School board votes to fire teacher who read book on gender identity to Georgia fifth-graders to politics – 370 points –
School board votes to fire teacher who read book on gender identity to Georgia fifth-graders | CNN

A suburban Atlanta school board has voted to terminate the contract of a teacher who read a book about gender identity to gifted fifth-graders – the latest salvo in a nationwide clash over how issues like gender and race are discussed in public school classrooms.


For reference, fifth graders are usually around 10 or 11 years old. Gifted or not they're almost certainly intelligent enough for this topic.

According to the article, there is a law that restricts teaching "divisive concepts". That batshit insane. "Divisive" doesn't mean it's inaccurate.

Divisive almost always means liberal in these contexts. I find the bible divisive, but I doubt any teacher would get fired for quoting or even directly reading from it.

It seems that the law in question is pretty focused on not making white people feel uncomfortable about racism.

For reference, fifth graders are usually around 10 or 11 years old. Gifted or not they’re almost certainly intelligent enough for this topic.

I disagree enough to stop lurking and made an account to comment.

Our 8 year old knows that “some people feel they are boys, some feel they are girls, and some don’t feel like they are either.” Honestly it’s not more difficult than that unless you’re purposely making it so.

Also 5th grade is when we (suburban school district in the US) had a district-wide “basic sex ed” information night for students. How is educating about sex okay but not gender for the same age?

They’re are age appropriate ways to talk about these topics to kids like these, and age appropriate materials.

I think you may have added a "not" to my comment that isn't there. I am in full agreement with you.

I think you misread their comment. You're agreeing with what they said.

Funny thing is that the people who are against this are also against sex education.

I remember in 4th grade (age 10) my class was shown “The Movie”, which described basic sexual functions. I distinctly remember the words semen and ejaculation being used, not because I actually learned the meanings, but because I thought they sounded funny. I’d say that the concept gender is actually easier to describe than the biology of sex and reproduction.

But why is there a teacher shortage?!

Low pay

Buying school supplies with their own money is common

Actively abused by the school kids

Actively abused by the parents of school kids

No support from the administration

I have several teachers on my Facebook... And they are all putting out Amazon wish lists and go fund mes for supplies. It's insane that they have to supply items to teach.


I'm trans. I figured it out for myself around fifth grade. I had little context or support besides what I could find on a very young internet, and that has made my life harder and reduced the quality of it. While I'm glad I found what I did, it's not a substitute for proper instruction on the matter, nor proper treatment assistance instead of "impromptu at-home surgery attempts". Many people figure things out younger than I did. You aren't doing kids any favors by hiding this knowledge from them, you're only hurting trans kids. And if that's what you want, well, I think that's pretty fucked, but at least say it with your fuckin' chest. Don't hide behind lies about wanting to keep kids safe, because what you're doing is the opposite of that.

I haven't read the book in question, but I'm pretty confident the gist of the lesson is "it's okay for people to be different". What kind of broken person sees that message and says "no it's not"?

Maybe you missed the story the other day about a poster with people of different races holding hands. The same kind of people who were pissed about that are pissed about this.

From hearing you describe it, I am pretty sure I saw the headlines. Something along the lines of "the GOP doesn't think people of different races can be friends".

Someone whose entire life has been to bend, break, mutilate, and carve them into a particular shape, one that demands that it be reproduced in others, and I am sorrowful that that has been done to people, and I want them to heal, and I want to help them heal, but a good first step is you don't get to inflict your damage on others.

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Parent of a trans (FtM) kid here, and Jesus Christ I would hug you so damn hard if I could. In my household, he gets love, support, information, and medical care, and...

It's so damn obvious those are the right things to do. It's not even a question. There were no arguments or opposition when he came out, just his mom and I doing whatever is needed to help him in his transition.

And it absolutely rips me up inside to know that there are kids out there suffering because their parents - and their fucking school systems - are opposed to their existence.

They aren’t opposed to their existence per-se, they just want everyone back in the closet so they don’t have to admit that the lgbtq+ community exists.

The haters need to grow up and realize they aren’t always right.

And in the end it's like.. what's too early? Fifth grade is entering puberty. Kids should learn about the world of gender, sex, and everything, ideally before they enter it. You can't exactly delay puberty because it's "inappropriate". It's always appropriate because that's when that development happens.

Ive met a few parents over the years who believed no one should ever receive sex education, because religion and reasons. Regardless of age.

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She was removed from her classroom in March after a parent complained she’d read “My Shadow is Purple” to her class, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which represents her.

Edit: ~Ratting on the teacher and then hiding behind some law firm. Nicely done bigots, nicely done.~

And I agree that that age is the age to start simple education on topics like this.

I cannot fathom why some parents think "lets not educate them and then abolish abortion".

Shame on them.

The Southern Poverty Law center is basically an antihate organization. They track hate groups throughout the US and are a major boggeyman of the right. The article isn't very clear, but I think they are representing the teacher, not the parent.

Ah good one! Sounds way more logical 😅

It can be taught in simple terms was earlier than 5th grade. My two year old knows sometimes you say he, sometimes you say she, sometimes you say they. It’s not outlandish at all.

That is exactly how the nazi's operated. Do not be afraid to call the current Republicans nazi's.

The plural of nazi is nazis. "Nazi's" is the possessive form.

banana republics gonna banana republic

Banana republic

In political science, the term banana republic describes a politically and economically unstable country with an economy dependent upon the export of natural resources.

I think a lot of folks using this term to describe the US don't actually know what it means so leaving the wiki to hopefully help. The US is a lot of things, but it isn't a banana republic.

Someone needs to firebomb the school board.

Replace "firebomb" with "reform" and you're right on the money.

Yeah good luck with that. I'm sure that will actually chabge anything

100% get out with that garbage, don't bring that here. Be better.

Better? You mean like a pipe bomb under their desk?