Pfizer plans to charge nearly $1,400 for Paxlovid to – 241 points –

Pfizer will list its COVID-19 treatment Paxlovid at a price of $1,390 per five-day course when it soon hits the commercial market, the drugmaker confirmed to Axios.

Why it matters: Paxlovid's new listed price, first reported by the Wall Street Journal, will be more than twice the $529 paid by the federal government, which until now has maintained the entire U.S. supply of the key antiviral medication.


And $4.99 outside the United States.

this is fucking criminal

Maybe. Definite grounds for violation of price gouging laws unless another producer can easily fill the supply gap, which is entirely reliant on how much time is left before the change AND the availability of production methods which are beholden to intellectual property laws.

it's criminal on a human level, not a law level. idgaf about gouging laws. charging $1400 for something that can be lifesaving is fucking criminal. especially when it's more than DOUBLE what the govt was paying for it. If you want to know how much a human life is worth to these fucks, start here.

Well I wish morality equaled legality, but sadly the two are separate. It's disgusting, abhorring, incorrigible, foul, etc. But its legality is dependent on the regional laws.

Fucking monsters, capitalism is a fucking cancer

As a high-risk individual, this fucking sucks. Capitalist vultures trying to bankrupt me everywhere I turn.

Oh dear I read this wrong at first, thinking you were flexing that you take risks. I'm thinking "well my life is boring and this sucks for me too?" 🤣

Health insurance companies probably finding some obscure study to deny claims for Paxlovid. Or just follow UHC claim practices. Deny all claims initially. Slow roll it.

Patient either gives up or pays out of pocket.

I'm guessing they'll claim it lacks sufficient evidence for it's efficacy and call it experimental.

Honestly 1400 for a 5 day course of this is more reasonable than I expected. It's still unreasonable, but I just figured it's be way higher.

Copyright and patent laws need to die.

Remember when the COVID vaccine came out and all the "nationalize healthcare" mfs started worshipping pharmaceutical companies as the greatest thing in history? Pretty funny, huh?

Magnificent! You've successfully constructed and attacked a straw-man by conflating economics with medical science, and displayed your total ignorance of ... everything ... in the process...

Remember when the COVID vaccine came out and all the "don't nationalize healthcare" mfs started making up strawmen to argue against because they have no idea what other people actually want for society? Pretty funny, huh?

No, I don't remember that. I feel like you're making stuff up.

Here ya go. My point being is that two years ago if you criticized pharmaceutical companies as still being greedy, soulless corporations you'd be laughed at and shadow banned for daring to insult our world's saviors.

Lol. I'm getting second hand cringe. Please stop.

What even is that link supposed to prove?

I can't decide if using a picture of a tattoo on Reddit as a 'source' is better or worse than a YouTube video with a crazy, ranting flat earther, which is what I see most often.

"This single anecdote should prove my assumptions about billions of people" Because that didn't happen. "The" vaccine was multiple different ones, including some made in China and the UK.

Weren't the vaccines mostly paid for by the government?

I did not pay a cent. Got 3 shots.

If the government paid, you paid through taxes, you just didn't pay at the counter when you got them.

Yes we all know how money works but thanks.

You weren't the person who said they didn't pay in response to a comment about government paying so I have no idea what the point of your comment is other than "I am smart and I want to passively put you down."

Everyone knows their taxes pay for the government dude.

Also I didn't pay for my COVID shot cause I got it in a country I don't pay taxes in haha

I'm guessing you're an antivaxxer? Everyone still recognized the bs Pfizer and Moderna did during the pandemic. The world is not black and white, bad companies can still do things that benefit society.

everyone I dont like is a nazi

Wrong. Got vaccinated within the first month of vaccines being given to the public and got boosted last week

Why did you use a quote and not use any of his words, or even the gist of what he said? At no point in that comment did he approach saying that

Because generally the only way idiots can make a point is by making shit up.

What a clown comment. Other countries with universal healthcare pay significantly less for care and pharmaceuticals than Americans because their governments handle the negotiations.

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