Whats stopping us from creating a "Leave reddit, Join Lemmy" text on r/place?

sebi@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 174 points –

All this hate towards u/spez only gives reddit engagement. The only way to real success is by making users move to Lemmy.


the fact that it would require us to spend time on reddit every 5 min and the fact thatthe admins would wipe it if it showed any real problems.

Reddit engagement is good for reddit and bad for us. Regardless of the content

I'd like this place to survive, but, man, it has big Mad Men "I feel sorry for you/I don't think about you at all" vibes.

I had a buddy send me a link to a Reddit post the other day. Other than the couple of technical questions I've sourced there through Google, I haven't given that place a single click. I'm sure there are great things still there, but Reddit is almost completely out of my life. Lemmy has some growing to do still, but I'm here for the ride.

That's just the people who miss reddit and want to recreate it.

Plenty of us are moving on and want to do things differently here though.

Plus they have some code that allows them to interfere with the picture. The part that drawn spez under a guillotine received a checkerboard and also constantly had random pixels showing up.

Anyone who thinks they are protesting by it are fooling themselves.

Also if somebody was truly worrying reddit they likely removed their account. Asking to contributing is asking to create account back on the site we wanted to leave.

I agree with you in principle, but speaking from strictly a strategic perspective, /r/place presents a vulnerability that can be exploited without contributing what Reddit really needs to regain its status - content.

In the context of a social media war, this means we can use the space to peel off users who wouldn't have been introduced to the Fediverse otherwise, with no risk of harming ourselves or providing Reddit more than a temporary moment of attention. There's been a concerted effort to remove links to Fediverse resources in many subs, and for a great deal of redditors, they're in the dark about what the Fediverse represents and how much better it is than Reddit.

Plus it's just cool to fuck with Spez, and the Fediverse is so cool in general that I'd love to see what the effect would be if we united against a common enemy.

Place gives Reddit exactly what it needs most - user engagement. By going, you’re feeding Reddit stats they can show prospective investors and advertisers on unique users, time on site, and clicks even after the protests.

Reddit was very crafty in relaunching Place right now. They can show a material post-API uptick exactly as Spez promised.

You really think 1000 (being very very generous here) people from lemmy going to r/Place to advertise is going to give a boost to Reddit's user engagement? On the other hand 1000 people coming from Reddit to lemmy will be like a 1% boost to Lemmy.

I think we should just ignore Reddit, we don't need it enjoy our content here on Lemmy/Kbin

I think some people want Lemmy to become as big as Reddit. I don't care if it does, I just want it to be big enough to have a good stream of content.

I want federated social media to kill off corporate social media because the latter is doing substantive damage to our society by giving Spez, Musk and Zuckerberg too much power over political discourse.

In terms of my time, the fediverse already has enough content for me, everything else is just the cherry on top.

I'd like us to grow organically. I don't think we need to go and evangelize over at reddit.

I'd still like some more diversity of content though.

So then stop giving Reddit traffic. Suggesting people get on Reddit isn’t going to help your cause.

I believe the point of r/place is to drive traffic after several of us left. Makes it look better to investors. Giving a blank slate to the public to express their hate is going to get attention from anyone who feels slighted. Making it almost like we never left in the first place if we go back to post even a pixel.

I think a lot of people here are apathetic towards anything Reddit related ultimately and you'd need a lot of engagement with Reddit for it to happen. Or bots, which is what half of the big participants in the last one used anyway.

I wouldn't mind someone botting a little Lemmy advertisment though.

I'm in if someone organizes where to put the pixel art. It would be wise to wait for the upcoming size update. On the engagement part, I honestly would be (even more) disappointed in humanity if the "bad publicity is publicity" tactic will work out well to convince investors.

Actually it looks like it works.

They don't care about the "fuck spez" text, they did care about spez under a guillotine and were using some code to destroy it.

So what's the point?

It's really not worth the engagement. The approach we've taken is to maintain a place on /r/android and /r/xiaomi to direct folks to !android@lemdro.id and !xiaomi@lemdro.id. It helps boost Fediverse adoption without driving extra traffic to Reddit.

Honestly who fucking cares? Just forget them. That's how the internet moves on, and that's the only way. So sick of hearing about reddit.

I completely agree with your text. But to answer your question, I'm pretty sure that the majority of people here (including myself) are pretty much done trying to convert people.

Others are going to make their own decisions. Anyone who truly cares could have and would have already found their way here.

If it comes up somewhere, of course I'm going to tell people about Lemmy. But I'm not going out of my way and spending a bunch of time with the sole goal to get people to go here. I'm not and don't want to be a missionary for the Lemmy religion. If I'd do that with all the things in life where I think people are doing the wrong thing, I'd have no time anymore to actually enjoy life.

What's stopping us? Going back to Reddit is what's stopping us.

You'll only be giving Reddit more traffic without achieving anything else.

Everyone who thinks 10 people from Lemmy going to r/Place will increase their user engagement stats are so delusional

The fact that it is work that I don't want to do... Pretty much

Fedi.Tips still recommends that people

Please don't use Lemmy :(

I think while the fediverse is still in its relative infancy we need to exercise caution with how we promote it. I'm not saying anybody is wrong for using Lemmy, I engage with it regularly, but my account is on Kbin. I'm saying that while the dust is settling it's more important that we advertise any alternative to Reddit, not one specific instance etc.

That's personally what would stop me from doing it anyway. Fuck spez, but also fuck human rights denial

Nobody ever directly engages the devs on the articles that created this whole affair. They simply accuse them of some vague "human rights denial" "genocide-supporters" "tankie" without any real substance. Go ahead and search out the articles. I read through some of them.

Yes, they are leftist essays. The devs didn't write them, they just compiled them together. I skimmed through a couple and read the titles of the rest. Some of them deal with topics such as Maoist China and the number of deaths from the Cultural Revolution. The article puts together an argument, with cited sources, that the common death figures are overblown.

Maybe the author is wrong, I don't know. I'm not an expert in this field nor do I have the energy to do as much research as I'd need to feel comfortable leaning one way or the other. But from reading the article, at no point does the author condone genocide.

Is this what we've come to? Someone can't post an article challenging one small piece of the narrative without all of a sudden being totally disavowed? I think it's absurd. Wrong or right, people should be allowed to discuss and share reasoned analysis.

Eh, the core dev is a bonafide tankie though, which immediately apparent when you check his activities on Lemmy.ml and lemmygrad, but who cares. The software is open sourced, with plenty of contributions from people all over the world in the past few months. The moment the dev brought politics or other shenanigan into the software, it'll going to get forked immediately.

Yeah this is where I fall in my thought process. Lemmy is a tool like any other software, it can be used by good and evil for good and evil. I just want to exercise caution when advertising a reddit alternative that one such alternative is already experiencing controversy (earned or not).

Maybe a “viva la fediverse” would make more sense if someone wanted to cause a stir on r/place

I don’t disagree with what you’re saying, my point is more steeped in caution. The uninformed don’t know there is a difference between the software and the instances run by the devs, I just don’t want this federated space to be associated with controversy while it’s young. There is plenty more we can say to promote reddit alternatives.

1 more...
1 more...

Man, that shit required you to sit in front of your computer all day. It's abysmal that you can place one tile every 5 minutes is it? I placed one and noped the fuck out

@sebi It's trying to get people to keep up with it, it would be really hard to keep our smaller community of Fediverse users in control of what we are writing on Reddit as most of the current remaining Reddit users seem to rather not care or feel it's to complex.