Andrew Cuomo Blames “Cancel Culture on Steroids” for Political Frenzy After Sexual Harassment Allegations to politics – 123 points –
Andrew Cuomo Blames “Cancel Culture on Steroids” for Political Frenzy After Sexual Harassment Allegations

Yes, sexual abusers get canceled. Congrats on learning about the "find out" stage of life.

Would he rather we talk about nursing homes?

It's a public service.

For some reason lots of people don't understand that blue state neoliberals would be republicans if someone could win a general with an R next to their name.

It's more properly called CONSEQUENCE culture, and I revel in telling all the assholes that.

He didn't tho it was his brother. Iirc

My bad I got them condfused

Of course he said this on Bill Maher. Maher would give a platform to this piece of shit. And back him up.

God I hate Bill Maher.

I hate how Bill tries to pretend to be a Democrat or that he's challenging his own party when he's clearly a conservative based on the things he says and does.

I use to watch him, and didn't like some of his opinions. When covid hit, he started talking crazy and started spreading misinformation about masks. I stopped watching him altogether.

He's a libertarian, I think he's always been one people we're just confused when he criticized the Iraq War.

I agree with this, though he does claim to be a Libertarian. But IIRC, the Libertarians took him to task for his positions and rejected that claim.

I still watch his show, but more for the trainwreck aspect of it. The standup section is sometimes okay, but some of the panel discussion topics and the direction they take, including the panel guests that are chosen - some definite choices are being made there, yikes.

I stopped watching when he made every single episode a reactionary screed against trans people and covid restrictions.

His scabbing just confirmed my opinion that he's a shitbird who thinks he's owed money and attention for being famous.

I thought he backed out of the scabbing?

Sure but because of the backlash, not the principle.

He only cancelled the shows because doing them would hurt his career more than not doing them. There was no solidarity with the actual people who do the work of putting him on the air; he was fully willing to do the show and break the picket line before before he realized the strike was ending soon enough anyway.

He's just another "fuck you, I got mine" reactionary.

Maher is such a smug piece of shit.

I am as atheist as they come and his "documentary" Religulous is one of the most cringe fucking films I have ever seen. Dude just goes around to rural towns and engages mega low IQ simple folk sorta christians in "debate" over religion and it was just sad to watch. The whole movie is basically a dude shooting fish in a barrel and then fellating himself for it. Embarrassing.

Dude used to pander to liberals until everyone realized he was full of shit so now he panders to Joe Rogan style conservatives because he wasn't getting the praise he so craves from the former group.

I was a young college student questioning the beliefs I was raised with when it came out, I think it prolonged my apostasy because all his arguments were so condescending and not even well argued

Understandable. He represented the atheist perspective like an asshole. Who’d wanna side with him?

I think there is a conversation to be had about the few instances where what is called "cancel culture" has gone in bad directions. Seems to be some aspects of a moral panic at times and in very narrow parts of society (that don't have the broader reach that cons claim they do).


It does not involve what happened to Cuomo, nor would it include the whining that Maher tends to do.

The problem is that there are so many people who try to have this conversation in bad faith that I can understand why people would be wary of it

Any time someone whines about cAnCeL CulTuRe RuN AmOk all I hear is "I'm incredibly angry that I faced consequences for my actions."

No dude, it wasn't cancel culture on steroids. You sexually harassed eleven women and only managed to avoid criminal charges due to statutory limitations of New York law. Kindly go fuck yourself.

Oh, but the younger generations are too sensitive to being sexually harassed by their boss. So declares Bill Maher, who hankers back to the days when jokes about bosses chasing secretaries around their desks were the height of humor. That way his stand-up will be relevant again.

How dare the kids today think women are human beings!

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Huh. For some reason, I don't see anyone defending this scumbag despite the (D) next to his name. What a refreshing change from watching Republicans protect the absolutely disgusting assholes in their midsts.

Oh my god cuomo shut the fuck up. Nobody cares what you think anymore.

I was ready to pretend he didn't exist before all the "allegations" and then he just vanished. And then we had legal weed.

Cancel Culture

Is the brain dead obvious result of being told to vote with our wallets for the last 70 years.

This isn't Cancel Culture. This is an abuser getting just a tiny fraction of what they actually deserve.

He should say he's a Republican now because Republicans LOVE defending Sexual Deviants!

Hey did Joe Biden open his archives so investigators could verify that actually assualt allogation against him or is he still hiding evidence there?

Criminals loosing their jobs over their crimes is fair. You can call it cancel culture, but that means cancel culture is fair, too.

As far as I knew, everybody hated him. He was already a self aggrandizing corrupt piece of shit. He was basically the Democrat even saten island could vote for.

Yup, we only had him because enough people didn’t vote against him in primary elections. He was a pos and I’m still surprised how well he handled the pandemic (before someone goes on about nursing homes I said how well, as in relative to both my expectations and how horribly red states handled it. I didn’t say he did the best job ever).

I knew things were going sideways when the "liberal media" was fellating him during early Covid in spite of some obvious cracks in the narrative. It was mostly because of his corporate bona fides and because, yeah, the red state circle jerk.

Why don't they ever blame themselves and take responsibility for their actions like an adult is beyond me.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Andrew Cuomo, the former Democratic governor of New York, blamed cancel culture for the media and political frenzy that erupted following allegations of sexual harassment.

Cuomo appeared alongside Melissa DeRosa, his former chief of staff and author of What’s Left Unsaid: My Life at the Center of Power, Politics and Crisis, on Friday’s episode of Real Time with Bill Maher.

During their conversation, the host brought up the investigation into allegations against the former governor, which he has denied, that forced him to resign in 2021.

(tldr: 1 sentences skipped)

But he did go on to lecture Cuomo for not understanding that “the kids don’t want to be touched,” adding, “I mean, private, personal space is just different to different generations.”

Cuomo emphasized that he “got the memo,” but that “it can be carried to an absurd extent” due to the media and politics escalating it, specifically calling out The New York Times.

(tldr: 2 sentences skipped)

The former governor proceeded to explain what he found to be the most “chilling” was “the cancel culture on steroids at the highest level, with the justice department.” He claimed that people were running with the headlines without reading the actual investigation report.

(tldr: 9 sentences skipped)

The original article contains 404 words, the summary contains 202 words. Saved 50%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

The woman pitching that book on there that seems to postulate some kind of conspiracy to take down Cuomo - I just don't get it. Do others understand that line of thinking at all? What powerful interests would want Cuomo dethroned and why?

There were accusations of serious offence. But there was also ones for eye contact, and cheek kissing in a sexual manner.

I have to admit I don't understand the eye contact thing for sure. What is that about?

Amazing that they got him on this. They should have gotten him on sending sick elderly woth covid back into group homes and facilities thus killing tens of thousands of elderly. But then there would be a bunch of other democrats that would have to have been taken iut because of the same things he did