Looks like paradise

ickplant@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 811 points –

Or you're on a farm and desperately need windbreaks

So desperate that you'll wait 50 years?

Closer to 10. Yes.

This is a pretty common thing in the American Midwest. You see it a lot around houses on the tops of hills, especially in new construction. It looks kinda silly for a few years but it's the best you can do sometimes.

it astounds me that people don't do this, really

like i tend to always pay attention to how nice a property looks when i'm travelling past it, and good god it looks so much more enjoyable when you have a bunch of shade and greenery around you!

Properties without some sort of tree/hedge wall surrounding it out in the open just look absolutely miserable and trigger a long dormant part of my brain that fears being picked off by a giant bird.

it astounds me that people don't do this, really

It's a fire and falling hazard having trees that close to the home. There are places here in California where you legally have to have a 100 foot wide firebreak around the building, like up around the foothills where wildfires are common.

Alternatively do this with bamboo (properly contained so it doesn't spread) and it will be giant in under 1 year

If you do that though you'll attract pandas. And they won't even procreate in your yard. Bamboo isn't worth the hassle.

They seem cute until you find one scurrying around your kitchen in the middle of the night.

How exactly does one properly contain bamboo at that scale

Because Bamboo expands by sending out underground runners you have to put some type of underground barrier to stop them.


I love this idea and am filing it away for the imaginary future where I own a home and need more greenery, damn it! Because it's going to be so lush and green. And there will be water and mountains and a rainbow...

Delivery Notes: Look for the tiny enchanted forest off the I-95

I live in a cabin in the woods

I live in a cabin in the woods

I live in a cabin in the woods

Aerial pic of my friend running archlinux in my company where everyone is using W11

looks like hell, actually

utterly lonely and desolate, no one to help you if you get a health issue, no amenities anywhere nearby, nowhere to take a walk, etc etc etc

actually more accurately it looks like purgatory, where you await your eternal judgement.

What a weird take. You think this hedge is some magical barrier?

Who says that you have to live alone in his house?

looks like purgatory

Having visited with family that "retired out to the country", I can tell you that it feels like purgatory as well.

There could be a major road just out of frame. The trees are probably for a combination of windbreak (especially if this is amidst long stretches of open land), shade, and maybe privacy.

Who says you can't have an underground workshop, a gaming setup, a matrix+lemmy+mastodon server, an underground FTTH connection, an escape tunnel with a joyride leading straight to the highway and 100m below all of that, a nuclear power plant.

Ok, maybe someone will say something about the last one, but... You know?