What is the best response to "Who are you?"

Like A Duck@programming.dev to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 32 points –

I dunno man, when it comes right down to it, who are any of us really? Y'know?

"My name is Inigo Montoya. You kill my father. Prepare to die."

Spending an hour in the character generator, then clicking "venture forth".

"Do you want my name rank, serial number and the Readers Digest shitty condensed version of my life story or do you just want to know what I am doing in your living room?"

"My Name is Guy Incognito!"

This man is my exact double!

Look behind you! A three-headed monkey!!

"I'm Duke Nukem, and I'm coming to get the rest of you alien bastards!"

My name is jimmydoreisalefty, nice to meet you! What is your name!?

You can also go with the 30 sec elevator speech or...

Other possible replies:

No one. [walks away, CALMLY]

Your soulmate?

Depends on the setting and people.