Your move to Lemmy – 735 points –

Choices like this is why I gave up on Disco Elysium.

FWIW, "failing" or fucking up is meant to be part of the point of disco elysium. It all progresses the story.

Died of a heart attack once, getting the shirt from the ventilator. Didn't make that much progress :(

Why do people buy those lamps? They're ugly and have no health benefits.

They're delicious and you can feast on them in the dark. Features.

Why feast in the dark when you can turn on the lamp?

People generally have bad taste and are gullible.

They tint the light yellow orange. Blue light can make it harder to settle down and sleep. Kind of like the nightmode for your computer screen but in real life.

Check if there are kitchen knives under the bed. There were. Still got laid, I regret nothing.

People still have Himalayan salt lamps??? I haven't seen one of those in at least 10 years lol

You clearly haven't been to a therapist's office. We're required to have one by law.

Needs some sort of signal for the science-literate that it’s just there for show and you actually do evidence-based practice.

Most people get that during the free consultation (aka what kind of therapist I am). So by the time they see the lamp, they don’t have questions.

I always thought salt lamps looked cool and wanted one. I didn't learn until very recently that people thought they cleanse energy or whatever lol

I like mine just because it’s pretty to look at

and it tastes salty