Rule for the flag to – 478 points –

Fellow Ameribros will get salty but this is exactly what freedom looks like.

Freedom means won't go to jail for this, but it doesn't mean you won't get punched if you insult somebody.

If you get insulted over a piece of cloth to the point where you're hurting others, you need to get a hold of yourself.

So hanging up a nazi flag should be completely acceptable. Got it

No, but using violence to stop someone doing it is barbaric

Tell that to half of Lemmy. These people love punching Nazi memes.

There is exactly one type of person who doesn’t want to punch a Nazi.

Most reasonable people? Anyone who doesn't LARP on the Internet?

No, a Nazi.
If you tolerate people that are intolerant towards you under the guise of tolerance, then you are just giving up tolerance.

So, I don't want to punch anyone, ever. Under your infantile definition, I'm a Nazi? Because I'd prefer to see them arrested and jailed.

No, you're just not smart...
The fact that you cannot or do not want to apply what i said to the general concept of a society makes me think youre just arguing to argue.

If nobody punches Nazis, ever, then everybody lets Nazis punch people without repercussion. Now Nazis and other scum can just overrule your pacifist agreement and youre on the losing end.

Live-action role play on the internet?

Isn’t that an oxymoron?

Outdated definition, now it's used for people pretending to be something they're not more generally. Right wingers getting into camo and doing drill pretending to be military. Terminally online left wingers pretending they could punch a nazi or start a revolution.

What’s the word for crusty old contrarians?

Is that a shot at me? I'm pretty sure I can't be contrarian if my opinion is the vastly more mainstream one. Most people don't advocate political violence like that. I'm not sure a lefty can be the one calling people crusty, it's your end of the aisle pioneering that state of being. And I'm not old, sorry.

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If you think they’re getting upset over a literal piece of cloth you’re probably stupid enough to get beat up over a flag lol

A lot of people died for that piece of cloth.

I also had enchiladas for dinner last night. I'm gonna need a high quality cloth to wipe my ass.

I think there's a larger emotional attachment for some, especially those that served in the military and had friends die just to get that flag up the next hill, or to fly over the next objective. In this military case I suspect it's much more than a piece of cloth, it's their memories of those brothers in arms or even the greatest time in their lives.

In Nationalistic countries like WW2 Japan, Germany, modern America, a person's whole identity is contained in that flag. While the Rebel flag is traditionally the sign of rednecks for many or the love of a regional area one grew up in, it's the representation of oppression, racism, and losers from a very short span of time in American history. That last part might trigger some more than the oppression and racism parts as that's their identity one's talking about.

Even as a Canadian I'm saddened to see our flag fly with US political party flags as a protest and how it now represents a very vocal fringe segment of our society when previously we weren't as "Patriotic" with our flag waving outside of Canada Day or sporting events. This previously reserved aspect was yet another thing that was a difference to our southern cousins. It's been hijacked when it didn't have that connection previously.

This can also be equated in some ways like someone's childhood blankey being jumped on and burnt could cause some great grief due to memories of their mother or grandmother that made it. Humans have a great ability to package and attach meaning to things no matter the extreme.

Then one is up against feelings, not logic of right or wrong. Punching someone then becomes a larger possibility as it's emotionally not connected to the logical side of us.

Feelings are a hell of a thing and those burning or waving flags know this and this is why it can get the attention they want.

The problem I see is that some people tend to see their flag as something sacred but despise what that flag means: the people that flag represents.

And the ones that "feel" the flag usually tend to be the ones that would sell their mother for any shit they like.

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Honestly if you're insulted that somebody is making a harmless joke at the expense of your country's flag you need to lighten up.

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Republicans already do this with their swimwear.

Guess they were ahead of the curve for once.

For the traditional law and order crowd (not so sure now) wearing anything the US flag is unlawful until 1989 but now is still considered poor Etiquette and rarely acknowledged as such.

Also, the flag code is merely suggested standards for how to care for the Flag, and not a law that citizens must abide by. To go further, there is distinction between the flag, and flag motifs. Flag print toilet paper, totally okay, flag print jockstrap, totally okay. Taking your purpose made American flag, and wearing it as a cape, not okay. Wearing an American flag print towel as a cape, totally okay.

Tell that to all the 80s models in a US flag bikini.

It has other uses. Excessive use by others can identify them as people you should avoid, while flag burning is very much in the spirit of that toilet paper.

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This will free my butthole.

I'm against this. Your butthole deserves better.

Besides, everyone knows they make fantastic paper towels due to how oil-absorbent they are.

They claim you have freedom of speech, and yet if you burn an american flag you get put on a terrorist watch list.


Yeah It's pretty ridiculous. There's been lots of cases of people who attended a flag burning for the fuck of it and ended up on a watch list. Even the guys who do it annually just as a statement that they can ended up on there. It's not technically illegal but the state REALLY wishes it was.

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Non-american here. Why would u want to use ur flag as toilet paper anyway?

Counterpoint: why shouldn't you?

A flag is a piece of fabric. People who swear their allegiance to it only tell the people more powerful than them that they will do any horrific things they are told as long as it uses that exact pattern of colours. They lose their individualism.

Know what else is a fabric? Toilet paper.

Counter-counterpoint: it'll clog your pipes and ruin your septic system if you flush fabric.

That's really the only reason not to use a flag.

And a flag is not even very good at cleaning your ass. It's close to plastic and just spreads your shit.

Ahh, so the goal of this meme is to reemphasize the right to free speech and expression and to remind people not to lose their individuality by being nationalist. Fair enough.

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