After migrating from Reddit, it’s jarring that comment sections aren’t cluttered with hashtag-style comments that are just links to subreddits like /HoLuP/ to – 527 points –

I love that comment sections here are like, y’know, discussions and stuff. Not just the same jokes and parroted phrases over and over and over.


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It’s because the majority isn’t here yet. You would have the same quality in smaller subreddits, as long as they are somewhat moderated.

Just wait a few months and you’ll see the idiots returning with their cheap comments.

☝️ This

Don't kill me 😆

Oh god I forgot about those lame “witty” responses, all so original hahaha.

Please, good sir, take my updoot

angry upvote

Thanks for the gold kind stranger

I love how the emoji is also italic

Ok hang on this is nuts.

How about bold? 🥵🤑😈

How about heading?


Strikethrough? 😱🤮🤔

🤡🤡👀🎉😂 Italics are the best though

Why tf is strikethrough emoji a thing

Because in unicode strikethrough is achieved by superimposing the strikethrough character on another character. So any regular character, emojis included, can be striked through.


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Could you possibly share a screeny? They do not appear different on my app/device in italic and I’m so curious!

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Have my poor man's gold 🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇

"guys can we not do that reddit stuff here?"

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Only been here a day but the main thing I’ve noticed so far is that the user base reminds me of the old days of Digg and Reddit. Nobody downvoting comments for no good reason, nobody being needlessly hostile or starting shit. I’ll enjoy it while it lasts.

I don't know, there's still a lot of needless hostility; it's just around different topics.

Lemmy skews even more heavily left than Reddit and it's still too small to attract organized political trolls, but topics like FOSS vs Paid open source vs closed source gets heated fast. Look at the Sync for Lemmy threads; it's a mess in there.

I upvote basically everything that isn’t “this”, a Reddit-ism, or just mean/racist/etc.

It's because the majority isn't here yet.

The Eternal September waits for every platform

It’s nice to be here during what will eventually become “the good old days”, rather than finding out about it after it starts to suck.

At least lemmy has lots of mirrored communities so if one starts to suck you can go to a smaller one with the same topic

But the Fediverse will be different. For example, instead of having one giant Politics community, we have two: and, each with its own moderation style that has to respect the rules of its instance.

I think that's a lot healthier than having one giant Politics subreddit where it's hard to get involved because of the size and the immaturity of the people.

Did you even use Reddit? It has more political communities than you could count. Just because there's only one r/politics doesn't mean that's the only community you can choose from. Reddit has a lot of problems, but this is not one of them.

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It’s already starting, I got downvoted to hell the other day for calling it out when it happened

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