Trump Threatens Public 'Breaking Point' If Jailed. Schiff Says He's 'Inciting Violence' to politics – 408 points –
Trump Threatens Public 'Breaking Point' If Jailed. Schiff Says He's 'Inciting Violence'

Call his bluff. They have a pretty small group of LARPing cowards, we have the National Guard. And as slow as thr courts have been getting the January 6 assholes in jail, I’m pretty confident that the next “incident” will be dealt with much more swiftly.

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This man would rather destroy the country than spend one day in prison.

Fascists tend to be selfish pricks, and Donald Trump is a fascist.

That's because Trump is purely transactional. If something doesn't benefit him directly, he has no use for or interest in it.

That's a symptom of his emotional immaturity.

Again. He's inciting violence again.

Its curious to see how we handle a guy like Donald Trump when you compare him to David Koresh or Anwar Al-Awlaki.

I suspect that he's going to continue inciting violence straight through the election and well afterwards, but I doubt he'll spend so much as a day behind bars. Nevermind getting the heavy hand of the police state common to non-Christians and non-millionaires.

"I’m not sure the public would stand for it,” Trump said during a Fox News interview that aired Sunday. “I think it’d be tough for the public to take. At a certain point, there’s a breaking point.”

I don't see that as inciting violence YET. We saw how Trump set it up for 1/6:

So, if he starts calling for a mass protest at the courthouse on 7/11 with similar language? Yeah, I'd call that incitement.

Particularly if he has some kind of speech to the crowd before going in for sentencing, or, if he's allowed to leave following sentencing.

That could all result in ANOTHER investigation and criminal indictment, oh, say, around 2027/2028 or so.

Oh sweet it's on 7/11 free slushie day, now I can watch collapse of democracy attempt #2 while sippin on a free slush

He knows he doesn't have the same kind of pull that he used to, though. He may still try to see what kind of crowd he can muster. He's that vain. But it doesn't seem like many would answer his call to violence anymore.

The orange felon is begging for prison time. He has an malignant narcissist's soul. His followers are those easily fooled and/or poorly educated dolts who eat up his obvious lies.
The MSM isn't allowed to call out his outright lies and stochastic terrorism because the oligarchs who own them want fascism.



the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Okay but what if we just make the use of violence and intimidation legal by threatening the ICJ into ratifying it?

No shit.

You have to fight like hell or you won't have a country left. Wait, what was that?

And I'll be right there with you. Liar.

Look, the thing is, the liberal media is out to get him, even though he's a great guy. They make up all these lying liar cases against him in court. They have all this sworn testimony and evidence. And it's all lies. It's a political witch hunt. Also:

He'll be right there with you when you storm the courtroom and attack the judge. Trust me. He means it this time. And should he defeat the deep state and get elected, you'll have nothing to worry about. He'll commemorate Jan 6 and the courtroom attack the same way the nazi's commemorated the beer-hall putsch.

This dude is pretty cool. /s

how has this country become so ridiculous under the governance of such brilliant minds?

edit: idk why people think that i actually this guy is brilliant, but here --> /s

what i meant was "no shit, sherlock"

It's because those brilliant minds are getting outbred by close-minded religious gun nuts.

i was being sarcastic, there are no brilliant minds and you can't outbreed intellect; that's not how things work. idiocracy is a reactionary movie.

It's a good thing he's a Rich White Man instead of a Black Child! Otherwise he may be put in Solitary Confinement for YEARS or DECADES for trying to Incite Violence!

Solitary is for suspicion of stealing a bag. Inciting violence is probably one of the shot on sight crimes, up there with holding a sandwich.

I see another felony coming

Seriously though. If something happens please save every scrap of footage and every tweet or post regarding the event. Join conservative groups if you feel so bold. Don't let them get away with the rhetoric that the event was spontaneous and Trump didn't organize it in any way or that it was a false flag op.

If I posted a screenshot in a conservative community showing something negative about the Republican Party, I’d be banned.

This is why I’m already banned haha.

Gee schiff. You just figured that out?

This is Adam Schiff. He's known this plenty long and hasn't been quiet about it.

It feels the same as No Justice No Peace but of course by justice he means he gets the convictions overturned.