Inflation has created a dark cloud over how everyday Americans view the economy to – 244 points –
Inflation has created a dark cloud over how everyday Americans view the economy

This article seems to gloss over the fact that wages really haven’t risen with inflation. There may be more job openings than unemployed people, but do those jobs pay a livable wage?

If consumers are being forced into relative poverty because expenses are rising faster than incomes are, that is the definition of a bad economy. Whoever wrote this headline is bought and paid for.

Exactly. Just having job in no way guarantees someone also has a home and food to eat ... which is some serious Black Mirror shit.

If you work 40 hours you shouldn't need a 2nd job to survive. With the wealth America has you shouldn't have to work more than 30

Wage growth outpaced inflation in 2023.

How about the previous 10 yr stats?

Not great, but better than the 10+ years before that. Wage growth has mostly been stagnant since the 1970's but there's occasional periods where it's done better. Like now, and I think about 10 years ago when a long period of crappy wage growth was broken following the GFC. It's one of the few genuinely good things about the economy recently, people are finally earning more and if that keeps up for a few more years a whole lot of people are going to see their lives improved.

Lol your whole argument that it's better now is based on your own argument it has been stagant for a decade and your pinnacle argument that fixes the mess is... 1 year of lukewarm wage growth? How the fuck does that fix anything?

Lol "few more years" .. you have nice jokes.

You know what it looks like to me? It looks like you made a claim before double checking the evidence, and when you got called out, instead of just admitting you were wrong you double and then triple down with some of the dumbest attempts at arguments I've ever seen.

They aren't wrong though, wage growth has been historically strong the last two years.

just go fuck yourself with a cactus. single year gains are meaningless when YOY gains are in the toilet.

The title itself is an act of gaslighting.

I'm gonna take a position for this comment that is a harder line than I usually would take on economic issues: if the consumer is not able to consume at the same rate because prices are going up faster than wages are, then the flow of money is not "good" as conventionally idealized in "the economy."

Thanks for the heads up Buffalox. Edited to finish the thought. Cell tower fuckery made it look like I had lost the comment.

I think it should be clear that what he means is like the famous quote: "Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?"

A shitty economy that has forced people into paying more for less while corporations lie about the reason for inflation and rightfully soured everyday Americans view of the economy.

The value of the stock market and homes increasing does fuck all for people getting screwed at the grocery store.

I’m fortunate enough to get to benefit from both of those things, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to pretend the economy is great now because theoretical net worth has gone up.

The economy has created a dark cloud over how Americans view the economy.

FTFY. Quit with the gaslighting.

The economy is doing great, it's the distribution of it that's the problem. But for some Reason Americans can't seem to create a majority to do something about that. They'd rather keep the 1% happy for some reason.

Healthy distribution of wealth is an inextricable quality of a good economy. In other words, an economy can not be doing good if wealth isn't distributed properly. Your comment only works if "the economy" = GDP, which the sentiment of hundreds of millions of Americans should tell you, isn't the case.

Nope, if what you say were true, you couldn't have a good economy with for instance slavery. Which I agree that morally you can't, but economy is not moral, unless we make it so.
The economy doing well is pretty objective, whether it's distributed properly is not.
It's very obvious in for instance USA, that some people are perfectly fine with people starving and not having health care, they find that proper and all is well, because they believe if people were given food shelter and healthcare, it would be at the cost of their own wealth.
Less selfish people may believe something along the lines of the maximization of the welfare of everybody.

You're literally just repeating yourself.

if what you say were true, you couldn't have a good economy with for instance slavery.

Begging the question. What I say is true, and no, you can not have a good economy with slavery. High GDP? For sure. But good economy? No. Why? Because there isn't a healthy distribution of wealth.

The economy doing well is pretty objective, whether it's distributed properly is not.

Wealth distribution isn't some abstract concept. Plenty of frameworks have been developed to create (or at least attempt to create) a healthy distribution of wealth. The Kuznets curve and Pareto distribution have helped with economic planning across many European countries that don't seem to have nearly the severity of income inequality or living unaffordability as the US.

I don't even see how your last bit is relevant to my comment. Where does welfare fall into my main point that the economy is only doing great if you equate "the economy" to GDP?

Nope, if what you say were true, you couldn’t have a good economy with for instance slavery.

what kind of nightmare am I reading? You want fucking slavery?

"Economic models don't account for distribution. The Economy is fine. Eat your dirt."

I'm loving that more people are figuring this out.

it might feel hopeless now but for everyone that learns this we get closer to a tipping point.

is 'the economy' just cover for 'people who own stocks'? are they really ignoring the plight of the common man because some rich peoples stocks are a-ok?

no that can of water did not double in cost to market, but youre going to pay for it like it did.

feels like inflation has pointed out to the common man what a farce 'the economy' is.

It’s because the USA’s corporate owners like to obfuscate shit like that. The economy is doing well if all you’re looking at is GDP, stock market, and how profitable companies are.

However, a quick look at the Consumer Price Index shows how fucked the economy is for the citizens - but you never hear about the US’s really bad CPI score and how inefficient most markets are in the US.

What specifically about the CPI are you referring to?

It isn’t about the economy so much as it’s about

the goddamn out of control corporate greed by our oligarchs and their monopolies

as a philistine sometimes it is what is. People need to tighten up and be greatful for what they have! Eat less and take that extra shift from steve next week

Next year i put in a whest crop and just make my own cereal /ss

Yet they just set a new record for holiday spending?

Can it be any more obvious that the media is dooming for a Trump win?

Well, yeah.

If you agreed to work hard and sacrifice on the expectation that it would mean you could live with security and dignity and the promise wasn't fulfilled, that's the classic breach of the social contract.

Granted, the Dems (since the 1980s) have been enthusiastic partners in looking the other way when mergers&acquisitions led to monopoly or monopsony, and both parties have happily suppressed wages, and that's the damage done.

Now that the Dems are actually doing yeoman's work re: bolstering unions and raising wage minimums and checking monopoly abuse and price gouging and reining in the banks, OF COURSE the media are going to gamely report that high prices hurt but not mention that they're working on the problems in meaningful ways

Anytime you read about the economy booming, it refers EXCLUSIVELY to the Stock Market, no other metric. The stock market is a direct indicator of economic theft. It records how much economic activity/value is stolen from workers and transferred directly to stockholders.

So yeah, by that metric the US is killing it. By any practical measure, though.... Not so much.

Americans who bitch at Joe for high prices were just looking for a reason to be a little bitch

what reason would you consider to be legitimate?

betraying the country by selling secrets would be one

How about lying about their companies hiking prices illegally?

That's what I call a bitch take.

that's the way little bitches see it.. for some little bitches it's the border.. they cry about the border and ask to have their diapers changed, it's pretty funny.. but the little bitches who cry about high prices and ask Joe to make it go away, those are really funny too.. ignorant, childish little bitches..

Hmm i don't recall having this discussion. I think Biden is the saving grace for U.S.A. something fishy is going on...