Trump: I’m Not Changing Strategy Even as Harris Gains Steam

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 232 points –
Trump: I’m Not Changing Strategy Even as Harris Gains Steam

He doesn't want to win. He wants it to be close enough so that he can claim election fraud again and wants his followers to attempt and be successful in an insurrection.

He wants to win. His fragile little ego needs it. He's just too dumb to change strategy.

His backup plan is to overthrow the government.

He wants to win. His fragile little ego needs it

His criminal liability also needs it to keep him out of jail.

Problem is, he has supporters in the right places to do it.

His team has been trying to get him to talk about policy and the economy but he just can't turn away from his usual bs.

I heard a grab from one of his speeches where he was kinda mocking the teleprompt.

Ah see, but by not winning he can't pardon himself. So he needs to win to avoid federal prosecution. If he loses, anything additional the DOJ has been sitting on because he's a candidate will definitely be brought out.

Assuming that his coup through the electorate/SCOTUS doesn't work.

Oh he'll just tie everything up legally and try again in 4 years

I'm not sure he's capable of comprehending that he might lose. He never accepted that he lost in 2020, or at least he never publicly admitted it. He did finally formally concede on Jan 7th, but only because his staff practically forced him to. Then he immediately backtracked and kept whining about election fraud.

Oh he wants to win, otherwise he might go to jail.

I think the turmoil of an uprising is just as beneficial for him

I don't think he would even know how even if he wanted to.

One-trick pony confirms he's sticking to his one trick.

There is no decision to make. Ranting about things that make him angry is the only mode Trump has. There is no depth to his character, no contemplative side that asks the big questions. He's a dog barking at the cars passing by his window. That's all he's capable of being.

yeah go for it... keep in the race and gender comments.. please !

Guess he's decided to fight uphill, me boys.

Wow, that was a big mistake.

His fans have 1k RAM. They've already forgotten he said it.

Shame because it was hilarious, but I guess that's what you have to do in a cult. Can't keep track of all the justifications for these absolute shitshows

I hope he digs in and keeps it up right through to November.

Then when he loses he's going to act so shocked.

...and starts another attempt at insurrection. Hopefully, justice will be more ... straightforward with him and his minions.

You act like that wasn't his entire plan to begin with