Trump Crumbles When Pressed on Economic Policy in Tense Interview | The former president attempted to "weave" his way through an interview with Bloomberg News, but couldn't escape his own policy black to politics – 253 points –
Trump Crumbles When Pressed on Economic Policy in Tense Interview

The grilling exposed Trump’s total cluelessness with regard to his own economic policy, and led Trump to attack Micklethwait as biased.

Yes the notably socialist empire of Bloomberg, used by communist stock traders around the world, is biased against the totally rational and very cool Trump economic “plan”.

Maybe adopting failed economic policies from the 1920s (and older) isn’t a winning formula?

Knowing Neil’s background and then watching this video gives one truly one of the most delicious viewings of all time.

That's the one group I don't understand, the finance guys, business owners, stock analysts, etc. How can they possibly be on team Trump? You want some certainty in the market, not some dementia patient steering the wheel with Christian Nationalists like Stephen Miller whispering directions in his ear.

That's the one group I don't understand, the finance guys, business owners, stock analysts, etc. How can they possibly be on team Trump?

Tax cuts for the rich

Lot of fucking good that's going to do them when nobody can afford to buy their shit

Who are you going to sell to? Because it ain't me, and it ain't 99% of the rest of the American people. So if these rich fucks want to chase their infinite paycheck, they're going to need some revenue.

Ahh but for one glorious quarter, profits will be through the roof. The collapse of democracy afterwards will be an unfortunate market adjustment

“What does The Wall Street Journal know? They’ve been wrong about everything, and so have you by the way, you’ve been wrong,” Trump replied, crossing his arms and curling into his seat.

Ah, yes, the well known unreputable, woke, liberal extremist publication, the Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal.

A lot of people with a high degree of expertise in one area are deficient in other areas, but wrongly assume they are geniuses in all areas.

He's truly a man of the people. Turns out the people of America are dumb.

I don't know who upvotes you, but let me remind you that the Trumpers are the minority in America. Always have, always will.

Yes! We also have dumb people who don't support Trump.

And a whole other group of dumb people who also support nothing and do absolutely nothing to encourage or support anything and just stand back and watch the world burn.

These people have put political signs everywhere around here that say “Vote Cupcakes” or “Vote Cookies for president”

They think it’s all a joke

Trump responded by sighing and ranting about Virginia’s voter rolls. “The question is about Google, President Trump,” Micklethwait replied. Trump then went on a spiel about how Google is unfair to him and doesn’t show users any positive stories about him.

There are no positive articles about him that aren't from horribly biased sources.

A journalist had to answer a question from the public on the subject in a Canadian special on US elections and his answer was "Look, I'm a journalist, I report facts and if you believe I'm biased because all the news coming from the republican side are bad news I would tell you I'm not the one who chose the candidate that generates these bad news, my job is just to report them, nothing else."

One time Google's snippet for Republican described Nazis. This enraged the Republicans and Google manually changed it. But it was auto generated from stuff the GOP was really saying, and still are.

LOL that photo

he's such a fucking whiny baby

Looks like a toddler refusing to put on his shoes.

why put on your shoes when you can get some other cunt to do it for you. just tell them you'll pay them LOL

The Orange Shit Stain and his body language says it all. Kudos to the journalist for sticking to the subject and keeping the POS in line.