Crowd Leaves Early As Trump Delivers 90-Minute Attack on 'Crazy Kamala' to politics – 357 points –

You love to see it. Who's sleepy now, Don? Looks like it's your fans listening to you rant.


Not enough of them left early. They were clogging up traffic when I was trying to pick my kid up from band practice. Driving like assholes, too. One straight up ran a red light, and another cut me off and nearly caused an accident, then flipped me the bird when I honked. (How could I tell they were trump supporters? Easy: These weirdos plaster bumper stickers all over their cars.)

One of the most depressing things I've seen all week was a highway sign that said all the parking for the rally was full. I hate being surrounded by these people.

How many giant "Rebel" stickers on the back of the most popular pick up truck in North America did you see? More than one I bet.

Every damn vehicle leaving the area had some dumb sticker on it. But the person who ran the red light were in a late model Lexus and the who cut me off was in a busted-ass Altima.

the one who cut me off was in a busted-ass Altima.

Well that tracks.

Can you translate for the non-Americans?

Nissan Altima drivers are somewhat notorious here for aggressive driving and the cars are often in rough condition, to the point that it's often memed.

Thanks for that! Why did they become a thing?

Altimas are fairly affordable and have pretty solid performance for their size, so that sets up a certain likely scenario of someone with poor credit and a desire to go fast to wind up in a beat up Altima.

Every trumped out ride I’ve ran into has always driven like the most lawless asshat. They’re usually, speeding, tailgating, cutting people off, etc. Law and order? riiiggghhht.

Just a little PSA. When I was homeless I quickly figured out that nearly all vehicles with MAGAt stickers are unlocked... And the chances of there being a gun in there go up by like 25% per sticker.

Do what you will with this information.

If they have trump stuff and a Jesus fish, do they speed or go 10 under the speed limit?

Donald Trump arrived an hour late to a rally

And yet he chastised the organizers at the black journalist thing for not being set up on time.

That delay was on him, not equipment failures. Spoiler: he lied again.

You've got to be shitting me. Is that for real? Any news article to confirm?

It was reported by I think NBC Chicago that Trump refused to participate if they went ahead with the live fact checking as planned, which produced a standoff that delayed proceedings by about a half hour.

I'm not sure this has been substantiated by other sources.

EDIT: It's mentioned briefly here, but somebody went into more detail in a tweet I don't have on hand.

I’m going to stop calling them “Trump supporters” and start calling them Trump and his pedo ring.

Also, here’s a small poem I wrote:

Matt Gaetz

Date rapes

By the seashore

I just refer to them as cultists, because that's what they've become. Especially once they adorned themselves with their sanctimonious ear patches to become one step closer to the visage of their one true Don

Enjoy this weird clip of cultists “dancing” with 👂 ear tampons adorned 🙄

Bath salts may or may not have been involved

I'm not exaggerating when I say that's one of the worst minute long videos I've ever seen. I'd rather cartel execution videos or one guy one cup.

“One guy one cup”

Lol 😂 that got me

Lots of pictures in that article... look at those weirdos

I love how Trump forced the poster designers to make Vance smaller even if it's the same amount of characters.

Well, it's pretty common for the VP name to be in smaller print, to indicate that they're two different names.


While I'd fully expect two-scoop donald to throw a fit over it, that's also just pretty standard graphic design. Helps differentiate the vp candidate from the main candidate.

Other reasons people left early: Trump showed up an hour late, meaning he didn’t finish until 2.5 hours after his scheduled start time. People got places to be, man, respect their time. (I guess it’s not like Trump is known to respect others in general.)

Lets hope thats indicative of his chances to be reelected

They'll still vote for him. The (R) outweighs anything a Democrat could do.

Hes like a rabid dog gnawing at but afraid to swallow its meal

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Credibility high but this article is pretty biased.

How does a headline like this even make sense outside of just straight up throwing jabs. What is the information it wants me to know.

How do you even measure the crowd leaving early vs going for a piss. By the end they're showing the audience doing the wave and crowd looks unchanged.

Trump sucks. But I would expect better than sharing this stuff. This is the type of rhetoric that leads to zealots hanging out on over passes yelling about pizza

"MSN" is not where the article is from though. It's Newsweek. So, yeah. Trash.

maybe media outlets are starting to realize they have a vested interest in NOT having a dictatorship where all outlets are taken over and consolidated into a single state-controlled news outlet

"that'll never happen!"

it won't. until we become a dictatorship, and it does happen