Fox Hosts Call for Trump Prosecutors to Face Death Penalty to politics – 370 points –
Fox Hosts Call for Trump Prosecutors to Face Death Penalty


Fox News hosts Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld on The Five controversially suggested the death penalty for prosecutors involved in Donald Trump’s criminal cases.

This comes as the Department of Justice prepares to wind down federal cases against Trump in line with a policy against prosecuting sitting presidents.

Trump faces state charges in New York and Georgia, where he cannot use presidential pardons.

The hosts noted that Trump’s legal challenges appear to have strengthened his support, potentially aiding his return to the White House.


Mask isn't just off, it's on the floor being trampled.

It's mind blowing this is what passes for normal conservative conversation. In a minute and a half, they hit on:

  1. Trump is a hero

  2. Trump is so cool because he made racist jokes about Harris

  3. It's weird that Biden would peacefully transition power to someone who plans to be a dictator

  4. Bashing on trans people

  5. Prosecutors should get the death penalty

  6. They voted for Trump because he is a criminal

I fucking hate how I agree with Jesse Watters when he says

It's also crazy that they call this guy a dictator and when he won they're like "Oh we're gonna help you transition,"

The Republican party is done with any sort of politeness or goodwill, to the point of not conceding elections. They are breaking the system and rebuilding it in the aftermath. You can't stop them from breaking the thing by using the thing itself.

Don't worry. When the time is right (e.g. when there's some oil to be found) the USA will invade them and bring them democ.... oh....

If they do that, then the "thing" is already broken and he's succeeded

It is already broken -- and he has succeeded -- is what I'm getting at. But Democrats will still try to use the thing.

Well couldn't those prosecutors just go shoot the Fox news reporters calling for them to be killed? They all have gun rights too. They can stand their ground in self defense of death threats.

Lol we don't do that here. We just sit back and watch it happen because we're all feckless cunts, government officials and all. Jack Smith and the like will take one last whiff of his own farts smiling as he imagines himself glorious on his high horse for being Above It All™ and then the ground comes out from under him as he gets hung. hanged.

Edit: I making muchy good englishing

To be fair, I feel like Jack Smith was absolutely sabotaged by his boss. Garland had ZERO interest in the investigations actually going anywhere. It’s part of why he waited so long to even get started on anything, and part of why he didn’t push back more forcefully against blatantly partisan judicial bullshittery.

Wonderful Republican Merrick Garland. Literally suggested to Obama by Republicans for SCOTUS and then they gave him the finger anyway. Well they definitely got what they wanted in him. :/

Just the death penalty? Not burned at the stake or hung and quartered?

The trumpist crowd is much nicer than expected.

See? Things aren't so bad.

Full embrace on the rabid polar bear, is it? They’re not even going to pretend.

Can I at least have Christmas before it begins?

Why are you trying to cancel Christmas to begin with you monster? The fake celebration of Jesus' mom lying about adultery to avoid getting stoned, overridden by capitalism, is our new christian state's most important holiday.

Miserable fucking toady looking for a job in the Trump administration.