Body.exe has stopped responding

The Picard to – 659 points –

We are a poorly built mess

Yeah no kidding. How anyone can look at the human body and go "this was designed by an omnipotent superintelligence" is completely beyond me. If we do have a designer (which we probably don't), they definitely weren't paying any attention when creating this stupid meatbag, it's full of bugs and "features".

I guess that explains why the Gnostics (I think?) came up with an imperfect "creator god" (demiurge) that they could blame for all the obviously stupid shit we see all around us; the "real" god is still perfect and it's some damn lackey who gets all the blame for the bugs

It also has a lot of amazing features. It has some issues but overall it's pretty cool.

Oh definitely, don't get me wrong: I like this platform all in all. It's fun to operate, especially when it's completely new. The older the model the more finicky it gets.

I gotta say the CPU is my favorite feature, though. I just can't get over the fact that I can power a neural network with multiple specialized subsystems and a frankly impressive language processing accelerator with a literal bowl of oatmeal. Try putting oatmeal in your NVIDIA NN accelerator and see how that goes, but give this fucking thing some oatmeal or a bit of cheese or whatever and it can process input from the actuators, the visual and audio sensors, pressure-sensitive sensors etc all simultaneously while it's doing language tasks and eg. navigating, and still respond to surprising changes in the environment in just a few hundred milliseconds at best, and some of the models can even be used to generate things like art or term papers or weapons systems designs. They do have a tendency to give you bullshit answers, so you have to be careful not to just blindly trust their responses.

The CPU is also my least favorite feature though: while it's an amazingly cool design considering how fucking old it is โ€“I think some of the prototypes for the firmware that regulates the generator and oxygen pumps etc. are from over 500 MYA which is fucking nuts โ€“ it really wasn't designed to be networked with hundreds of millions other units and that can cause no end of mysterious bugs and issues. Unfortunately that's the way everybody's setting them up nowadays, and the external mobile network devices that are now ubiquitous are making the problem much worse and causing even weirder problems. Like, who would have thought that keeping the unit connected to a network device for too long or connecting too often can actually trigger bugs in the CPU's firmware, because its heuristics were tuned to communicate with and identify no more than a few hundred units and they start giving wrong answers that get worse as the network grows. Run the unit in an overcrowded network for too long too often and eventually even its performance will drop, and at worst something like the threat detection system can suddenly shit the bed and start doing stupid shit like rejecting the credentials of every unit outside of its current subnet. Sometimes this bug can actually spread inside a subnet, and cause it to start interfering with neighboring or even fairly distant subnets, just spawning logic bombs left and right.

Whichever god or gods came up with the idea of putting male urethra through the penis is probably the kind of god that enjoys human sacrifices

Writing one's name in the snow is a cool bonus though. What are the downsides?

Generally the it makes more sense to mount the sensitive components on the inside and not the outside

The urethra is not that sensitive a component, all things considered. It's just a pipe. The testicles on the other hand, those should really have been mounted internally.

They saved money on the design by just mounting them externally, nobody could be arsed to figure out how to get the temperature control working

Having one throat to handle breathing and eating is dumb. Even having to eat or breathe at all is dumb.

I look forward to being uploaded to a hive mind AI so I don't have to worry about all this crap.

The database you get uploaded to will be sold to google, you will spend the rest of eternity as part of a focus group watching ads.

There is no reason to wait. Have you tried to simply stop breathing and eating?

Fuck I didn't think of that

I very much appreciate my combined breathing and eating system whenever I have a cold and my nose is completely blocked.

In general, the mouth is a good alternative air channel when you prefer to sacrifice air filtration and smelling fiction in return for increased air flow. Not just when you're sick but also when you're doing strenuous activities.

I have R-CPD which is a condition that causes me to not be able to burp typically. I just got a treatment done to enable me to burp, Botox in the upper esophagus to weaken the dysfunctional muscle in there. This means it has been especially hard for me to swallow for the past few weeks while the Botox was at peak efficacy. Now with that said...

The amount of times in the past few weeks I have choked like this is unreal, relatable as hell. Thanks for reading if you stuck around, I know it's uninteresting

I found it interesting, and hope you are blessed with plentiful burps in your future!

I agree that it was interesting! Do you have to repeat the procedure regularly, or is it a one time thing?

For most people it ends up being one time as your body "learns" how to use that muscle

โ€œAre you ok?โ€

Yeah, I cough yeah, hack uh I think a bug flew in my mouth or something. I'm sorry, that's gross.

OP, next time I have this, I'll remember this meme, start laughing while choking, suffocate to death and it will be your fault.

Oh good, I thought I was the only one with a self destruct protocol that embarrassing.

Yeah, it mostly happens when I'm excited. I guess it has something to do with spontaneously inhaling your saliva or sth.

This seems to be a genetic thing too.

In my family there's my great gran, her two sons, the oldests daughter and me and my sister who all have that issue.

The main reason I quit smoking (aside from the chest pain, the smell, and terrible lung capacity.) It still happens once in a while but not like every half hour like before.