Pickle Juice, Pickle Beer, why not Pickle Milk?

The Soca Vault @lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 255 points –

All different levels of Pickle Milk for your cereal and drinks!


it is a marketing tragedy that they tried to associate it to milk, otherwise it would have been a just fine drink. now probably cant drink it without thinking of milk and wanting to vomit

Oh. I just assumed it was milk with pickle juice in it and was wondering what technique they used to prevent it from curdling.

Pickles need to get out of places they have no fucking business in

It's a Joke.

Yes so was mine, read it again

Edit well I made a joke, but I didn’t say anywhere it’s a good one πŸ˜… I’ll try again next time

But you were right, pickles need to get the fudge out of places they don’t belong.

Why should pickles have to do it? The fudge is just as capable of getting itself out.

Which is every where. Along with peanut butter and coffee.

Purge the infidels from the earth. God may forgive them but we never can.

I wish it were real. Pepsi-milk just doesn't hit the same.

The fucking pickle udders on that logo is a travesty.

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ That's it right there! Post closed! LMAO

They used to put frogs in milk to help preserve the milk, before they invented pasteurization and the refrigerator.

Put a frog in my butt to stay young?

"Hey Morty I turned myself into a pickle...and milk. I'm pickle milk!"

They really missed an annoying branding opportunity here.

Nah....i just stick with regular milk
I prefer my milk extracted from tits