In Tim Walz, Democrats see a potential VP pick who can shore up the 'blue wall' to politics – 61 points –
In Tim Walz, Democrats see a potential VP pick who can shore up the 'blue wall'

Tim Walz is an excellent choice for the working class. I'm excited and will be all in for a Harris-Walz ticket.

Tim Walz's accomplishments as Governor:

  • Universal free school lunches
  • Paid sick and medical leave
  • Banned non-compete agreements
  • Expanded protections for workers at Amazon warehouses
  • Increased wages for Uber and Lyft workers
  • Legalization of cannabis
  • Achieved substantial police reform including bans on chokeholds, peace officers and deescalation training, and an independent Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
  • 100% clean energy by 2040

It will be Shapiro or Kelly. I'm leaning Shapiro cuz they want to lock up PA, but I really like Kelly.

Please don’t take my Mark Kelly dream from me 😢

This is what's trending on Twitter.

I'm trying to wrap my head around:

Doesn't Alienate any part of the coalition

What does that even mean?

Appeals to the left side of the party without pissing off the centrists.

Old white man may pacify older generation of voters.

Be careful of writing him off as just an “old white man”. He’s done pretty great with a tiny majority in MN and he’s been a great communicator.

school teacher for 20 years, 24 serving in the guard. stellar public service record. definitely ticks all the boxes.

Sounds great! He pacifies the folks who just want an old white man, and also brings a lot of important characteristics to the table. Good by me!

Tim Walz's accomplishments as Governor:

  • Universal free school lunches
  • Paid sick and medical leave
  • Banned non-compete agreements
  • Expanded protections for workers at Amazon warehouses
  • Increased wages for Uber and Lyft workers
  • Legalization of cannabis
  • Achieved substantial police reform including bans on chokeholds, peace officers and deescalation training, and an independent Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
  • 100% clean energy by 2040
  • Sanctuary state for transgender people

And sanctuary state for reproductive healthcare with privacy protections and refusal of subpoena for medical records regarding abortions or other related procedures.

Hunnert percent. He's quietly just bringing it home. I'm honestly a little afraid of what it'd be like without him

I hope he has the dedication to Minnesota to turn down an offer. He's done so much for us as governor.

sounds like another tim kaine moment.

Sounds like a great guy who would do well, but is needed in his state more than as VP.

Katie Porter isn't doing anything now that she lost her Senate bid to Schiff, and has made some fans even in conservative circles for her whiteboard explanations and takedowns of pharma CEOs and pentagon overspending.

I know a bunch of people say Kamala needs a white man for VP, but I'm not sure that tracks logically, sexists aren't going to suddenly be okay with a woman just because she has a man as VP.

I go back and forth on Raphael Warnock for the same reason. He's definitely needed in Georgia, but wouldn't it be great for a presidential candidate to be able to say the last person they talk to before any major decision as president will be a pastor?

Honestly, we’ll manage just fine with Peggy Flanagan. She’s pretty great too.

I came here to say, as a Minnesotan: "NO. HE'S OURS. HECK OFF, WE'RE KEEPING HIM!"

I'd be ecstatic if Walz ends up being chosen. He's not without a couple of cons that I could think of right of the top of my head, but if I'm going purely on the basis of what I'd like to see in a VP, he's at the very top of the list of those who I've seen get mentioned as in the running.

Waltz is a dream VP pick

He might be the only pick that would make me enthusiastically vote instead of begrudgingly

We need him here though. He keeps getting elected, and keeps shutting down the R pushback in the house. He's a huge asset to MN and it would suck to lose him.

Walz is a large part of why this "traditional Midwestern" Minnesota is a transgender sanctuary state.

Yea, I'm a little torn. I really love having him here, but at the same time we need people like him in DC pushing for working-class policy.

If there was any indication that there was a solid Dem replacement like him here, I think it'd be a no-brainer. But so far I don't know if there's anyone else like him in MN to take his place if he's called up to the presidential ticket.



Want someone young not another old white man. Why not a female VP?

I care more about if they're qualified than what color or gender they are.

Literally anyone nominated will be "qualified". We have plentiful qualified options in any color and gender combination. Implying otherwise is just a dogwhistle from the right to say "why not white male, they're better".

Trump and Vance are absolutely not qualified.

*sigh* For the Democrats. The party we're talking about right now. JFC.

Point is, just being nominated does not qualify anyone if they're a terrible pick.

How do you get the white male vote then?

I'm white and voting for her. If your a racist peice of shit having a white old male is not going get them to fucking vote for her. You're not appealing to no one.