A Florida Jewish Community Center canceled a Jewish author’s talk because her novel mentions slavery

stopthatgirl7@kbin.social to News@lemmy.world – 191 points –

Citing the "political climate," a Florida JCC canceled a Jewish author's talk about a book set in Virginia in 1811 that mentions slavery.


I think a lot of people in this thread are missing the point. They didn't refuse out of hate, they refused out of fear. There's a Nazi problem in Florida right now, a lot of them target companies and organizations that teach about racism.

The JCC isn't being a dick here, their being cowards.

There isn't a Nazi problem in Florida as compared to anywhere else. Don't let photos of actors in costumes and masks give you the wrong impression. Surprisingly, this was Boyton Beach which has a very strong Jewish community around it. Normally they wouldn't care if this had disturbed someone.

Dude I've lived in Florida all my life. Trust me we have a Nazi problem. Shit has only gotten worse the past decade. It's just actually being televised now because it's becoming more of a main stream current issue. But I've seen this shit sense i was a kid.

If you think those videos your seeing are actors, my friend you have too much faith in humanity. I have old friends from highschool that I wouldn't be surprised to find out they were part of those groups. People are hateful, spiteful people, especially here in Florida where it's reinforced by community and now law.

While not all mt life, I've lived in Southern and Central florida for some time. Right now, I don't see any larger problem with Nazis as anywhere else. What I do see is a bunch of guys all dressed up in costumes demonstrating against something or other trying to get their pictures taken with their cool masks on. These guys are from Maine but they act the fool here. There are a lot of red necks where I live but very few of them pledge allegiance to Hitler. But, you won't find those that do in Boynton Beach.

Those are facts. Biggest problem areas from my experience are boon docks central and northern Florida. Central Florida around orlando and further south is still the same as it was a decade ago, not that bad, existent, but not that's bad.

Yeah your right the dudes that were protesting in Orlando just recently were from Maine. But I think that's the point. Those protest have been happening outside Disney for like a year, they just now are getting bigger, and people are traveling to attend them.

So while Boynton beach is in South Florida, it's not that much of a hassle for racist to travel a few hours.

You have evidence that those people aren't Nazis? That they were actors? I know people who could make you pretty famous if you could blow the lid off that.

Their organization True Blood or whatever it is is headquartered in Maine. If they're nazis, and it would be fun to give them a knowledge test on that,they are Maine Nazis not Florida Nazis. They are here to get their picture taken. They dress up to do it. What do they call that? Oh yeah, acting.

I really wouldn't call traveling across the country to say "I'm a.nazi I hate jews" just pretending...

There isn't a Nazi problem in Florida as compared to anywhere else.

You're getting down voted, but you're right. The Nazi problem is national. From Florida to Maine to California to Washington to Wyoming, there are white supremacists finally feeling comfortable enough to come out of the woodwork.

No other Jewish book has ever mentioned slavery, right?

::: spoiler spoiler Exodus. :::

Additional spoiler, the Holocaust.

Did not Florida forbidden some Holocaust related children book about year ago?

I'm...not sure that counts.

Jews were forced to labor for the Nazis. How was that not slavery?

It wasn't a "book". It may have had many books written on it but that wasn't the original statement.

Does the Holocaust count as slavery or not?

That was not the point I was making so it doesn't matter.

That's quite the evasion of a yes or no question.

Usually you think of the extermination aspect, but yes there was some. But my point was that responding to me saying another book containing slavery with a historical event was kind of unusual. There's been books written on it for sure by it's mostly unrelated.

Looks like Florida chose to be the wicked son for Passover.

You should also “blunt his teeth” (speak harshly to him13) and say to him:

“It is because of this that I would fulfill His commandments, such as this Passover offering, matzah and maror14that G‑d acted for me when I left Egypt (Exodus 13:8)—for me, but not for him. If he [the wicked child] had been there, he would not have been redeemed.”

I thought it was mostly proven myth that any slaves or Israelites were building shit in Egypt. Also there's zero record of any sort of Exodus or anything to corroborate the story of Moses

You are correct, but it is still a book that often mentions slavery and which they are perfectly fine with.

Yes, it might be a book of bullshit, but it's a bullshit book we read every year and sing songs from about how we were foreigners and slaves and should be nice to foreigners and slaves. The fact that there's even a part about "what if I question how trial and tribulation I've never known affects me?" And you're supposed to essentially say, "bitch! God wouldn't have saved you cuz you're too much of a bitch!"

Eta: hell, there's even a part where we're like, "God killed the Egyptian oppressors, let's dance and sing!" And then God, who could only speak to Moses, spoke to everyone all like, "look you ungrateful fucks! I may have made the Egyptians with my left hand while getting over a cold, but they're my creations nonetheless! Quit celebrating and pour one out for your fallen homies." Then we get rid of 10 drops of wine to resemble 10 drops of blood for the 10 plagues and how horrible it was that God made the Pharoh say no and then punished all the poor people for it.

On a yearly basis, multiple times per year, our parents dress us up and misinterpret the importance of all these holidays that are supposed to teach us empathy, apology, forgiveness, and patience. But fuck all that, right? Being a Jew is about... Checks notes ...Banning books about actual slavery?

In what universe does this make any sense?

So Florida Jews are firing up the racial purity concept now?

Someone ought to maybe let em know that hitler started out sterilizing blacks and worked his way down the list...

Damn, Florida is going to have to ban half the Bible I guess.

There's a bunch of slavery in the Old Testament.

They're playing by the Hungarian playbook.

Get ready for the times, when the Civil War will be a thing the north started, to accuse the south of slavery.

the South is trying to normalize slavery again, can we let them secede from the country this time

So they can enslave people? No fuck that. Those monsters shouldn't get the south, they should get shot in the head.