This is actually laughable, but I'll point out your own hypocrisy.

Anti theism is desiring the eradication of all belief in God and mandatory atheism. By default and nature, it is bigoted and worse than everything you listed. But sure, let's entertain this anyway.

The aim of the Crusades were about taking back the Holy Lands from the occupying Muslim forces. Sure, religion was involved, but the same stuff happens with National ideology. Like Russia "taking back" Crimea in 2014. So getting rid of religion won't stop things like this happening. Throughout modern history, most major wars were based on a secular political ideology, notably the First World, Second World, Cold, Korean and Vietnam wars.

Second - Molestation scandals. These happen in any organisation, and like wars, aren't inherently religious. Of course, large churches were a good target for child molestors, but the same thing happens with schools, generic celebrity stuff and broadcasting corporations. Sometimes on a bigger scale than the scandals in the Roman Catholic Church. Anything that gives anyone positions of power.

Third - Let's list some prominent anti-theist regimes.

USSR - 1.2 Million killed in the purge.

People's Republic of China - "Fatality estimates vary across different sources, ranging from hundreds of thousands to millions, or even tens of millions." (Of deaths in the cultural revolution). Christianity is still persecuted to this day, and the state can be described as anti-theistic.

Nazi Germany - 6 million Jews killed in the holocaust. Very arguably anti theist as Hitler tried to eradicate Jews and suppressed Christianity that wasn't theologically liberal in his favour.

Obviously not everyone was killed in the precise name of anti-theism, but it still shows that the problem isn't religion, which anti theism makes it out to be.

Lastly, in the People's Republic of China, people are often shunned for divorce and homosexuality, and it's still a very atheistic country.

For myself, I have never shunned anyone based on sexual orientation, gender identity or relationship status. I have never called for any of these people to be killed by the state for these either. I do not believe the state should be enforcing Christianity when someone's immorality isn't hindering anybody else (Such as Homosexuality or Polygamy) Yet if the anti theists had their way, they'd have me persecuted and likely killed because I am a Christian.

Oh nonono, we’re not playing the β€œbut atheism is a religion too and it’s worse!” Garbage

Every Christian is β€œnot like the other” Christians. The rhetoric isn’t welcomed on the fediverse because it’s poison.

Stuff gets downvoted when it hits the all page. The conservative communities have the same problem: they’re not wanted here.

I've just subbed! I look forward to contributing to discussion in the future :)

They're here, anything pro trump is often downvoted, and most things heavily critical of the Dems are also often downvoted.

For better or worse, there's not a lot of right wing stuff that makes it into the positive on votes.

If you sort new, you'll see it pop up from time to time.

It's hard to tell sometimes, but it certainly feels like some political regimes are trying out dropping propaganda here or there into the conversation. I'm sure most of it is from genuine users, but there are some comments that just look like they're here to stir up dissent.

For better or worse, there’s not a lot of right wing stuff that makes it into the positive on votes.

That is for the better.

You occasionally run into some disagreeable but unobjectionable "traditional" conservative opinions, usually around economics and the governments role in it, but trump shit isn't that. We can be friends if you think a market solution is viable or better than an entitlement program. We can't be friends if you think a significant portion of your fellow citizens are vermin or that we should just let terrible problems continue or get worse.

The window has just shifted so far that literal objective depictions of reality are described as "left".

It would be nice to have some opposition, though. Even if most "conservative" media right now is little more than xenophobia, or cult worship, there do exist sound arguments against the typical internet-left positions. I don't have a solid enough read on what comes through New in the fediverse to say whether any of that is being submitted and just downvoted off everyone's feeds, or if all that's being submitted is the average conservative media junk.

Still, political spaces without opposition/diversity invariably degenerate into purity contests, and circle jerking.

No, there's really not sound arguments against them. That's why nobody ever hears sound arguments.

Stop assuming ghosts exist because you saw a picture frame on the wall move when a large truck went by...

No, there’s really not sound arguments against them.

That's like saying there are no trade-offs to any policies; it's simply not true. I'm as left as they come (not American left, British), but failing to admit there are flaws or sound arguments against left-wing ideas is very ignorant.

Nonono, you misunderstand the political landscape.

Something having downsides IS NOT the same as the claims being made against things. If you think conservative politicians are arguing in good faith, you simply haven't been listening.

There really are not sound (conservative) arguments against them.

If you do not agree, you do not know enough. Period.

If you do not agree, you do not know enough. Period.

Lol. Your arrogance is astounding.

Your pride in ignorance is pathetic. Perfect example of why public education is critically important to fund, and to fund properly.

Conservstives cling on to old, stupid ideas that are in the process of being proven wrong. Again and again and again and again.

But you go ahead and defend that hill that brought us golden gems of wisdom like "Trickle Down Economics", private, for-profit prisons, and a lack of regulation so companies can dump what ever they want in to rivers and the ocean...

No no, you said period, the end, so stop. I don't need anything further from you.

Conservative media comes through plenty in the form of business, tech and mainstream media sources πŸ™„

Don't confuse the fact that Republicans have become degenerate doesn't mean their ideas are the basis of conservative ideology.

The difference to Reddit et al is that votes don't generally matter a huge lot in here. And you can easily hide them.

However Lots of places love to call those pointing out flaws in democratic policies trump supporters unfortunately

Luck perhaps? I don't think I have seen any politics post that didn't have at least one in the comments. It could also be that the majority of them are on instances not federated with the big boys. A lot of those I've blocked were on .ML or Hexbear. Among other undesirable things.

I blocked hexbear a long time ago, it's a right wing cesspool, I ditched .ml last week because of the trolls and tankies. It's too bad mods don't go after the obvious trolls/bots.

A few exist, they're just defederated from most instances. Its Freedom of Association at work, the only acceptable form of censorship.

The Fediverse's demographic is digitally conscious lefties and moderates that desire transparency, accountability, and greater user control.

Exploding Heads is the only Nazi instance I'm aware of, are there others?

They absolutely exist. But in general, I think most people here are informed and choose a wide variety of information to consume. That is exactly the opposite of most Trump supporters.

Lemmy is full of communists/socialists - this is an opposite side of political spectrum

Is it? I've only seen a lot of centrist/centre-right Democrats and people who align with them.

Well you're on .world which is more like that. And also .world defederated some quite large leftist instances

Lemmy.world is defederated from the 2 most active Communist instances, so you don't see them.

Lemmy is full of communists/socialists

Socialist here! Lemmy is much more welcoming than Reddit.

Why join Lemmy.world as a Socialist? There's a lot less Socialist content to interact with that way

Well I didn't join Lemmy just to do Socialist stuff. I just happen to be a socialist, and I joined Lemmy. What instance to you recommend?

The 3 biggest Socialist-friendly instances are Lemmy.ml (FOSS and Privacy focused but maintained by Communists), and the 2 dedicated Communist instances, Lemmygrad.ml and Hexbear.net.

If you want to see as much content as possible, liberal or otherwise, Lemmy.ml will let you see it. Lemmy.ml doesn't block Hexbear or Lemmygrad, so you can interact with those communities while retaining access to Lemmy.ca and Lemmy.world.

If you are a dedicated Marxist-Leninist, Lemmygrad takes itself "seriously," though it's the smallest of the 3.

If you're generally a Socialist, Hexbear is a Left-Unity instance made up of Communists and Anarchists, is by far the most active leftist instance, and also the most self-sustainable thanks to its large and active userbase. Plus, it's less serious.

TL;DR based on what you've said, either Lemmy.ml or Hexbear.net, the former if you want to retain access to Lemmy.ca and Lemmy.world while gaining access to Hexbear and Lemmygrad, the latter if you want a much more active community than Lemmy.ml federated with most instances, with the exclusion of Lemmy.world and Lemmy.ca

I have seen the one or the other, but they were immediately down voted into oblivion.

There are/were some users and communities... a couple of Lemmy examples I remember...

Wolfballs was a conservative troll Lemmy server that was quickly defederated by major servers for their antics. They shut they server down after some years, way before Lemmy got to the size it is now.

Old_Geezer (@marathon@lemmy.ca) was a prolific poster and was a long time Lemmy member on Lemmy.ca, had some decent takes, but modded a geopolitics community where daily he posted the right-wing version of Russian propaganda, banning anyone that posted stuff there that went against that narrative. About 3 months ago, he was getting tired of the community pushback, eventually got banned by admins for his moderating behaviour.

!conservative@lemm.ee is an example of an active conservative community on Lemmy. You can see there is one regular poster and nearly all the posts are net downvoted. I request people don't go there just for the purpose of picking a fight.

Most community mods and site admins don't proactively remove conservative opinions as long as they aren't personal attacks or trolling, and that they're not being xenophobic in a community that's meant to have safe discussion for a group (e.g. anti-trans rhetoric in a trans-oriented community). However conservative opinions do get downvoted heavily by users, occasionally getting reported which sometimes leads to comment removals and bans. So it can be tiring to keep participating in a generally left-leaning network that rejects or is hostile to them.

Downvoting is peoples choice but yeah banning people or removing comments because you don't like their vibe is kinda counter productive to growing a platform for everybody.

We are literally filtering out people at the start. Not smart.

Generally that's how it goes on Lemmy, I find a difference with Reddit is that I see way more -20 or lower comments that have really stupid and disagreeable takes but they're there for everyone to see instead of getting removed.

The thing is that each server has a different operating philosophy and that's another strength. Some are more laissez-faire and allow more speech freedom, others are strict either on vibes or on certain topics. Slrpnk is trying out a moderation bot that spots users with regular patterns of downvoted submissions on a community with automatic temp bans, which is interesting to see the variety of tolerance.

The thing is that sometimes you have to filter out the jerks... or else the jerks will be all you have left. Growth is not the only thing you need to foster a healthy online community. You need values that make people want to be there. That's why the variety of enforcement styles, while it can create echo chambers, it also shows the Fediverse's strengths.

I've been accused of being a Trump supporter multiple times because of comments on Gaza... as I read top comment of a dumbass calling people who denounce Harris as confirmed Trump supporters....

Anyways it's the same in practically any niche technology, you just tend to see more leftists because they happen to be the ones creating and using said technology.

There's still a large portion of Republicans who use cable/satellite TV, but don't have internet besides their cellphone plan. They'd only come if lemmy became a popular de facto social platform like Facebook.

as I read top comment of a dumbass calling people who denounce Harris as confirmed Trump supporters....

i really hate this, same thing also happened to me in my country. i'm hating on the "B" candidate and people would assume i'm "A" supporter. i don't believe any politician at all.

They're here, you can find them if you look in the right places - however, most fediverse admins are technically apt and left leaning so Trump bullshit often gets folks banned and, when it doesn't, they usually get a very negative response.

They generally get defederated from the major instances.

The ones I know are full of racist memes and incel comments, so...

I think the hard-right people have mostly self-exiled to their own echo chambers like truth.social and other places that are Donald-used-and-approved. I think he's also active on Twitter again now that Musk has destroyed all content moderation on the platform. They follow their great leader and unless and until he starts posting his demagoguery on Lemmy they have no interest and no reason to come here.

Well Truth Social is running off Mastodon so they are kind of here. Just invisible (I don't tihnk truth social is federated with anything). When I was on Kbin I at least saw quite a few conseravatives. Can't really speak to this instance since on my end it all just appears as the same.

There is !conservative@lemm.ee. I don't visit that community but I assume they are supporters.

Its like on "conservative" mod shilling genertic GOP talking points with cherry picked facts and dozens of demoractic shills shilling their brain dead takes.

Republican ideology has no under pinnings beyond fuck poor for the benefit of the rich.

Ask these conservatives about maternity leave and want them get bent out of shape explaining away why we can't just have it 🀑

Hi. I am, kinda.

In my estimation trump is more likely to avoid a war with china then Harris. So given two terrible choices I choose trump.

They both represent the purple party, and are basically the same for most issues, they are both pro genocide for instance.

But I don't find that a interesting topic of conversation, the captured us political system is broken and the way to address it is with voting system reform. That's the real conversation

update: thanks for the downvotes, its a good reminder of why i don't participate in the political communities here.

update: thanks for the downvotes, its a good reminder of why i don’t participate in the political communities here.

Because you've come out with unfounded accusations of a possibility of a war which won't happen for many years, if ever.


They aren't meeting because they are going to war.

If you vote for Trump, you are voting for a criminal, a rapist, a creep, and I will assume you are the same.

Must be difficult to live in a country where you think 49% of the people there are so dangerous.

You're applying peer pressure, you're trying to signal purity, but it's not a convincing argument. It just means I'm less likely to listen to your following argument after you've said terrible things about me.

regardless, this interaction Demonstrates to OP how toxic talking about politics can be on lemmy

Must be difficult to live in a country where you think 49% of the people there are so dangerous.

At least 49%. I'd say that about 25% near the center are OK, but 75% of the people outside that center are batshit crazy on some important issue or another.

It's extraordinarily difficult thinking that a majority of the people are an honest, open conversation away from making a scene.

but 75% of the people outside that center are batshit crazy on some important issue or another.

On both sides, probably.

Most of the right, and a good chunk of the left.

80% of lawyers, 90% of politicians, 98% of salespeople. 100% of lobbyists.

I really don't care. I'm not American, I don't live there. It's on you.

Yes, voting reform is extremely important. The problem is Trump's view of voting reform is to restrict who can vote. The dems idea of voting reform is to make voting easier, and at the local levels, push for ranked choice or approval voting making 3rd parties actually viable. Voting for Trump is pushing us further from good voting reform. Harris may not be platforming voting reform, but at least she's not going to interfere with state level reforms like Trump will.

Fair enough. I see what you're saying, but I'm a single issue voter since I don't really care about the purple party. I just care about avoiding a war with China.