Why it seems a majority of political communities are left-sided?

EternalNicodemus@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – -20 points –

Idk, doesn't matter where I go, be it Political Memes, Politics, Elon Musk Spam, etc, it seems everyone hates on capitalism all together-


Because capitalism is burning the earth down for profit and if nothing is done we're all dead soon ?

we’re all dead soon

That's a bit.. extreme. We're all going to be dead soon? You mind elaborating a bit?

Climate change, sea level rising, populations moving to an already overpopulated land mass, wars, pandemics... Capitalism is killing us slowly but surely. And "soon" is a figure of speech, it might take a while but compared to humanity span it's soon enough. Some might survive, but on the long term humanity is running head first into a wall. We might have the time to change course and only get a few bruises, but the no return point is way past.

Well like everything, capitalism too has its downsides and there's plenty to improve on, but it's quite difficult to see how ending capitalism and replacing it with what ever you think it should be replaced with would end stuff like wars or pandemics. Ending capitalism would definitely end certains issues caused by it, but along would come a set of new issues we're probably not having to deal with now.

capitalism too has its downsides and there’s plenty to improve on

No I think you don't understand. Capitalism allows rich people to get richer by exploiting the resources of the earth at the expand of the climate and poor people altogether. It's not something that can be improved, it's something that needs to be stopped ASAP.

And there isn't ONE solution to "replace" capitalism, like communism or socialism or whatever, it's all about solutions to each problems : ban private jets, yacht, and stuff like that ; taxing the rich to stop them hoarding all the wealth, more carbon taxes to force companies into being more eco friendly, banning stuff made by slavery, children, and underpaid workers in far countries, favor locally grown goods, raise the minimum wage, etc.

It's gonna be hard for everyone but it's the only way to stop fucking everything up. Capitalism is a cancer that needs to be removed or it will grow until it kill its host. Only the rich will survive, all of us will die slowly.

You first say it's not something that can be improved and then you list a bunch of ways to improve it. This is exactly my point.

If you want, but we need to get rid of the capital, stock markets, and all other stuff defining capitalism for this shit to work. Capitalism is based on infinite growth, it's not sustainable.

..and replace them with what? I mean, it's a nice fantasy that's there's abundance of everything, nothing costs anything and we're all just dancing in a circle singing kumbaya happily ever after. However, if you really want to live in a world like that, then you need to come up with some system of economy to produce this abundance. Now you're just listing things you want to get rid of but you're giving none and I literally mean zero suggestions how to get there.

What abundance are you talking about ? That's exactly the problem with capitalism, thinking that resources never end. I'm talking about tightening our belts here, not abundance. And have you seen the wealth some people are hoarding like dragons ? Redistribute some of this, use it towards local sustainable resources and renewable energies.

Even in the ideal world you're imagining, things have to come from somewhere. Food needs to be grown, houses need to be built, energy has to be produced, and a whole lot of different kinds of items need to be manufactured. None of this happens unless there are motivated people doing it, at least not until we automate literally everything. You can't just abolish the entire system this is all built on and expect that to resolve all the underlying issues. Capitalism as it's currently practiced no doubt has its flaws, but of all the economic systems we've tried so far, it seems to be the least bad one. That doesn't mean you can't address the flaws in it, but I'm not sure the nuclear option is the correct way to go here.

I feel like when most people say "end capitalism," they don't actually mean it literally but have a much more nuanced view they just don't express very well. Alternatively, some might even be falling into monothink and just believe that one thing is the cause of all issues, sometimes even losing focus from the actual problem and putting all their effort into just hating the people thought to be at fault.

Most people dislike that everything is being dragged down for profit margins instead of taking care of humanity

Because a majority of people are left sided. There's a reason Trump hasn't been able to win a popular vote, he's not actually that popular. He might seem it in uneducated redneck towns, but it takes about 100 of those towns to match the population of a decent city, which typically votes left.

Capitalism and the right is literally against humanity for the benefit of the very few. You’ll wake up eventually

we can hope that enough of them will wake up eventually, before it's too late.

otherwise a lot of people aren't going to wake up at all, I'm any sense, ever again.

Because a lot of tech culture is based upon the idea of sharing things with people, of enabling others, of bringing down barriers, of helping other people reach their potential. This is why open source communities are so prevalent, and even commercial tech offerings are sold to us with these ideals.

And all that is antithetical to many right wing policies, which are often about creating barriers and unneccessary limitations. Like DeSantis's Don't Say Gay laws. Or the defunding of community services like educational institutes. Or placing barriers on voting.

Also the Nazis already have X: The Everything Appβ„’ they don't need this

To try to give you a genuine answer, perhaps because 1) Lemmy is a left leaning environment generally, 2) if you're American, because the majority of the western and 1st world countries are dramatically more left leaning than the US (I live in Canada, and your democrats are more right wing than our main right wing political party)

I live in Canada, and your democrats are more right wing than our main right wing political party

The same is true when comparing these 'democrats' to the main right wing political parties of any European country.

here in NZ, our last right-wing leader laughed aloud when asked if he was religious, on national tv, and said no.

We just witnessed the hottest summer on record. This corroborates what scientists have said for decades, that emissions are bringing about ecological collapse. For those of us who possess a moral compass, this means we need people in leadership who are serious about saving the planet.

What are YOU doing to help, with your one vote?

If you vote right-wing, the simplest explanation is that you're not forward-thinking enough to grasp the impending danger.

Do better, please. There are plenty of information sources out there.

Very well stated πŸ‘ My version would be a little simpler though...

"Hey, let's throw more money at the planet, see if it cares..."

Money means squat if we're not doing the right things for the wet blue marble we live on.

The Internet has been dominated by ND, queer and trans folk since as far as I can remember; and the right tends to want us to not exist. So... Fuck them. πŸ–•πŸ–•

I stand with the side that doesn't think I'm an abomination because I love men as well as women.

Honest answer the right doesn't seem to have any good positions now. They are against fighting climate change, against tolerance, anti-science, and they speak of fiscal responsibility but instead of tax and spend they just spend. They are way too much into mindless defiance and dirty politics. And they are the most hypocritical "do as I say, not as I do" party IMO.

Thanks, you are civilized, different from the others, also, yeah, I know that the US right wing is batshit insane, but yeah, I don't agree in capitalism = bad, I like the way it works, but we should actually focus on decreasing inequality and give opportunity to everyone

I didn't mention capitalism but meant to, I think capitalism itself is great but like so many other things it needs limits. Huge mega corporations have a lot of disadvantages for the environment, competitors, customer service, and consumer choice.

older, wealthy, not so terminally online people are overrepresented amongst the political right. young people, who are typically less wealthy, and who identify more with things that have only recently become more socially acceptable, such as alternate sexuality or gender, are typically less served by the political right, and since they have a much larger online presence, the views they hold are much more accepted and voiced in most online spaces.

It's possible that Lemmy in general is leftist because the people who came here wanted faster and more effective moderation against hate speech whereas more right wing people didn't have a particularly strong need or desire for moderation.

I guess you never saw the amount of bans r/conservative issued to keep their hate train echo chamber rolling

The left wants to be free from the right. The right needs toe left to troll. right wingers hate being around themselves and no one else

(...)because the people who came here wanted faster and more effective moderation against hate speech

Interesting, as Lemmy (especially lemmy.ml) was created actually for the opposite reason - less "censorship" (of developers' Communist, "Marxist-Leninist" views). That's how e.g. mod logs came up. And Beehaw (one of Lemmy instances) has complained about lack of moderation instruments.
And the migration from Reddit was unlike that from Twitter. Spez ruined Reddit for anyone, Musk more for left wing and minorities.
Rightwingers more likely to return to current Reddit? I am seeing no clue to this.

The anti-capitalism sentiment is interesting. While the issues with it are obvious to everyone, the solution is not. Atleast not to me. If you just end capitalism, it's going to be miserable for everyone. You need to replace it with something better. People however don't seem to think it this far, or if they do, then for some reason they don't want to discuss that, and get angry for even asking. Just having a vague idea is not good enough. This isn't the kind of stuff you figure out on the go.

Even now, I'll probably just get downvoted and labeled a right wing capitalist, because that's easier than answering the actual question.

It's strange to me that Capitalism, as described by Adam Smith (but labelled such by Marx), is supposed to serve the common good, and included gov't intervention in markets. I'm OK with that idea. I lean way more left of that, but if Capitalists here and elsewhere didn't bend over to defend gross wealth inequality, cry about helping society as a whole, and actually studied differences in economic theories and practice I wouldn't think most of them are assholes.

You got two Niko points! 1: I agree with you! 2: You are acting civilized, different from most of our brothers :D

As it turns out Secular Egalitarian Representative Democracy itself has a Liberal bias, I mean it's written right there in all the Constitutions across all the countries who practice it, who woulda thunk it, right?

I feel like the right is so damn far to the right, that everyone else appears to be on the left.

I must agree with you, I may be an authoritarian left person, but damn, I dislike the left almost as much as I dislike the right at this point-

Look if it was true capitalism what these billionaires talk about , I will support it. But these corporations buy their competition and do unethical moves to get ahead and create a monopoly so they can charge you more. That its not the spirit of competition and free market. Me as a consumer look for my benefit and my benefit is when companies innovate , improve and work to have a great customer service so they consumer is better because of the free market and competition.

I imagine stuff like monopolies is what a true free market economy would look like, so I wouldn't say things like that are a sign of illegitimate capitalism. However, that is not the case almost anywhere. True capitalism doesn't really exist because it's more or less regulated everywhere, and it's usually where these regulations fail, where we also see the biggest issues with it. That's why I'm opposed to people advocating for ending capitalism. In my view that is too radical and narrow minded and will lead to a ton of unpleasant side effects that aren't even that hard to predict. More and better regulation is the more optimal solution in my view.

Because there are far more unemployed, basement dwelling neckbeards with enough time to whine on social media that everything wrong with the world is because of the Right.

peculiar, that particular description seems to be much more apt for those identifying with the political right, from what I've seen.

unemployed, basement dwelling neckbeards

But those are the typical far-right voters.

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It seems like you're not even allowed to ask this question apparently. It's a combination of a large pre-existing far left base and the more center-left Reddit refugees I think. Lemmy's creators, as well as some big "older" instances like Lemmygrad and Hexbear are all communists. As to why they moved here, I have no idea. Maybe to have a separate space without an overwhelming amount of people with other opinions like they'd face on Reddit? Maybe because they hate corporations and thus don't want to deal with them? Idk.

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"Because we are all correct" seems to be the prevailing answer.

You expect an honest response here, the very place you're talking about?

Regardless of how you feel about what the answers are, what makes you think people are lying, rather than speaking the truth as they see it?

Well, I don't think they're lying per se. But when you ask a group of people "why is it you all believe this" of course they're going to respond "because we are right." I'm more asking OP why he would even post this guestion here than criticizing the people responding, he's not going to get any semblance of a helpful answer.

Some of these seem to have had insightful and worthwhile commentary. Of course, I might just be saying that because I think they're right.