Harris raises $81 million in 24 hours since Biden dropped out, endorsed her, setting new presidential donation record

just_another_person@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 437 points –

But 1-day-old reddit accounts said she was unpopular!

Hello, friend. I am Ohio Redditor. Kamala make bad for economic. Thank you not vote at her.

She get us in quagmire in Ukraine. Better to not send weapon. Many thank.

And broken English Twitter anime profile accounts say she has a funny laugh!

Gods, I hate our discourse.

broken English Twitter anime profile accounts

You're gonna learn something bad about education in the one-tooth states.

It's fascinating how much stronger her position feels now compared to 4 years ago. Seeming young and vigorous in comparison to Biden does her wonders. She also has the benefit of still being able to take credit for the largely successful Biden/Harris term while being immune to the age rhetoric. Going to be very interesting how this plays out.

She seems young and vigorous in comparison to Biden. She seems sane and competent in comparison to Trump. She seems lacking in brain worms in comparison to RFK. She's a triple threat!

She seems young and vigorous in comparison to Biden AND Trump. Remember, Trump is ~80, jagged and disheveled looking, and can’t talk cohesively or sensically.

In still waiting to hear official word on her brain worm standing

Not to mention being black and female makes Republican brains reboot immediately. First pass at taking her down is literally “she laughs” because they can’t resort to the real nasty stuff without losing two important demographics

Understanding this is a good thing, and being optimistic about defeating drumpf this year, can we all stop to appreciate how disgusting our political process is?

$81,000,000.00 in 24 hours. We routinely fail to help those that need it most, but we'll raise massive amounts of money to (mostly) throw at media companies owned by people whose wealth already affords them the most privileged and luxurious of lives.

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Fuck these headlines.
She didn't get 81 million. The DNC and other candidates got a total of 81 million.
The article says this but the headline is intentionally misleading.

But why did they raise 81 million? What happened?

I gave to the DNC. I specifically did not give to the Joe Biden or Harris reelection fund. I imagine others are in the same boat - telling him their congressperson to push Joe out or they wouldn't give.
Its lazy reporting and dishonesty on part of actblue

Your situation is entirely anecdotal. I am not denying that some donators are not donating to Kamala specifically.

But did you donate in the last 24-48 hours? If so, why if not for Kamala. If not, then you're not the people I'm asking about.

Lots more donations came in for a reason. I am asking for you to define what that reason would be.

After Joe was out but before all the delegates confirmed for Harris.

Surely that makes no sense. Why would a donator that doesn't like Kamala donate money immediately within 24 hours, when Kamala was almost certainly going to be the next pick?

It doesn't make sense.

Just spit balling here, but what might happen if Harris taps an out-in-the-woods Republican like, I dunno, Adam Kinzinger as a running mate on a unity ticket? He was a pretty middle of the road Republican and participated in the J6 investigation.

He's not a seated Democrat, and doesn't seem actively to be seeking office. He's clearly no fan of Trump...

I'll see myself out now.

Unlikely to happen unless he formally changes parties, even going (I) might be sufficient though.

The problem is that there are a lot of racists who won't take kindly to her election, and if the worst happens her VP will take over. Putting even a moderate Republican there may give them more of a reason to try something uncouth, thinking her replacement would be better.

So we set a record. Due to the magical and misunderstood powers of inflation, we'll definitely exceed that total one day soon.