Hamas has command center under Al-Shifa hospital, US official says | CNN Politics

Fitik@fedia.io to World News@lemmy.world – 52 points –
Hamas has command center under Al-Shifa hospital, US official says | CNN Politics

A US official with knowledge of American intelligence says Hamas has a command center under the Al-Shifa hospital, uses fuel intended for it and its fighters regularly cluster in and around Gaza’s largest hospital.


"CIA declined to comment. CNN has not seen the intelligence cited by the US official. "


Is that better?

I'm not understanding your comment. That's probably my fault. My comment was intended as a flippant/sarcastic way of saying, "I need more info before I fully believe that Hamas has a 'base' under that particular hospital".

I'm not saying it's a straight up lie. Just, that's a a statement with no solid evidence, so "get outta here with that".

Sincerely, what was "Is that better?" In response to? I communicated badly so I'm lost.

I'm not the guy you're replying to but I do not see an image in your first comment. Lemmy Connect for Android

That's just a picture with a bunch of buildings highlighted. I don't see how that's proof of anything.

Like that "tunnel entrance" the IDF showed off the other day that was just a water resevoir.

Dunno what could be shown to definitively prove it is a Hamas base

Documentation? Pictures from inside the base? A third party source that has no bias in the situation (heh, good luck) providing conclusive testimony? Literally anything other than an overhead shot that's labeled with "We swear there's hamas here, guys, c'mon let us bomb more civilians!"

And how do you do any of that without attacking and taking over the place? I got the impression that they hadn't taken it over yet so photos from far away were the best it is going to get.

"We've tried nothing, and we're all out of ideas!"

One of the most advanced militaries in the world and they can't figure out anything better?

My point was that it's really hard to convincingly prove something like that. Guns? Well could be planted. Armed people going in and out? Well those could be anyone! Some even took seriously my suggestion that perhaps they should film them walking around with Hamas flags flashing their Hamas ID cards, but that would be so ridiculous that it would be suspicious because of that.

Definitively proving something like that, yeah good luck.

Maybe a bunch of Hamas fighters congregating there?

How do you show that from photos, are they carrying Hamas flags with Hamas IDs visible?

Potentially. It's certainly a lot better than an unpopulated, dingy basement and the promise that "it's a bad guy's lair!" from the very same people who blew up the hospital right above it.

All Israeli soldiers have six pointed stars on their uniforms. Just show combatants that don’t have one.

Videos released by Hamas show ppl in civilian clothing launch Mortars to Israeli territories, so can't really rely on uniforms.

Let's just say for arguments sake that it's true. Would that justify idk an air strike on an active hospital? Is that how hostage negotiations are handled? Bomb the bank and be like well the robbers were holed up in the safe underground so really it's their fault we blew all the tellers into a fine bloody mist.

Let's just say that this further proves how hamas using civillian infrastructure as a living shield is an intended thing, if not strategy.

That in no way exonerates or justifies those who are killing patients in an active hospital.

In a way it does. It would be vastly different if Israel would bomb everything while hamas would care about their fellow citizens.

2 more...

Wait till we find out it was just a hospital basement all along

This is the footage from under the hospital with comments of IDF spokesperson


That's your fuckin proof? Goddamn education fucking failed us.

A deep tunnel near a hospital.... You ever worked at a hospital pal?

It definitely failed you. And I'm not your pal.

If you think short non traceble video of generic hallways and photos with red circles is proof well, then I've a bridge to sell you pal.

That's more evidence than what was needed when Hamas said Israel bombed hospital, when in fact it was failed rocket from Gaza that struck it. They even said 500 people killed and everyone parroted that number around. Lemmy is filled with strange ways of thinking.

No one has proved that and Israel has an actual track record of lying about "failed rocket strikes" that were actually isreali strikes.

No one should take anything during the conflict as objective fact, it would be kind of stupid to.

Hamas has repeatedly shown they will use hospitals, schools etc to launch missiles. There's a video of a Hamas guy firing a rocket launcher from a hospital. I'm not sure why so many people see this a unlikely. Pro Palestinian state propaganda teams seems likely.

There were already videos with rocket launchers placed in kindergarten as well as stored ammunition and hand grenades... Let's see if in several days, a video proof that this specific hospital was used for military purpose too, will pop up.

Must be a state run pro Palestinian propaganda team. Nobody can be this dense at denying it